木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.145-159, 2009
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身体活動増強は他の健康行動改善へのきっかけとしての役割が示唆されているものの,大学生の身体活動レベルは低い.Sallis et al.(1999)によるProject Graduate Ready for Activity Daily(GRAD)は,行動科学に基づいてプログラムされた,卒業直前の大学生のための身体活動増強コースである.大学新入生に対しても,GRADと同様の視点に立った身体活動介入を行う必要がある.本研究の目的は,行動科学に基づく宿題を併用した体育プログラムが大学新入生の心理的・行動的・生理的な身体活動関連変数に正の効果を持つかどうかを検討することであった.本プロジェクトは,First-Year Physical Education(FYPE)と名づけられた.近畿圏にある工科系大学の新入生が本研究に参加した(N=993;介入群,N=497;非介入群,N=496).全授業の共通プログラムは以下のとおり(数字はその順序に対応);1:ガイダンス,2:健康関連体力テスト,3-6:実技,7:講義,8-12:実技,13:健康関連体力テスト,14:まとめ.介入群にのみ,行動科学に基づく身体活動増強プログラムが追加された.そのプログラムは,ワークシートによる行動変容技法教育(意思決定バランス分析,セルフトークの修正,逆戻り防止,社会的支援,シェイピングなど)と,授業時間外演習課題のアクティブ・ホームワーク(身体活動に関するセルフモニタリング,目標設定)から構成された.週1回のプログラムの期間は3.5ヵ月であった.心理的変数(運動セルフ・エフィカシー,運動に関する意思決定のバランス[恩恵-負担]),行動的変数(強度別の身体活動量,区分された身体活動の実施頻度),生理的変数(健康関連体力:心肺持久力,柔軟性,筋持久力,体脂肪率)を測定した.これら変数を授業期間の前と後に測定し,介入群と非介入群を比較した.2要因分散分析とその後の下位検定により,心理的変数の運動セルフ・エフィカシーと運動実践の恩恵知覚への有意な介入効果が認められた.行動的変数については,「運動・スポーツ」「日常活動性」といった幅広い強度の身体活動量および区分された身体活動の実施頻度(日常身体活動と健康関連のエクササイズ[有酸素運動・柔軟運動・筋運動])への有意な介入効果が示された.生理的変数としての健康関連体力に関しては,筋持久力への介入効果が認められた.これらの結果は,行動科学に基づく宿題を併用した体育授業が,大学新入生の身体活動関連の心理・行動・生理的変数への包括的な正の効果を持つことを示唆している.
多々納 秀雄 小谷 寛二 菊 幸一
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.33, no.1, pp.1-13, 1988

As a preliminary step of composing the concept of sport, the meaning and significance of sport as a social institution was discussed through reconsidering J.W. Loy's five papers on sport paradigm. After examining his papers following problems were pointed out. 1) As a criterion of classifying play, game and sport, the dichotomy of competition and physical prowess is too narrow while the institutionalized level is too wide. Since institutional pattern is recognized both in sports and games, it can not be a proper criterion of classifying them. It is not clear that how expressive and instrumental aspects, as well as play and work, of his paradigm are to be integrated and sublated. 2) Loy's definition of institution is still ambiguous. It is used in such various meanings as group, organization, social system, and situation. It should be specified as a norm system. 3) As his theory of sport as an institution excessively emphasizes the negative aspects of reified and alienated sport, his theory based on humanistic views is confined to presuppose pre-established harmony in sport which points up only positive and autonomous aspects. 4) The function of sports should be distinguished from that of sport as an institution, but he confuses them and restricts these functions too narrowly. It was concluded that sport should neither be contrasted with social realities nor be considered to be subsumed by a paramount reality. In order to analyze the simultaneity of the subjective and objective aspects of sports and the expressive and instrumental functions of sport it should conversely be understood that sport is one of the multiple realities and sport constructs a multiple reality in itself.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.5, pp.677-688, 2006

It has been clarified that self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977) predicts behavior and plays an important role in improving performance. However, there have been no reports of any practical trials for improving sports performance through the development of self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to propose concrete application of the concept of self-efficacy to sports coaching, using base-running behavior in baseball as a theme. In Study 1, we examined the reliability (internal consistency and stability) of the Self-Efficacy Scale for Base-Running (SES-BR). In Study 2, we examined whether the intervention of the SES-BR could improve the self-efficacy and the performance of base-running as well as psychological competitive abilities such as "decisiveness," "predictive ability," and "judgment." In Study 1, three coaches from a college baseball team extracted 31 types of base-running behavior that are considered critical in baseball games. In order to examine the reliability of the scale, the self-efficacy scores of the fielders in the team (N =24) were measured twice: once on the first day of the season, and again, one week later. The results indicated Cronbach's a =.94 and a test-retest correlation coefficient r =.81 ( p <.001) for the SES-BR, thus verifying the scale's reliability. In Study 2, the college baseball players received cards on which the SES-BR was printed and were instructed to verify the 31 base-running behavioral items every five days. The results revealed a significant increase in the self-efficacy score during the intervention period ( p <.05). Moreover, the base-run errors—an index for base-running performance—decreased due to the intervention of the SES-BR: 8.30/game before the intervention, 6.77/game (-18%) in the first season, and 4.32/game in the second season (-48%). Furthermore, "decisiveness" and the comprehensive evaluation of psychological competitive ability, as evaluated by DIPCA (Tokunaga, 2001), showed significant improvement during the second intervention season ( p <.05 for both). Therefore, the intervention of the SES-BR, which was developed in this study and confirmed to be highly reliable, was suggested as a possible measure for improving self-efficacy and performance in base-running as well as "decisiveness" and overall psychological competitive ability.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.329-341, 2008

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a physical education program based on behavioral science, which includes homework (project First-Year Physical Education: FYPE) on the health level and lifestyle of first-year college students. The study participants comprised 1,090 male college freshmen from an institute of technology in the Kinki area of Japan (intervention group, N=515; non-intervention group, N=575). The programs that were common to all the classes were as follows (the numbers correspond to the sequence of activities of the program). 1: guidance, 2–4: sports activity, 5: lecture (health science), 6–8: sports activity, 9: lecture (health science), 10–12: sports activity, and 13: summary of the class. Health behavior promotion programs were intended only for the intervention group. The programs comprised (1) education on behavioral change skills (self-monitoring, goal setting, self-reinforcement, and so on), and (2) out-of-class practical assignments such as physical education homework. We evaluated the health level and life habits of the students by using the Diagnostic Inventory of Health and Life Habit (DIHAL; Tokunaga, 2003) and evaluated their physical activity level using the Physical Activity Assessment Scale (PAAS; Wakui & Suzuki, 1997). As a result, significant intervention effects were observed with regard to the DIHAL scales for "Eating," "Resting," and the "Sum of lifestyle," and with regard to the subscales of "Level of physical health," "Eating regularly," "Relaxing," "Sleeping regularly," and the "Fulfillment level of sleep." The PAAS revealed a significant intervention effect with regard to "Daily activity," which indicates the relatively light physical activities in daily life; however, this was not observed with regard to the DIHAL scale of "Exercise." These results clearly indicate that physical education programs based on behavioral science and including homework can improve the overall lifestyle (namely, physical activity, eating, and resting) of first-year college students.
苅山 靖 図子 浩二
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.397-411, 2014-12

The aim of this study was to clarify the point of attention and determine an effective method for the vertical single-leg rebound jump (VSJ) and horizontal single-leg bounding jump (HSJ) in plyometrics by investigating the differences and relationship between the two jumps with respect to take-off movement and joint kinetics. 11 male track and field athletes performed the VSJ, 50%HSJ, 75%HSJ, and HSJ. The kinematics and kinetics during the take-off phase were recorded using a high-speed video camera (300 Hz) for movements in the sagittal plane and force platforms (1000 Hz), and then analyzed. The results are summarized below:1.According to a spring-mass model, the vertical velocity of the center of gravity in the VSJ was attained by using shortening-lengthening movements. However, in the HSJ, most of the horizontal velocity of the center of gravity was due to rotational movement. This velocity increased with increasing jump distance.2.The extension torque of the knee and hip joints during the former phase, the negative torque power of the knee, and the positive torque power of the ankle and hip joints in the HSJ were greater than those in the VSJ. However, the ankle joint torque during the former phase and the negative torque power in the HSJ were smaller than those in the VSJ.3.The jump distance for the HSJ was correlated with the RJ-index for the VSJ. Moreover, there was a correlation between the HSJ and VSJ with respect to negative joint work and joint contribution.These results suggest that there are differences in take-off movement and joint kinetics between the VSJ and HSJ; however, both jumps show similarities in the recruitment characteristics of the take-off leg muscle during the former phase.