Tsuguya SAKAMOTO Chuwa TEI Masahiro MURAYAMA Hirofumi ICHIYASU Yoshiyuki HADA Terumi HAYASHI Keiko AMANO
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.17, no.5, pp.611-629, 1976 (Released:2008-12-09)
214 244

Left ventricular scanning by echocardiography and ultrasono-cardiotomography was performed to search the possible muscular abnormality in 9 cases with giant T wave inversion without documented cause. The deeply inverted T wave was more than 1.2mV (average was 1.63mV) in the left precordial leads. All the cases had electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy of obscure origin and ischemic episode was absent. Conventional echo beam direction to measure the short axis of the left ventricle disclosed almost normal thickness and movement of both interventricular septum (IVS) and the posterior wall (PW), so that the report of these cases is frequently within normal limits. However, ultrasono-cardiotomography (sector B scan) disclosed the fairly localized hypertrophy near the left ventricular apex, and conventional echocardiography also revealed the same area of either IVS or PW or both below the insertion of the papillary muscles, when the scanning towards the apex was performed (asymmetrical apical hypertrophy: AAH).Control study of 9 cases with IHSS showed asymmetrical septal hypertrophy (ASH) with almost equally hypertrophied IVS from base to apex. All cases had inverted T waves, but these were of lesser degree. Three cases had relatively deep T wave compatible with those of AAH, and these cases also had the apical hypertrophy of considerable degree (unusual type of IHSS, i.e., intermediate type between AAH and ASH).The close relationship between the depth of the inverted T waves and the Apex/Mid wall thickness ratios suggests that the altered recovery process of the hypertrophied apical musculature is responsible for the giant T wave inversion of heretofore unsolved origin. Until the connective link of AAH to the other forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is disclosed, the cases with such a T wave and the apical hypertrophy may be designated as asymmetrical apical hypertrophy (AAH).
Akinori Masuda Masaaki Miyata Takashi Kihara Shinichi Minagoe Chuwa Tei
Japanese Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.45, no.2, pp.297-303, 2004 (Released:2004-04-14)
20 59

We have reported that repeated sauna therapy improves impaired vascular endothelial function in a patient with coronary risk factors. We hypothesized that sauna therapy decreases urinary 8-epi-prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) levels as a marker of oxidative stress and conducted a randomized, controlled study. Twenty-eight patients with at least one coronary risk factor were divided into a sauna group (n = 14) and non-sauna group (n = 14). Sauna therapy was performed with a 60°C far infrared-ray dry sauna for 15 minutes and then bed rest with a blanket for 30 minutes once a day for two weeks. Systolic blood pressure and increased urinary 8-epi-PGF2α levels in the sauna group were significantly lower than those in the non-sauna group at two weeks after admission (110 ± 15 mmHg vs 122 ± 13 mmHg, P < 0.05, 230 ± 67 pg/mg • creatinine vs 380 ± 101 pg/mg • creatinine, P < 0.0001, respectively). These results suggest that repeated sauna therapy may protect against oxidative stress, which leads to the prevention of atherosclerosis.
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.9, no.3, pp.247-257, 1968 (Released:2008-12-09)
1 1

The thyroid murmur was analyzed in respect to the various characteristics of the murmur per se, the changing aspects in the diseased state as well as the process of the therapy, and finally the pathogenesis by angiography and cast preparations of the thyroid.1. The thyroid murmur was recorded in 37 out of 39 cases of hyperthyroidism and it was often continuous murmur with systolic accentuation. The murmur was best recorded at the isthmus of the gland, and the murmur over the right lobe was significantly louder in many cases. The reason of this localization was discussed, based on the anatomy of the vessels.2. The intensity and duration of the murmur were well correlated with the severity of the signs and symptoms in the individual case. Thus it is concluded that the routine phonography of the thyroid gland has an important diagnostic value in the assessment of the diseased state as well as the objective judgement of the treatment.3. Investigated by the angiography and cast preparations, the most probable origin of the thyroid murmur was mainly in the region of the arterio-venous and arterio-arterial anastomoses. The accessory importance of the other conditions, such as hyperkinetic state and the compression of the artery by the congestion of the gland, was also discussed.
Nihal Özdemir Cihangir Kaymaz Enver Daglar Osman Karakaya Murat Akçay Mehmet Özkan
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.43, no.5, pp.495-503, 2002 (Released:2002-10-24)
9 9

The protective effect of severe mitral regurgitation (MR) against left atrial thrombus formation has been well documented. It was also proposed that severe MR may prevent thrombus formation within the left ventricle (LV) with systolic dysfunction. Therefore, we investigated whether ischemic MR prevents thrombus formation within the LV in patients with systolic dysfunction. The study population was comprised of 1313 patients (1133 males, 180 females, age 56±18) with ischaemic LV dysfunction documented by coronary angiography and left ventriculography. None of the patients had a history of chronic anticoagulation. Epicardial coronary arteries were normal in 91 patients, and single-vessel, two-vessel, and triple-vessel disease were detected in 328, 330, and 564 patients, respectively. Left ventricular thrombus and severe MR were detected in 191 (14.5%) and 125 (9.5%) patients, respectively. Overall incidence of LV thrombus was lower in patients with severe MR than in patients without severe MR (4% vs 15.6%, OR: 0.2, P<0.001). Severe MR compared with absence of severe MR was associated with a lower incidence of LV thrombus both in patients with ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (6.8% vs 34.2%, OR: 0.19, P<0.001), and in patients with aneurysm (3% vs 18%, OR: 0.14, P<0.0001) involving anterolateral, septal and/or apical LV segments. A similar trend without statistical significance was also observed in patients with dyskinesia (4.7% vs 16%, OR: 0.26, P=0.1) related to anterolateral, septal and/or apical LV segments. However, MR had no impact on the incidence of LV thrombus in patients with aneurysm or dyskinesia related to posterior and/or inferior segments (3.7% vs 3%, OR: 1.2, P>0.05). In conclusion, severe MR seems to prevent LV mural thrombus formation in patients with ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, and in patients with aneurysm related to anterolateral, septal, and/or apical LV segments. This relative risk reduction may be associated with diastolic volume overloading due to severe MR which may overcome stagnation and a procoagulant state within the LV with severe systolic dysfunction.
Keisuke TAKEDA Yoshito NAKAGAWA Yumi KATANO Shoichi IMAI
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.18, no.1, pp.92-101, 1977 (Released:2008-12-09)
42 42

Using the isolated perfused heart preparation supported by a donor the effects of vasodilators on the large conductance artery were studied and were compared with those on the small resistive artery and arterioles. Nitroglycerin produced a preferential dilatation of the large conductance artery, while dipyridamole produced a dilatation only of the small resistive artery and arterioles.Among the "calcium antagonistic" vasodilators tested, only diltiazem produced a dilatation of the large conductance artery, verapamil and nifedipine producing a dilatation only of the samll resistive artery and arterioles. These findings indicate that the mechanism of contraction of the large conductance artery is different from that of the small resistive artery and arterioles.
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.18, no.2, pp.191-201, 1977 (Released:2008-12-09)
15 13

Seven elderly cases with reversible electrocardiographic changes simulating acute myocardial infarction in the absence of gross myocardial infarction on postmortem examination were observed following the blood transfusion. The underlying diseases were cancer of gastrointestinal tract or gall bladder in 4, gastric ulcer in 2, and 1 of pseudomembranous enterocolitis. The electrocardiogram revealed the abnormal Q waves with monophasic ST elevation and following coronary T inversion. These findings lasted only for 2 to 7 days and returned to the previous normal tracings. The hematocrit was elevated from 28.9 to 47.7 after the blood transfusion of 800 to 1, 800ml. The disseminated intravascular coagulation was shown in 5 cases. GOT levels were within normal ranges except 1 case.Pathological findings in cases with recent electrocardiographic changes were characterized by the mural thromboses, extending into the myocardium through the Thebesian vein. The focal small necroses of the adjacent myocardium or around the thrombosis of small vessels were also observed. In the later phase the fine interstitial fibrosis took place after the resorption of the thrombi and necrotic foci.From these clinical and pathological findings we proposed a new concept of reversible myocardial infarction induced from the hypercoagulability, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and elevated hematocrit.
Hiromichi SUZUKI Kazuoki KONDO Michiko HANDA Takao SARUTA
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.23, no.5, pp.783-789, 1982 (Released:2008-12-25)

In the perfused rat mesenteric vascular bed, the effects of magnesium and calcium on the vasoconstrictor responses to norepinephrine or potassium chloride were studied. Higher concentrations of magnesium in the perfusate attenuated the vascular responses to norepinephrine and potassium chloride in a dose-related manner. Higher concentrations of calcium in the perfusate enhanced greatly the vascular responses to potassium chloride, while the response to norepinephrine was only slightly potentiated by increasing calcium concentration. The attenuating effect of magnesium on the responses to norepinephrine and to potassium chloride were reversed by elevation of calcium concentration in the perfusate. The potentiating effects of calcium on the responses to potassium chloride were also reversed by increasing the concentration of magnesium. However, an inhibitory effect of magnesium on the responses to norepinephrine was not observed in the presence of higher concentrations of calcium. These results indicate that magnesium acts antagonistically on calcium movement in vascular contractions due to potassium chloride, but that the relationship between magnesium and calcium is more complex in vascular contractions induced by norepinephrine.
Masana TAKAHASHI Toshikatsu SADA Yoshihiro TANEICHI Fujiko OKABE Yoshio ITO Akira MORISHIMA
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.20, no.5, pp.623-629, 1979 (Released:2008-12-09)
1 2

Serum concentrations of digitoxin and digoxin were measured in 145 cases with various heart diseases receiving maintenance doses of digitalis.Digitalis toxicity was seen in only 2 cases (1.4%)Day-to-day variation of serum concentration while taking the same daily dose was small in digitoxin therapy (13.8%), but a considerable variation was seen in digoxin therapy (24.4%)Serum concentrations of both digitoxin and digoxin were measured in the patients receiving digitoxin, and there was a positive correlation between the two (r=0.66, p<0.001). This fact suggested that the effect of digitoxin was the sum of the effects of digitoxin and its metabolite, digoxin. In the patients taking digoxin, digitoxin was not detected in the serumSerum digitoxin level had a significantly positive correlation to serum albumin level, presumably because digitoxin was retained in serum in the bound form to albumin. Minimal effective level, 10ng/ml, was however obtained with higher daily dose of digitoxin in patients with lower serum albumin
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.26, no.5, pp.707-714, 1985 (Released:2008-12-09)
4 4

Ventriculo-atrial (VA) conduction was studied in 133 patients with various kinds of arrhythmias using intracardiac electrograms and programmed stimulation. One-to-one V A conduction was observed during RV pacing at the rate just above the sinus rate in 6 of 31 patients (19.4%) with advanced AV block, in 7 of 26 patients (26.9%) with impaired AV nodal conduction, in 25 of 71 patients (35.2%) with normal AV nodal conduction and 3 of 5 patients (60%) with enhanced AV nodal conduction. However, the differences between these groups were not significant. There was no significant difference in either the AH block rate during RA pacing or the antegrade functional refractory period (FRP) of the AV node in patients with or without VA conduction, and the VA block rate during RV pacing was not significantly correlated with the AH block rate or the FRP of the AV node. VA conduction time (S-HRA) also showed no significant differences between these groups. The mean. VA conduction time during RV pacing at rates of 60 to 80 bpm was 208±87 msec, ranging from 100 to 395 msec. In conclusion, AV conduction disturbances may influence VA conduction, but VA conduction cannot be predicted from antegrade conductivity.
Kazuki KAWABE Takushi X. WATANABE Kumiko SHIONO Hirofumi SOKABE
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.19, no.6, pp.886-894, 1978 (Released:2008-12-09)
83 99

The F1 hybrids (F1 ) of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar rats (W), whose kidneys were transplanted from SHR at the age of 10 weeks and 20 weeks, showed significant elevation of blood pressure (BP) for 11 weeks after the transplantation. In F1 with W or F1 kidneys BP was decreased near to the normal level. F1 whose kidneys were transplanted from SHR or W showed low renin activity both in plasma and the kidney. It is suggested that BP of SHR is probably determined by the renal pro-hypertensive factor(s) other than renin influencing on sympathetic nerves through central nervous systems.
Hashimoto Keiichi HIROSE Masaru FURUKAWA Soichi HAYAKAWA Hirokazu KIMURA Eiichi
International Heart Journal刊行会
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.18, no.5, pp.679-689, 1977
1 47

The following parameters were studied before and after acute occlusion of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery in 17 dogs: bradykinin (BK) in the coronary sinus blood, heart rate (HR), left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP), left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), left ventricular max dp/dt (LV max dp/dt), and an index of myocardial contractility (LV max dp/dt/IP).<br>BK levels increased, reaching a maximum of 30&plusmn;13ng/ml 2 min after coronary ligation, accompanied by a significant elevation of LVEDP, and lowering of the myocardial contractility index. HR and LV max dp/dt showed no significant changes. A positive correlation obtained between the level of BK and LVEDP, as well as a negative correlation be-tween the level of BK and of both LVSP and myocardial contractility in-dex. Pretreatment with aprotinine (Trasylol), an inhibitor of kinin forming enzyme, prevented the increase in both BK and LVEDP after coronary artery ligation and caused an elevation of myocardial contractility index. These results suggest that BK formed within ischemic myocardium exerts a negative inotropic action on the heart.
Keisuke HAYASHI Kenryo K. MINEZAKI Munetoshi NARUKAWA Michihito OOKUBO Takeshi MITSUHASHI Kazuyuki SHIMADA
Japanese Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.40, no.6, pp.827-830, 0001-01-01 (Released:2000-04-12)
10 19

A 55-year-old Japanese man was hospitalized for palpitations and severe chest oppression one hour after he ingested about 1500 ml of beer and sildenafil (Viagra) 50 mg. At 43 years of age, he had been diagnosed with intermittent WPW syndrome following a paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) attack. He took a 1 mg tablet of doxazosin daily for mild hypertension. On admission, his blood pressure was 90/54 mmHg and his heart beat was weak and irregular with a rate of about 220/min. Since atrial fibrillation (Af) was diagnosed on an electrocardiogram (minimum RR interval; 0.22 seconds), direct current shock was performed with 100 joules and 150 joules but conversion to sinus rhythm failed. Sinus rhythm returned spontaneously from Af four hours after taking sildenafil. Since blood pressure was 50/17 mmHg despite the return to sinus rhythm, blood pressure was maintained by dopamine for twelve hours after sinus rhythm returned. The patient underwent catheter ablation for curative therapy and thereafter has not had any further episodes of tachycardia.
Hisanori Kosuge Makoto Noda Tsunekazu Kakuta Yukio Kishi Mitsuaki Isobe Fujio Numano
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.42, no.2, pp.265-269, 2001 (Released:2003-02-25)
24 31

A 53-year-old woman was hospitalized for general fatigue and palpitations. An electrocardiogram showed ST elevation and T wave inversion in leads II, III, aVF, and V4~6. Cardiac catheterization was performed since the echocardiogram demonstrated the existence of a left ventricular apical aneurysm. Left ventriculography showed an aneurysm of the apex. An endomyocardial biopsy specimen from the left ventricular apical wall demonstrated typical noncaseating granulomas with giant cells. The patient was diagnosed as having cardiac sarcoidosis. There was no evidence suggesting involvement of other systemic organs. Cardiac sarcoidosis should be considered within a spectrum of diseases that cause left ventricular aneurysm.
International Heart Journal刊行会
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.20, no.3, pp.289-299, 1979

Right ventricular wall motion was readily accessible for echocardiographic recording along the right sternal border in 27 pediatric patients (age: 24hrs-12yrs). Right ventricular epicardial and endocardial wall motion could be recorded only at the right sternal border in 10 of these patients, emphasizing the need for a new, alternative examination site.<br>Calculated measurements of right ventricular wall thickness recorded from both right and left sternal borders (7pts) were similar (range of diff.=0-0.6mm; mean of dill.=0.26mm). Autopsy confirmation of right ventricular wall thickness was obtained in 2 patients.Epicardial motion could not be identified at the left sternal border in 10 patients. In these patients, right ventricular wall thickness was estimated by measuring from the inner chest wall to the endocardium. These measurements were compared to right ventricular wall thickness obtained from the right sternal border. Wall thickness obtained from the left sternal border was significantly underestimated in the absence of a definite epicardial interface (range of diff.=0.2-2.6mm; mean of diff.=1.3mm).<br>We conclude that the right sternal border is a useful examination site when studies from the left sternal border are technically inadequate for evaluation. Measurement of right ventricular wall thickness should not be attempted unless both epicardial and endocardial interfaces are recorded simultaneously.
Shigenobu Inami Kentaro Okamatsu Masamichi Takano Gen Takagi Shunta Sakai Junko Sano Kyoichi Mizuno
Japanese Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.45, no.6, pp.969-975, 2004 (Released:2004-12-29)
16 24

Recently, it has been reported that circulating oxidized low-density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL) might be a pivotal indicator for coronary artery disease and the severity of acute coronary syndromes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of statins on Ox-LDL in patients with hypercholesterolemia. Sixteen patients with hypercholesterolemia were randomly assigned to 2 groups, one received 10 mg of pravastatin (n = 8) and the other received 20 mg of fluvastatin (n = 8). The plasma level of Ox-LDL was measured using a newly developed sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. There were no differences between the two groups in Ox-LDL, total cholesterol (TC), or LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) at the baseline. The reduction in Ox-LDL in the fluvastatin group was significantly higher than that in the pravastatin group (47.5% versus 25.2%, P = 0.033). The reductions in TC and LDL-C did not differ between the two groups. Conclusion: The present study has shown for the first time that the level of circulating Ox-LDL was significantly decreased by treatment with statins. In addition, the lowering effect of statins on the circulating Ox-LDL was independent of their lipid-lowering effect. Fluvastatin was more effective than pravastatin with regard to decreasing the circulating Ox-LDL.
Hiroshi Satoh Shuji Morikawa Chifuyu Fujiwara Hajime Terada Akihiko Uehara Ryuzo Ohno
Japanese Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.41, no.4, pp.519-523, 2000 (Released:2001-01-31)
6 16

A 45-year-old Japanese man with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) developed acute anteroseptal myocardial infarction (MI). He had used 1 % topical minoxidil (RiUP®) once a day for 4 months before the onset of MI for treatment of baldness. Coronary angiography demonstrated severe stenosis at the proximal portion of the left anterior descending coronary artery with a filling defect. Electrocardiographic monitoring revealed paroxysmal AF and sinus bradycardia with sinus arrests, suggestive of sick sinus syndrome. Topical minoxidil is now widely used for the treatment of male pattern baldness. Although it may be difficult to relate topical use of minoxidil to myocardial ischemia, a greater awareness of its toxicity will be necessary, and patients with cardiovascular disorders should be excluded from the therapy.
Japanese Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.22, no.2, pp.219-225, 1981 (Released:2008-12-09)
7 11

The effect of L-carnitine on cardiac hemodynamics was evaluated in normal closed chest dogs. Extracorporeal circulation was produced to measure coronary blood flow in closed chest dogs. Coronay venous blood was introduced to the extracorporeal circuit through a polyethylene catheter wedged into the coronay sinus under fluoroscopic control and was returned to the animal through the left jugular vein. L-carnitine was infused intravenously at a constant rate of 80mg/Kg/min for 8min. Hemodynamic responses appeared within 1 to 3min of carnitine infusion and peak effects were observed nearly after 5min. Peak effects on cardiac hemodynamics after 5 to 8min of carnitine infusion were as follows. Heart rate decreased by 17% from control (p<0.05). Aortic and left ventricular pressure increased by 20% (p<0.05 and p<0.01 respectively) and peak positive left ventricular dp/dt increased by 35% (p<0.01), the mean rate pressure product as the index of myocardial oxygen consumption remained unchanged. Coronary blood flow increased by 60% (p<0.001) and coronary vascular resistance decreased by 25% (p<0.01). As the infusion of carnitine was discontinued, the effects promptly disappeared. These data suggest that L-carnitine has direct vasodilating and positive inotropic effects on cardiovascular system.
Yamori Yukio Nakanishi Akifumi Kihara Masahiro Horie Ryoichi Ikeda Katsumi Nara Yasuo Ooshima Akira
International Heart Journal Association
Japanese Heart Journal (ISSN:00214868)
vol.21, no.4, pp.575-575, 1980

In the present study, it became clear that β-blocker (propranorol) had effectively improved rCBF in adult SHRSP with sever hypertension in which rCBF was significantly lower than control WKY. Yamori and Horie's previous studies clarified the BP reduction in SHRSP with severe hypertension increased rCBF and prevented the development of cerebrovascular lesions (STROKE 8: 456, 1977). It is noteworthy that β-blocker, without reducing BP significantly in SHRSP with severe hypertension, increases rCBF significantly. Because of the high frequency of pulse rate over 400/min in conscious rats, blood flow in cerebral arteries near recurrent branchings is regarded as being nearly similar to steady flow. Since our previous hemorheological study demonstrated that pulsatile flow increased flow into recurrent branches and that the effect of pulsation was augmented with the increased pulse pressure (Niimi et al: JAP HEART J 20: 681, 1979), it is theoretically considered that β-blocker, which reduces heart rate without affecting BP and thereby increases pulse pressure, favourably increases the reduced blood flow into recurrent arteries especially under severe hypertension. The present experiment substantiated this hypothesis and suggested that β-blocker, even without reducing blood pressure markedly, would be useful for preventing cerebrovascular lesions caused by hypoxia due to reduced rCBF in the predilection sites of stroke fed by recurrent arteries.