今井 奈妙 稲津 教久 Imai Nami Inazu Norihisa
三重看護学誌 = Mie Nursing Journal (ISSN:13446983)
vol.22, pp.1-8, 2020-03-31

Individuals can make the greatest contribution to changes in human disease structure by reviewing their living environment, which reduces the burden on the natural environment, but nursing students are less aware of relationship between environment and health issues. In order to build awareness of environmental issues, it is important to make them interested in it. Therefore, from three nursing viewpoints such as eating, breathing and wearing (touching the skin), three points will be described in this document; such as “how neonicotinoid compounds affect human health”, “how pyrethroid insecticides, quaternary ammonium salts and isocyanates affect human health” and “how synthesis surfactant affect skin barrier structure”. Learning about the connection between the environment and health and working on improving the environment is also about thinking about the past and future of humanity. Investigating the environmental factors that have caused illness from nursing subjects together with the subjects leads to real life activity support as a nursing staff.
谷村 晋 TANIMURA Susumu
三重看護学誌 (ISSN:13446983)
vol.19, pp.19-27, 2017-03

学術雑誌におけるオープンアクセス(OA)はますます普及し,科学の進歩に貢献している.近年,OAの仕組みを逆手の取った悪徳OA 出版社・雑誌が台頭してきた.これらの出版社の目的は掲載料による収益であり,無差別のメールにより投稿者を勧誘し,正当な査読の手続きを経ずに論文を掲載するため,科学の信頼を損なうことにつながっている.悪徳OA 出版社・雑誌を利用しないためには,論文投稿先を決定する際に,ブラックリストやホワイトリストによる照合を行い,提案されている基準を用いて慎重に検討しなければならない.1 人1 人が高い倫理観を持って悪徳OA 出版社・雑誌への投稿を止められれば,悪徳OA 出版社・雑誌の撲滅へとつながると考えられる.
服部 純子 今井 奈妙 成田 有吾 Hattori Junko Imai Nami Narita Yugo
三重看護学誌 = Mie Nursing Journal (ISSN:13446983)
vol.20, pp.25-32, 2018-03-26

The purpose of this study was to clarify the difficulty with respect to family relationships experienced by Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) patients, by analyzing the contents of illness which MCS patients described.We conducted and analyzed qualitatively a semi-structured interview on "The pain of living" with respect to family relationships for five female MCS patients in their 40s to 50s.The difficulty of living with respect to family relationships reported by MCS patients consisted of six categories: " Confusion about families who do not understand ", "embarrassment about living with family", "give up on family’s understand ", "being hurt by family’s behavior", " anger against family" and "collapse of family relationships".The results of this study revealed psychological conflicts related to the family relationship of MCS patients on the characteristic care of MCS such as to avoid exposure to chemical substances. These psychological conflicts were the cause of social distress in MCS patients, and they were the core of these patients’ painfulness of living.