林 宏作 Hong-zuo LIN 桃山学院大学文学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.4, pp.272-258, 1993-03-31

竹林七賢の巨頭である阮籍は、常にただひとりあてもなく車を駆け、袋小路に行き当たるごとに慟哭して帰ったという逸話がある。本論文は、この逸話の生じた背景を探求すべく、阮籍の魏晋時代における処世観及び思想変遷を分析し、乱世に生きた哲学者の悲劇の解明を試みた。The anecdote is often told of Ruan Ji-the leader of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove-that he was wont to go out alone in his chariot with no particular destination in mind, only to weep bitterly and return to his home when he came up against a blind alley. Through a consideration of the historical background that gave rise to this anecdote, the present paper, by examining Ruan Ji's philosophy of life and the way his thinking changed during the transition from Wei to Jin, seeks to throw light on the tragedy of a philosopher caught up in a world in turmoil.