Yamamoto Ikuo Iio Katsunori Nagata Kazukiyo
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.49, no.5, pp.1756-1759, 1980-11-15

Magnetic anisotropies of several mangane secryst,als have been naeasured accu-rately between 77 K and 300 K by using a high sensitive torque-naeter. ,As ispredicted by the high temperature expansion th<cory, the observed naagneticanisotropies vary as the inverse square of the tempe.rature. The crystal field split-ting parameters D and E have been obtained for<>ach pure magnetically densesanuple. In compounds having the octahedron witla two water molecules alongthe axial direction, the splitting parameters D have been found to be about -0.1cm-', which value is two tiznes or one order of mag;nitude larger than the typicalvalue of Mn" surrounded by a distorted octaheclron composed of six si.milarligands. Especially, the value 17)l =0.368 cm ' fo'ar [(CH.).NlI]MnBr.2I-[.0 isthe largest one reported to date.
SUZUKI Shugo OHTA Hidehisa
The Physical Society of Japan
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.79, no.07, pp.074703, 2010-06-25
3 3

We study the orbital, spin, and total magnetic moments in uranium monochalcogenides, UX where X=S, Se, and Te, using the fully relativistic full-potential calculations based on the spin density functional theory. In particular, the orbital magnetic moments are calculated with the Dirac current. We employ two methods which adopt distinctly different basis sets; one is the fully relativistic full-potential linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals (FFLCAO) method and the other is the fully relativistic full-potential mixed-basis (FFMB) method. Showing that the orbital magnetic moments calculated using the FFLCAO method and those calculated using the FFMB method agree very well with each other, we demonstrate that, in contrast to the conventional method, the method with the Dirac current enables us to calculate the orbital magnetic moments even if the basis set includes basis functions with no definite angular momenta, e.g., the plane waves in the FFMB method. Furthermore, it is found that the orbital magnetic moments obtained in this work are larger by nearly 0.4 µB than those obtained using the conventional method. This is crucial because the resultant differences in the total magnetic moments are about 30%. We compare the results of this work with those of previous theoretical and experimental studies.
Arai Hideyuki Kudo Hiroshi Tomita Shigeo Ishii Satoshi
The Physical Society of Japan
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.78, no.10, pp.104301, 2009-10

We have specified the mechanism of suppressed electron emission from surfaces bombarded by fast cluster ions. From key information obtained from a comparison of the electron emissions for insulator KCl and conductor graphite, we concluded that the suppression is predominantly caused by the disturbance of the electron transport by the electric potential generated by moving cluster atoms. The possible shift from suppressed emission to enhanced emission of electrons as cluster speed increases is also discussed in relation to that in the case of cluster stopping power.
Suzuki Shugo Li Ming-Fang Ariizumi Toshihiro
The Physical Society of Japan
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.77, no.7, pp.074703, 2008-07
7 5

We study the structural, electronic, magnetic, optical, and magneto-optical properties of NpN in detail using the fully relativistic full-potential calculations based on the density functional theory within the local spin density approximation. We successfully reproduce the positive sign of the electric field gradient (EFG) at Np nuclei. The positive EFG is in striking contrast to the negative EFG in a Np3+ free ion, indicating the importance of the interplay between spin–orbit coupling and covalent bonding in NpN. Also, the calculated band structure shows large splittings induced by spin polarization and spin–orbit coupling, suggesting that both effects are indispensable for understanding the electronic properties of this material. This results in a large Kerr rotation angle of about 2°, which is comparable to those of uranium calcogenides.
Li Ming-Fang Ariizumi Toshihiro Suzuki Shugo
The Physical Society of Japan
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.76, no.5, pp.054702, 2007-04

We study the magneto-optical Kerr effect using fully relativistic calculations. Spin–orbit coupling is dealt with exactly solving the Dirac equation directly and the matrix elements of the Dirac matrices α are used in a fully relativistic expression of the Kubo formula for the optical conductivity derived with a relativistic sum rule. We also perform approximate calculations of the optical conductivity to examine the accuracy of a partly relativistic expression in which the matrix elements of the momentum operator p are used instead. As an example, we carry out calculations for bcc Fe and fcc Ni using the fully relativistic full-potential linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals method. It is found that the partly relativistic treatment is good for the diagonal optical conductivity while it is not very good for the off-diagonal optical conductivity, the Kerr rotation angle, and the Kerr ellipticity. The results of the present study are compared to those of experimental and other theoretical studies.
Suzuki Shugo Hirosawa Jin Nakao Kenji
The Physical Society of Japan
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.75, no.8, pp.084709, 2006-08

We study low-energy excitations in the Mott–Jahn–Teller insulator A4C60 theoretically, where A is alkali metal. A model which takes account of both the electron–electron and electron–phonon interactions is employed and the low-energy excitations are calculated by using the Tamm–Dancoff approximation. It is found that the lowest excitation corresponds to the creation of the spin-singlet Frenkel excitons at about 0.3 eV and the next lowest excitation corresponds to the creation of the spin-triplet Frenkel excitons at about 0.6 eV. It is also found that the excitations of a pair of a free electron and a free hole lie over 0.8 eV. A remarkable point is that the spin-singlet Frenkel excitons are lower in energy than the spin-triplet Frenkel excitons in A4C60 in contrast to usual insulators.
Tazuke Yuuichi Takeyama Tomohisa
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.66, no.3, pp.827-830, 1997-03-15

Polycrystalline S2Ll11Pl6S of 1VI.TiSe3 with M::V, Cr, Min, Fe, Co, Ni and Ctr were prepared. Allthe cornpotmnds showed parataaagnetic behavior att 4.2 K< T< 300 K. Ef['ective pararnagneticnaornent p..? of all the IVI-atoms are ta?vvch snnaller tlxan ionic V2llL1(IGS, suggesting that the Nl-st?xtesare strongly hybridized with the TiSez-batud. Cr, lVIn, Fe and Co rnay be in the high-spin states.The p.j-data are coraapared with those of T.TiSz with T-::-V, IVIn, Fe, Co, Xi ?tnd Cu in 0111previotrs sttudies and xvitla the band calculation restrJts of lMotizttki et al. atad disetxssions aredone abotrt the electronic states of T- and IVI-atorns. It is stmggested tlaat the S-3p states arehardly hybridized and the Se-3p states are slightly laybridized with a Ti-3ds non-bondiuag band.
Ohara Jun Yamamoto Shoji
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.74, no.1, pp.250-253, 2005-01-15

The optical conductivity of photogenerated solitons in quasi-one-dimensional halogen-bridged binuclear metal (MMX) complexes is investigated with particular emphasis on a comparison between the two family compounds R_4[Pt_2(pop)_4X]・nH_2O (X=Cl, Br, I ; R=NH_4, Na, K, ...; pop=diphosphonate=P_2O_5H_2^<2->) and Pt_2(dta)_4I (dta=dithioacetate=CH_3CS_2^-). Soliton-induced absorption spectra for the pop complexes should split into two bands, while those for the dta complex should consist of a single band.
Yoshizawa Masayuki KOBAYASHI Takayoshi FUJIMOTO Hitoshi TANAKA Jiro
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.56, no.2, pp.768-780, 1987-02-15

The photoinduced absorption and bleaching of trans-(CD). and trans-(CD). in thenanosecond time region were investigated for the first time by time-resolved absorp-tion spectroscopy. The transient absorption near the band gap and the bleaching ofthe interband transition were observed for both Zr*os-(CH).and trans-(CD).. The ab-sorption near the band gap saturated at AA/A.?O.OI. The decay of transient absorp-lion at 4K was fitted to erf[(Z/r) "'] with r=144fl5ns for trans-(CD). andr=305:27 ns for trans-(CD).. When the temperature is increased, the decay kineticsare given by the same function with shorter time constants, r=32H6 ns for trans-(CH), and r=4O"6 ns for trans-(CD). at 290 K. When the trans content in c7,v-richfilm decreased, the time constant became longer. The decay kinetics is interpreted byinterchain recombination of photoinduced polaron pairs.
Miyamoto Tetsu
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.68, no.4, pp.1238-1258, 1999-04-15

The steady state and qtrasi-steady processes of itafinaite- ?a?ud finite-width slteet z-pinches ?tresttrdied. The relatiot'as correspotuding to the Berut'?ett relation and Pease-Br;tgitaskii ctrr'retat ofcylindrical fiber z-pinches depend 011 a geouaaetrical fstctor in the sheet z-jcinches. Tlae finite-widtla slaeet z-pitacla is approxitaaated icy a segnaetat of it?finite-xx'idth sheet z-pincla, if it is xvideenougla, and cor'resjconds to 21 ntrtnber of' (xx"idtla/thickness) tiuaaes filoer z-piuach plastaa;ts of thediatneter fl?at equ?a1s tlae sheet tlnickraess, If flue st?eet ctrrr'erat eqtr;tls tlais nuuaa1.cer tiuaaes flue fiber'current, the Pl2lSl112l created in the slaeet z-pitaches is 218 det'se as it? the filoer' z-pinches. Tlae totalenergy o['plasma and magnetic field [)c'U trruit l112XSS is r'<5Mittaately eqtral ita lcotla pinches. Qtrasia I) pstatic trarusient processes 211'Cl) difl'erent in seven'al 2lSI)(l2CLS froun tlae filaer z-jcinch. No rttdi;ttioncollapse occurs irt tlae slaeet z-pinch. The stalcility is iutapr'oved in tl'ne sheet z-pincltes. Tlae ['ttsiotacriterions and the experinaental ?trr'atngenaaents to j.crodtrce flue street z-jcinclaes are also disctrssed.
Miyazima Sasuke
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.35, no.1, pp.68-76, 1973-07-05

The phase transition temperature are calculated for two kinds of models for n-layer Ising lattices. One is diluted by non-magnetic impurities and the other consists of two kinds of magnetic substances. When the number of layers n increases, the transition temperature calculated by the high temperature series expansion increases monotonically. In the first model the critical concentration p_c decreases with n. Although a single layer lattice with p<p_c shows no spontaneous magnetization, there is possibility of giving rise the spontaneous magnetization when we compile several films. In the second model we can find various types of variation for critical temperature depending on the exchange coupling, especially between two different substances. Both in dilute ferromagnets and in ferromagnetic solid solutions, a simple relation may exist between the shift of transition temperatures and the number of layers. The shift of critical concentration also follows the similar simple relation.
Abdel-Gawad Hamdy I. Elazab Nasser S.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.68, no.10, pp.3199-3203, 1999-10-15

In Plastaua physics, nozalineatr ion ?rcotmstic xvaves are shown to be descrilced T.cy tlae Kortexvegde-Vries eqtration. Wluen flue drag f'orce acted by the xvaves on tire p?trticIes is taken into consid-eration, the goverr'aing eqtration is shown to be 21 genaeratlized Korteweg-de-Vries eqtmation. TheIntegrability properties of this equation are disctrssed. SOIII(2 exzrct soltttions for this eqtzsttionare derixzed by trsing the technicjvxes of atrto-BMcklvrrvd transfor?a'x;xtion and pot)'nornial invarri?rnts.
Sakai Osamu Suzuki Shunya Izumida Wataru OGURI Akira
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.68, no.5, pp.1640-1650, 1999-05-15

Based ota flue Qtnarattrna Nlorute Carlo (QIVIC) teclaniqtre, xve dexveloped a naaetlaod to calcttlatethe tun?aelitag condtrctance of' Blue qtranttmna dot systeraas for xvlaich tlae Korado ef['ect becotaaesiunportattat. Tlae rnethod co?njctutes the condtrct?rrrce directly f'ronn the currerat correlation f'trnction,and is stpplicable to tlae cases in wlaiclu flue calctrlation is not redtrced to tlae cornptrtation ofsingle particle Gree?a's f'trrnctiota. We cozaapare the calctrlated cotadtrctance witlu experirnents,atad ['ourad good qtralittttive agreetnetat. Time ternjcerattrre in experitaaents seen?s to be taot lowenotrgh cozaapared witla tl'ne Kondo tertaper;tttrre ita tlae uauid region of tlae txvo paired Cotrlotnboscillatiota peaks. XVe stttdied tlue Zeetaaatt field efl'ect, and shoxved tlaat tlae coraductance isstroragly strpjcressed wlaen it luas beeta erah?tnced b3' the Kotado efl'ect. Tlae conductance of 2111Alaaronov-Blaorn circtrit incltrditug dots NV2lS also sttrdied.
Miyazima Sasuke OKIJI Ayao
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.32, no.5, pp.1188-1201, 1972-05-05

The localized spin wave associated with two different impurities in an insulating b.c.c. antiferromagnet is investigated within the linear spin wave theory. The four cases with regard to the relative position of two impurities which include the case of nearest neighbor positions are considered. The energy of localized spin wave is calculated for the various values of exchange integrals and the magnitude of impurity spin. It may be concluded that some of the localized spin wave modes of the first impurity are not affected even if the second impurity is on the vicinity of the first impurity. When the same two impurities are on the same sublattice the larger interferential effect on the localized spin wave energy is induced than on the different sublattice. The dependence of localized spin wave energy on the distance between two impurities is discussed briefly.
Kawabata Arisato
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.67, no.7, pp.2430-2438, 1998-07-15

Electron condtrction in one-dinaaensional systetn is investigated explicitly taking into accountthe reservoirs to which 10 channel is connected at its ends. We calculate the ctrrrent driven bythe cheznical potential difference of two reservoirs, trsing the linear response theory by Kubo. AtOK, the conductance of 10 channel is expressed in terrns of one-electron Green's ftrnctions evenin the presence of the interaction, in contrast to the theory based on Ktrbo forrntrla, in whichtwo-electron Green's functions are essentially involved. The fornaalisna in this paper providesa new interpretation of' Landauer forratula. As regards the interaction ef['ects, the conductanceof Feruni liqtrid without potential scattering is 2e'/ h, while that of' Tornonaga-Luttinger liquiddeceases wuth power low as the length of' ID channel increases.
Iwasaki Yuishi Yonezawa Fumiko
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.68, no.5, pp.1751-1759, 1999-05-15

XX7e sttrdy ata error catatstrophe of a self-replicating s5rstetaa, in xvluicl? a 11111111)Cll of' 1.ci{, stringswith variable rnutation rate cozaupete to strrvive itt a gixzen rttgged fitness Jatndsc?tpe. The errorcatastrophe is knoxvn 218 a plaase tr?ttasitiota f'rouaa 2'LIl ordered st;tie to a disordered state xvlaett z'tuautrtatiora rate increases. As a control p;trataaeter, we choose 21, selectiora pressttr'e ratlaer tla;tta 21nntrtatiora rate. We find tlaat our systeraa shoxvs tlae error catastrophe xvlaera tlae selectiota presstrredecreases. An order para?aaeter is itutrodtrced arad the error cat;tstr'oplue is sttrdied for tluree typesof zmtrtant; (a) C2lCl1 bit has a fixed ttautation t-ate, (b) eacl? TciL hats a COIIIIIIOII x'?trialole ?aatut?ationrate, and (c) each lcit has z't variable raatrtation rate. XN7e 21180 atr'aalvze staloilit3z of' the systezau 011the basis of the eic'envaltte and tlae ei'eraxvector of tlae tratusitiora tnatrixb15:
Morita Kosuke Morimoto Kouji Kaji Daiya AKIYAMA Takahiro GOTO Sin-ichi HABA Hiromitsu IDEGUCHI Eiji KANUNGO Rituparna KATORI Kenji KOURA Hiroyuki KUDO Hisaaki OHNISHI Tetsuya OZAWA Akira SUDA Toshimi SUEKI Keisuke XU HuShan YAMAGUCHI Takayuki YONEDA Akira YOSHIDA Atsushi ZHAO YuLiang
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.73, no.10, pp.2593-2596, 2004-10-15
6 461

The convincing candidate event of the isotope of the 113th element, ^<278>113, and its daughter nuclei, ^<274>111 and ^<270>Mt, were observed, for the first time, in the ^<209>Bi + ^<70>Zn reaction at a beam energy of 349.0MeV with a total dose of 1.7 × 10^<19>. Alpha decay energies and decay times of the candidates, ^<278>113, ^<274>111, and ^<270>Mt, were (11.68 ± 0.04MeV, 0.344ms), (11.15 ± 0.07MeV, 9.26ms), and (10.03 ± 0.07 MeV, 7.16ms), respectively. The production cross section of the isotope was deduced to be55^<+150>_<45> fb(10^<-39>cm^2).
Inada Yasuzi Nasu Keiichiro
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (ISSN:00319015)
vol.61, no.12, pp.4511-4520, 1992-12-15

Superconducting transition temperatures of a many-electron system coupledstrongly w'ith anharmonic PIIOIIOIIS have been studied, to clarify how drasticallyanlaarmonicity changes tlae isotope effect from the harmonic case. The diagonal self-energy of electron as well as tlte off-diagonal one is determined self-consistentlywitlain Migdal's approxinaation. Typical two types of anharmonicities are studied.The first is a sextic anharmonicity induced by a hard-core repulsion. Isotope shiftsbecome almost zero in this case. Whena Thais repulsion is stronger, the shifts are re-versed. The second is a small negative quartic anharmonicity in additiora to the sexticone, just in tlae case of a mixture of a hard-core and a soft one. In this case, on thecontrary, the slaifts are greatly enhancecl. Discussion is also given in relation to the ob-served anomalous isotope effects of newly discovered superconductors[isotope effect, superconductivity, N4igda1-Eliashberg theory, anharmonic ll phononl