Nakahira Satomi Yashima Tomoko Maekawa Yoko
JACET関西紀要 (ISSN:18802281)
no.12, pp.44-55, 2010

本研究は、英語を専攻としていない日本人短期大学生163名を対象として、動機づけ、心理的欲求、外国語での自発的にコミュニケーションを図る意思(八島,2009)(FL WTC)、英語力の認識(Can-Do statements[STEP])の関係を明らかにすることを目的としている。具体的には、自己決定理論を動機づけの枠組みとして用い、1)内発的動機づけの保持に最も影響を与えている心理的欲求を明らかにし、2)高いFLWTCを持つことと内発的動機づけとの関わりを探る。更に、3)英語力の認識(Can-Do statements)と高い内発的動機づけの保持との関わりについても示していく。調査の結果、1)心理的欲求の中でも特に有能性の欲求が満たされることが、最も内発的動機づけに影響する要因であることが明らかとなり、更に2)高いFL WTCを持つ学習者は特に自己決定度の高い外発動機づけと関係を持つことが分かった。最後に、3)自己の英語力に対して肯定的な認識を持つ学習者は、高い内発動機づけを保持することが示された。このことから、授業内で「出来る」と感じることが内発動機づけの高まりを助け、更に自発的に英語でコミュニケーションを図る意思を保持することは、自己決定度の高い外発的な動機づけとなることが示唆された。一方、肯定的な英語力の認識は内発的動機づけと最も強い関係を持つことからも、教育の場においてコミュニケーションの意思を高める働きかけのみではなく、実際に英語を使用する場面を増やすなどし、学習者が自身の英語力に肯定的な認識を保持する機会を設けることが重要であると考えられた。
磯辺 ゆかり
JACET関西紀要 (ISSN:18802281)
no.13, pp.38-49, 2011-03-31

The main purpose of this study is to explore how formulaic sequences (FSs) are mentally represented and processed by Japanese EFL learners. Two experiments were conducted based on the holistic hypothesis that FSs are stored and retrieved as single lexicalized units. Experiment 1 investigated the hypothesized processing advantage of FSs by comparing reaction times and error rates for three types of sequences: formulaic, nonformulaic, and ungrammatical sequences in a word order appropriateness judgment task. Experiment 2 examined the effects of familiarity with whole sequences on their processing in a sequence familiarity judgment task. The results of Experiment 1 revealed that FSs were processed significantly faster with much fewer errors than the other sequences, thereby indicating that EFL learners benefit from the processing advantage of FSs. In Experiment 2, both the familiarity and frequency of formulaic expressions were identified as the essential factors that facilitate the recognition of FSs. It is noteworthy that the participants with lower proficiency also enjoy the same processing advantage of FSs as those with higher proficiency; this suggests that FSs learning may be introduced from the early stage of second language development.
中田 賀之 木村 裕三 八島 智子
JACET関西紀要 (ISSN:18802281)
no.7, pp.1-20, 2003-06-30

(C) 大学英語教育学会(JACET)関西支部 大学英語教育学会(JACET)関西支部の許諾を得た上で、CiNiiのデータを引用しています。http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110008675201In the 1990s the study of L2 motivation provided a variety of directions which have not been seen in the traditional social psychological approach, and further continues to expand to wider directions in this new century. As Dornyei and Schmidt (2001) suggest, "L2 motivation research has reached maturity" and "the motivational basis of second language acquisition is a fertile ground for investigation" (p. ix). Unfortunately, however, in Japan we have not seen L2 motivation studies embodying variety of topics and methods so far. Our aim is thus to offer some of the current thinking on L2 motivation and to outline a number of exciting and potentially fruitful future research directions. First, we discuss what motivation is, why we work on motivation, and what we should pay attention to in motivation research. Then, we spotlight motivation research from three different perspectives (socio-cultural/situational, social constructivist, and social-psychological) that have received little attention in L2 motivation field in Japan.