八島 智子
Language Laboratory (ISSN:04587332)
vol.34, pp.93-105, 1997 (Released:2017-07-28)

Extroversion has long been regarded as a quality that facilitates language learning because extroverted individuals tend to have willingness to speak out and interact. This, however, has not been confirmed by empirical research conducted in the past which mainly investigated the relationship between extroversion and English proficiency. In this study Japanese high school students' English proficiency as assessed by a standard English test and in interviews was correlated with extroversion scores assessed through a personality indicator. The result supported the past research, indicating no correlation between the two. In a study of the same high school students' intercultural adjustment in the U.S., extroversion was found to play an important role: extroversion was a strong indicator of the students' satisfaction in the interpersonal relationships with American friends and host families as well as self-assessed English communication effectiveness. It was also found that extroverted students used social skills more frequently and created opportunities to interact with Americans more than introverted students. Although no direct correlation between personality and language acquisition was examined, the above results imply the role of extroversion in determining quality and quantity of intercultural interpersonal contact which could affect the language learning process. An implication of these findings to oral communication teaching is discussed.
澤田 昭夫
Language Laboratory (ISSN:04587332)
no.18, pp.40-48, 1981-06

八島 智子 山本 誠子 ビスワット リンダ
Language Laboratory (ISSN:04587332)
vol.31, pp.31-43, 1994 (Released:2017-07-28)

落合 二郎
Language Laboratory (ISSN:04587332)
vol.17, pp.71-83, 1980 (Released:2017-07-28)

このたび,語学ラボラトリー学会(The Language Laboratory Association of Japan 略称 LLA)の陳情の趣旨が生かされ,文部省の中学校英語教育機器整備費・高等学校教育近代化設備費として,外国語教育のためのLanguage Laboratory(いわゆるLL)設置費の補助予算が設けられたことは,まことに喜ばしいことです。今回の予算額は,満足のゆくものと呼ぶには程遠いものですが,これが契機となって,LLによる教育の必要についての認識が深まり,LL設置の気運が,国および各地方自治体レべル,各教育現場において高まることを期待いたします。しかし,LLについては英語教育界内部においてもいくつかの誤解があり,また,せっかくLLが設置されても,それが真に有効な結果を生み出すことを妨げるような要因が存在していることも事実です。公立高等学校現場のLL研究者,LL教育実践者の一人として,ここに,LL設置にともなって留意すべき点を,いくつか,あげてみたいと思います。
柳原 由美子
Language Laboratory (ISSN:04587332)
vol.32, pp.73-89, 1995 (Released:2017-07-28)

In teaching listening comprehension of English as a foreign language, the following were examined: 1) the effects of teaching methods utilizing shadowing and dictation, 2) the interaction between the shadowing method and learners' listening comprehension ability, 3) the interaction between the dictation method and learners' listening comprehension ability. On the basis of this experiment it was found that: 1) The shadowing method was more effective than the dictation method. 2) The use of the shadowing method or the dictation method was more effective than listening alone. 3) The shadowing method was more effective with learners of low listening comprehension ability than those with high comprehension ability. 4) The dictation method was less effective with learners of low listening comprehension ability than those with high comprehension ability.
Yasuhiko Sugawara
The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology
Language Laboratory (ISSN:04587332)
vol.36, pp.33-50, 1999 (Released:2017-07-28)

Dictation is widely used as a teaching technique in listening comprehension classes as well as a testing device in many experiments. Although the positive effect of this technique has been reported, specific explanation about its effect is yet seen: How should it be used? ; For what level is it effective? In order to have a clearer idea about the effect of this long used teaching technique, the author of this article carried out an experiment using Japanese university students: The subjects were divided into two groups; dictation and control groups. They listened to two types of texts; elementary and intermediate levels. Each text was played three times; without any pause for the first and the third playings, and with 10 second pause after each sentence for the second. After the third playing, they were asked to write down what they thought they had understood from the text in their first language. The results were that the control group performed significantly better than the dictation group for the elementary text (t=2.67, p<0.01), but for the intermediate text, no significant differences were found between the groups (t=0.72, n.s.). Regarding the relation between the dictation and recall test scores, a statistically significant correlation was found only for the difficult text (r=0.7433, p<0.01), but not for the easy text in the dictation group although all the test scores correlated with each other in the control group. This article will discuss why such results were obtained and will reconsider whether dictation is a proper teaching technique to promote learner's listening comprehension.
前田 啓朗 大和 知史
Language Laboratory (ISSN:04587332)
no.37, pp.143-162, 2000-03

This paper points out problems in previous studies concerning the statistical procedure of analysis and of the way results are presented based on the most popular questionnaire format in Language Learning Strategy researches, namely SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ver. 7.0 for ESL/EFL). A more appropriate statistical procedure to analyse the data, is proposed called "Structural Equation Modelling" based on the results of both "Exploratory Factor Analysis" and "Confirmatory Factor Analysis" with Oblique Rotation and Maximum Likelihood Method. Presentation with more detailed statistics is also promoted, which allows readers to reanalyse or meta-analyse. In order to validate the proposed method above of analysing and presenting the necessary statistics, a case study was conducted on strategy use of Japanese High School students using data obtained from the SILL. This case study explored which language learning strategy contributes most to the achievement of language learning.
竹蓋 幸生
Language Laboratory (ISSN:04587332)
no.18, pp.11-28, 1981-06

The apparent similarities (or dissimilarities) of all possible pairs of twenty-four English consonants were estimated by two independent panels of eighteen Japanese and twenty-four American listeners by using a psychophysical method of magnitude estimation. The normalized responses were analyzed by a statistical technique of cluster analysis (SPSS, V-6: RMODE, AVERAGE DISTANCE METHODE), the program of which was made available through the Computer Center of the University of Tokyo. The results of analysis were obtained in the forms of tree-diagrams and correlation matrices. The apparent interconsonantal differences of all possible pairs of consonants were examined by observing these diagrams and matrices. The results suggested a strong tendency of the listeners to be affected by the manners of articulation in determining the apparent similarities among the consonants they heard. A closer look at the results may give some valuable information to predict the systems of distinctive features for both American and Japanese sound systems.