堀(山口) 緑
教育論叢 (ISSN:09165878)
vol.13, no.2, pp.29-40, 2002

山口, 緑
須田 昂宏 SUDA Takahiro
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科 教育科学専攻
教育論叢 (ISSN:0288996X)
vol.58, pp.19-34, 2015-03-21

This research focuses on Reaction-Paper as a clue to understand students’ learning in a lesson, and examines how to utilize the descriptive contents of Reaction-Paper. As a result of examining nine precedent studies that try to understand students’ learning by using their descriptive contents of Reaction-Paper, three are suggested. First, precedent studies can be classified into [the fact report type], [the qualitative interpretation type] and [the category analysis type], but each type has its own weakness. Therefore, a new analytical method that enables us to understand students’ learning “specifically” and “systematically” is needed. Second, research to analyze various aspects of students’ learning organically is needed. And finally, research to correlate Reaction-Paper with other related data is needed.
村上 友香 MURAKAMI Tomoka
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科 教育科学専攻
教育論叢 (ISSN:0288996X)
vol.53, pp.37-56, 2010-02-26 (Released:2010-03-12)

The purpose of this paper is presenting the significance of “Kyoiku no Shakai-Keikaku” of Miyahara Seiichi through illustrating the concept according to his articles in the early Post World War Ⅱ period. The first way to achieve it is showing the reason why he asserted the necessity of reorganizing school education and social education and of planning about education as the premises; the former based on the theory of reorganization of school education and social education, and the latter based on the reference about the Progressive Education Movement. The second is giving consideration to the meaning of “Kyoiku no Shakai-Keikaku” and to his design of the planning. The third is showing how his theory was verified by Total Planning of Education in Simamura. He struggled to have education more closely related to the peoples’ lives in the capitalistic society. And school education and social education are comprehensively reorganized as the whole in each sphere: a nation, districts and communities. In the procedure of planning“ Kyoiku no Shakai-Keikaku”, first, the aim of each age group is decided. Second, the form and way of learning are chosen like a school or not like a school. Third, the tools and institutions are selected. He assumed that the plan is framed by a population. We found the significance of this theory at proposing the concrete and practical approach on the total reorganization of school education and social education.