今井 奈妙 稲津 教久 Imai Nami Inazu Norihisa
三重看護学誌 = Mie Nursing Journal (ISSN:13446983)
vol.22, pp.1-8, 2020-03-31

Individuals can make the greatest contribution to changes in human disease structure by reviewing their living environment, which reduces the burden on the natural environment, but nursing students are less aware of relationship between environment and health issues. In order to build awareness of environmental issues, it is important to make them interested in it. Therefore, from three nursing viewpoints such as eating, breathing and wearing (touching the skin), three points will be described in this document; such as “how neonicotinoid compounds affect human health”, “how pyrethroid insecticides, quaternary ammonium salts and isocyanates affect human health” and “how synthesis surfactant affect skin barrier structure”. Learning about the connection between the environment and health and working on improving the environment is also about thinking about the past and future of humanity. Investigating the environmental factors that have caused illness from nursing subjects together with the subjects leads to real life activity support as a nursing staff.
寺田 裕樹 成田 有吾 久田 雅紀子 種田 ゆかり 今井 奈妙 Terada Yuki Narita Yugo Hisada Akiko Taneda Yukari Imai Nami
三重看護学誌 (ISSN:13446983)
vol.13, pp.73-81, 2011-03-15

目的:看護大学生の感じているストレスと学習意欲・態度への影響を検討. 対象:看護学科4年生82名. 方法:学習意欲尺度(加曽利,2008)を含む調査票で検討した. 結果:1)[集中力・持続力因子]の10項目中7項目で「はい」回答者群のストレス度が有意に高かった.2)[自己向上因子]では,5項目中2項目で「いいえ」回答者群はストレス度が有意に高かった.3)ストレス度による学習意欲の変化は,4因子すべてにおいて有意差は認められなかった.4)各因子の項目間では,「遅刻・欠席が多い」ことは[授業に対する積極性因子]以外の負の3因子の項目との関連が示唆された.5)学習意欲尺度の各項目間では,7組の項目で遅刻や欠席の少なさとの関係が示唆された. 結論:1)~5)の結果より,本対象では,[集中力・持続力因子],[自己向上因子]および[授業に対する真面目さ因子]においてストレスとの関係が示唆された.This study surveyed effects of stress on learning motivation of 82 student-nurses at 4 th grade by a questionnaire including a learning motivation scale(Kasori T, 2009). The result suggested following 5 points;1)Positive respondents(who said Yes)on 7 out of 10 items concerning concentration and its endurance showed higher stress level than negative respondents(who said No)did.2)Negative respondents on 2 out of 5 items concerning self-efficacy and its improving motivation showed higher stress level than positive respondents did.3)No relationship between learning motivation and stress levels appeared in 4 stress factors.4)Students who answered as they had tended to be late or absent seemed to have much stress and negative responses at 3 items concerning active factors on learning at a class.5)Tendency of less late or absence seemed to relate each item of learning desire scales significant relation between seven items. In conclusion, 〔concentration and its endurance〕 and 〔self-efficacy and its improving motivation〕 may concern the stress of the student nurses.
服部 純子 今井 奈妙 成田 有吾 Hattori Junko Imai Nami Narita Yugo
三重看護学誌 = Mie Nursing Journal (ISSN:13446983)
vol.20, pp.25-32, 2018-03-26

The purpose of this study was to clarify the difficulty with respect to family relationships experienced by Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) patients, by analyzing the contents of illness which MCS patients described.We conducted and analyzed qualitatively a semi-structured interview on "The pain of living" with respect to family relationships for five female MCS patients in their 40s to 50s.The difficulty of living with respect to family relationships reported by MCS patients consisted of six categories: " Confusion about families who do not understand ", "embarrassment about living with family", "give up on family’s understand ", "being hurt by family’s behavior", " anger against family" and "collapse of family relationships".The results of this study revealed psychological conflicts related to the family relationship of MCS patients on the characteristic care of MCS such as to avoid exposure to chemical substances. These psychological conflicts were the cause of social distress in MCS patients, and they were the core of these patients’ painfulness of living.
森 康則 犬飼 健自 一色 博 今井 奈妙
The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.80, no.2, pp.66-72, 2016 (Released:2017-05-30)

目的:ヒノキに代表される木質の建築資材は,利用者のリラックス感を促進すると考えられている.本研究では,三重県産ヒノキで作られた浴槽に入浴する者の自律神経機能と感情尺度の変化に着目して,その仮説の科学的な検証を試みた.方法:被験者には,健常成年16名を選定した.被験者1人につき,入浴介入を2回行った.1回の入浴は通常のユニットバスでの入浴とし(対照実験),もう1回の入浴はユニットバスと同一形状に設計されたヒノキで作られた浴槽での入浴とした.入浴介入前に唾液の採取と主観的感情尺度(MCL-S.2)の測定,入浴介入後にも唾液の採取と主観的感情尺度(MCL-S.2, VAS)の測定をそれぞれ行った.また実験を通じて,胸部に防水機構付きのホルター心電計を装着し,データを採取した.結果および考察:MCL-S.2による感情尺度評価の結果,ヒノキ製浴槽への入浴前後の「快感情」で,有意なスコア上昇が認められた.加えて,VASによる感情尺度評価の結果,ヒノキ製浴槽の入浴後の方が,対照実験後のそれに比べて,「疲労感」のスコアが有意に低い値が得られた.このことから,ヒノキ浴槽における入浴の「快感情」の促進効果と,「疲労感」の軽減効果が示唆された.また,唾液中コルチゾールの各入浴介入前後の比較の結果,いずれの入浴介入においても入浴後の有意な濃度低下が認められた.また,入浴直前と入浴後安静における副交感神経指標である√HFの比較を行ったところ,いずれの入浴介入においても,有意に高い値に推移していることが明らかになった.これらの結果から,いずれの浴槽材質の入浴であっても,本研究で設定した入浴条件(38~39℃15分間)であれば,入浴行為そのものによっても副交感神経が優位となる傾向が示された.