木内 敦詞 中村 友浩 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 橋本 公雄
公益社団法人 全国大学体育連合
大学体育学 (ISSN:13491296)
vol.7, pp.69-76, 2010

荒井 弘和 中村 友浩 木内 敦詞 浦井 良太郎
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.46, no.7, pp.667-676, 2006-07-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

本研究の目的は,主観的に評価された睡眠の質と,身体活動および心理的適応(不安・抑うつ)との関連を検討することであつた.本研究の対象者は,夜間部に通う大学1年生の男子186名であつた.測定尺度にはPittsburgh Sleep Quality Indexの日本語版(PSQI-J),身体活動評価表(PAAS),Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)日本語版を用いた.本研究は,横断的研究デザインであつた.相関分析の結果,運動や日常身体活動を行つていない者ほど,睡眠時間が長く,眠剤を使用していた.また,日常身体活動を行つている者ほど,睡眠困難や日中覚醒困難を感じていないことが明らかになった.次に,階層的重回帰分析を行つた結果,運動の実施はPSQI得点を予測していなかつたが,日常身体活動の実施は睡眠時間,睡眠効率,睡眠困難,および日中覚醒困難を予測することが明らかになつた.結論として,本研究は,身体活動が主観的な睡眠の質と部分的に関運することを支持した.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.145-159, 2009
1 4

身体活動増強は他の健康行動改善へのきっかけとしての役割が示唆されているものの,大学生の身体活動レベルは低い.Sallis et al.(1999)によるProject Graduate Ready for Activity Daily(GRAD)は,行動科学に基づいてプログラムされた,卒業直前の大学生のための身体活動増強コースである.大学新入生に対しても,GRADと同様の視点に立った身体活動介入を行う必要がある.本研究の目的は,行動科学に基づく宿題を併用した体育プログラムが大学新入生の心理的・行動的・生理的な身体活動関連変数に正の効果を持つかどうかを検討することであった.本プロジェクトは,First-Year Physical Education(FYPE)と名づけられた.近畿圏にある工科系大学の新入生が本研究に参加した(N=993;介入群,N=497;非介入群,N=496).全授業の共通プログラムは以下のとおり(数字はその順序に対応);1:ガイダンス,2:健康関連体力テスト,3-6:実技,7:講義,8-12:実技,13:健康関連体力テスト,14:まとめ.介入群にのみ,行動科学に基づく身体活動増強プログラムが追加された.そのプログラムは,ワークシートによる行動変容技法教育(意思決定バランス分析,セルフトークの修正,逆戻り防止,社会的支援,シェイピングなど)と,授業時間外演習課題のアクティブ・ホームワーク(身体活動に関するセルフモニタリング,目標設定)から構成された.週1回のプログラムの期間は3.5ヵ月であった.心理的変数(運動セルフ・エフィカシー,運動に関する意思決定のバランス[恩恵-負担]),行動的変数(強度別の身体活動量,区分された身体活動の実施頻度),生理的変数(健康関連体力:心肺持久力,柔軟性,筋持久力,体脂肪率)を測定した.これら変数を授業期間の前と後に測定し,介入群と非介入群を比較した.2要因分散分析とその後の下位検定により,心理的変数の運動セルフ・エフィカシーと運動実践の恩恵知覚への有意な介入効果が認められた.行動的変数については,「運動・スポーツ」「日常活動性」といった幅広い強度の身体活動量および区分された身体活動の実施頻度(日常身体活動と健康関連のエクササイズ[有酸素運動・柔軟運動・筋運動])への有意な介入効果が示された.生理的変数としての健康関連体力に関しては,筋持久力への介入効果が認められた.これらの結果は,行動科学に基づく宿題を併用した体育授業が,大学新入生の身体活動関連の心理・行動・生理的変数への包括的な正の効果を持つことを示唆している.
木内 敦詞 中村 友浩 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 橋本 公雄
公益社団法人 全国大学体育連合
大学体育学 7.1 (ISSN:13491296)
pp.69-76, 2010-03-15 (Released:2018-01-09)

木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
大学体育学 (ISSN:13491296)
vol.3, no.1, pp.3-14, 2006-03-15

本研究の目的は、身体活動ピラミッド(Corbin & Lindsey, 1997)の概念と行動変容技法を取り入れた半期の体育授業が、日本の大学の初年次男子学生(N=322)の身体活動量に及ぼす影響を検討することであった。非介入群(N=156)は「健康関連体力テスト2回」「講義1回」「スポーツ活動9回」を含む授業を受講し、介入群(N=166)はそれに加えて身体活動増強のためのプログラム「身体活動ピラミッドの概念学習」「行動変容ワークシートの実践」「日常における身体活動状況のモニタリング」を含む授業を受講した。受講の前後で日歩数は変化した(非介入群7841±2965歩-7693±2781歩[-1.9%]、介入群7890±2821歩-8546±2861歩[+8.3%])。分散分析の結果、非介入群に対する介入群の日歩数増加が示された。この介入群における日歩数の増加は、平日よりも休日の歩数増加に起因していた。身体活動評価表(涌井・鈴木,1997)を用いて受講前・受講後・追跡期における身体活動パターンを検討した結果、低い強度の身体活動量「日常活動性」ではいずれの測定時期においても両群に有意な差異は認められなかった。一方、中等度以上の強度の身体活動量「運動・スポーツ」では、受講後において非介入群に対する介入群の有意な高値が示されたが、受講終了3カ月後の追跡期では、「運動・スポーツ」における両群間の有意な差異は示されなかった。結論として、身体活動ピラミッドの概念学習と行動変容技法を取り入れた体育授業は、受講期間中、日本の大学の初年次男子学生の身体活動を増強することが明らかとなった。
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.329-341, 2008

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a physical education program based on behavioral science, which includes homework (project First-Year Physical Education: FYPE) on the health level and lifestyle of first-year college students. The study participants comprised 1,090 male college freshmen from an institute of technology in the Kinki area of Japan (intervention group, N=515; non-intervention group, N=575). The programs that were common to all the classes were as follows (the numbers correspond to the sequence of activities of the program). 1: guidance, 2–4: sports activity, 5: lecture (health science), 6–8: sports activity, 9: lecture (health science), 10–12: sports activity, and 13: summary of the class. Health behavior promotion programs were intended only for the intervention group. The programs comprised (1) education on behavioral change skills (self-monitoring, goal setting, self-reinforcement, and so on), and (2) out-of-class practical assignments such as physical education homework. We evaluated the health level and life habits of the students by using the Diagnostic Inventory of Health and Life Habit (DIHAL; Tokunaga, 2003) and evaluated their physical activity level using the Physical Activity Assessment Scale (PAAS; Wakui & Suzuki, 1997). As a result, significant intervention effects were observed with regard to the DIHAL scales for "Eating," "Resting," and the "Sum of lifestyle," and with regard to the subscales of "Level of physical health," "Eating regularly," "Relaxing," "Sleeping regularly," and the "Fulfillment level of sleep." The PAAS revealed a significant intervention effect with regard to "Daily activity," which indicates the relatively light physical activities in daily life; however, this was not observed with regard to the DIHAL scale of "Exercise." These results clearly indicate that physical education programs based on behavioral science and including homework can improve the overall lifestyle (namely, physical activity, eating, and resting) of first-year college students.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 中村 友浩 浦井 良太郎
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1-9, 2005

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical education [PE] homework on the amount of daily physical activity and the health-related fitness of university freshmen. Two hundred and eighty four Japanese university freshmen were allocated to either homework group (<i>N</i>=133) or control group (<i>N</i>=151). The tasks for homework group were daily life (out of class) self-monitoring of physical activity to promote daily physical activity, as well as fitness tests and sports activity during the class. The tasks for control group were health-related fitness tests and sports activity during the class. The Physical Activity Assessment Scale (PAAS; Wakui & Suzuki, 1997), which consists of three subscales, was used to evaluate physical activity patterns of the participants. The three subscales were 1) Exercise/Sports: measures exercise/sports-related physical activities with more than moderate intensity, 2) Time Management: measures the ability of time management in being occupied and having little time for exercise/sports participation, and 3) Daily Activity: measures relatively light physical activities in daily life. Health-related fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength/endurance, flexibility, and body fat) was also measured. As the result of ANOVA, PE homework in daily life was found to increase; 1) the amount of physical activity widely with light to moderate intensity, 2) some healthrelated fitness related to practical homework. These results suggest that PE homework can contribute to promoting daily physical activity required for fitness program emphasized today.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 中村 友浩 浦井 良太郎 橋本 公雄
大学体育学 (ISSN:13491296)
vol.6, no.1, pp.3-11, 2009-03-15

荒井 弘和 中村 友浩 木内 敦詞 浦井 良太郎
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.45, no.11, pp.865-871, 2005-11-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

本研究の目的は, 男子大学生を対象として, 身体活動・運動と不安・抑うつとの関係を検討することであった.大学1年生の男子1,159名を対象に, HADS日本語版, 身体活動評価表, および運動行動の変容段階尺度を使用して, 横断的調査を行った.その結果, 運動・スポーツや日常活動性は, 不安とは関連していなかったが, 抑うつとの間に有意な負の相関関係が確認された.また, 運動行動の変容段階が無関心期の者と, それ以外の変容段階の者との間において, 抑うつ得点に有意な差が認められた.しかし, 抑うつに関する結果は, 1,000名を超すサンプル数に影響されている可能性があり, 抑うつに関する結果の解釈には注意が必要である.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.145-159, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-11-05)
3 4

College students have low levels of physical activity (PA); however, PA enhancement is suggested to serve as a gateway to the improvement of other forms of health behavior. Graduate Ready for Activity Daily (GRAD) by Sallis et al. (1999) is a PA enhancement course for college students immediately before graduation. The program contains the behavior change skills needed to adopt and maintain regular PA. Moreover, there is also a need to consider PA intervention for freshmen, from the same viewpoint as GRAD. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not a behavioral science-based physical education program with homework would have positive effects on the psychological, behavioral, and physiological variables related to the PA of college freshmen. The project was named “First-Year Physical Education” (FYPE).College freshmen from an institute of technology in the Kinki area of Japan participated in this study (N=993; intervention group, N=497; non-intervention group, N=496). The programs that were common to all the classes were as follows (the numbers correspond to the sequence of activities in the program): (1) guidance, (2) health-related physical fitness test, (3)–(6) sports activity, (7) lecture on PA and health, (8)–(12) sports activity, (13) health-related physical fitness test, and (14) summary of the program. The PA enhancement programs were meant only for the intervention group. The programs consisted of education on behavioral change skills (decisional-balance analysis, changing self-talk, relapse prevention, social support, shaping, and so on), and out-of-class practical assignments such as active homework (self-monitoring and goal setting with regard to PA). The duration of the weekly program was 3.5 months. We measured psychological variables (self-efficacy and decisional balance [pros–cons] for exercise), behavioral variables (PA level according to the intensity and frequency of categorized PA), and physiological variables (health-related physical fitness, i.e., cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, and percentage body fat). These variables were measured both before and after the class term; the intervention and the non-intervention groups were subsequently compared.Two-way ANOVA and post hoc test revealed a significant intervention effect for psychological variables such as self-efficacy and the pros of exercise. With regard to the behavioral variables, a significant intervention effect was observed for both the PA levels of “exercise and sports” and “daily activity” and the frequency of the categorized PA (daily PA, health-related exercise such as aerobic exercise, stretching, and muscular exercise). In the health-related physical fitness test with regard to physiological variables, a significant intervention effect was observed for muscular endurance. These results suggest that this behavioral science-based physical education class with homework has comprehensive positive effects on the psychological, behavioral, and physiological variables related to the PA of college freshmen.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.329-341, 2008-12-10 (Released:2009-02-25)
3 2

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a physical education program based on behavioral science, which includes homework (project First-Year Physical Education: FYPE) on the health level and lifestyle of first-year college students. The study participants comprised 1,090 male college freshmen from an institute of technology in the Kinki area of Japan (intervention group, N=515; non-intervention group, N=575). The programs that were common to all the classes were as follows (the numbers correspond to the sequence of activities of the program). 1: guidance, 2–4: sports activity, 5: lecture (health science), 6–8: sports activity, 9: lecture (health science), 10–12: sports activity, and 13: summary of the class. Health behavior promotion programs were intended only for the intervention group. The programs comprised (1) education on behavioral change skills (self-monitoring, goal setting, self-reinforcement, and so on), and (2) out-of-class practical assignments such as physical education homework. We evaluated the health level and life habits of the students by using the Diagnostic Inventory of Health and Life Habit (DIHAL; Tokunaga, 2003) and evaluated their physical activity level using the Physical Activity Assessment Scale (PAAS; Wakui & Suzuki, 1997). As a result, significant intervention effects were observed with regard to the DIHAL scales for “Eating,” “Resting,” and the “Sum of lifestyle,” and with regard to the subscales of “Level of physical health,” “Eating regularly,” “Relaxing,” “Sleeping regularly,” and the “Fulfillment level of sleep.” The PAAS revealed a significant intervention effect with regard to “Daily activity,” which indicates the relatively light physical activities in daily life; however, this was not observed with regard to the DIHAL scale of “Exercise.” These results clearly indicate that physical education programs based on behavioral science and including homework can improve the overall lifestyle (namely, physical activity, eating, and resting) of first-year college students.