村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.2, pp.1-29, 2018-09-30

This paper aims to re-examine the link between language and play in early childhood care and education. Section 1 examines the ideals which serve as the basis of the domain “language” in the early childhood care and education by way of a “Course of Study for Kindergarten” and the “Nursery Provisions Guidance.” Section 2 investigates picture books considering the link between language and play so as to argue that “the sense of play to enjoy language” (T. Matsui) which brings joys and surprises enhances children’s imagination and serves as the core of a fruitful language experience. In particular, this paper focuses on discussions of picture books by T. Matsui, who has long been exploring these themes, and interprets his arguments from the viewpoint of A. N. Whitehead’s educational philosophy and to the classical study of picture books by W. Benjamin. Section 3 reviews work by F. v. Schiller, J. Huizinga, E. Fink, R. Caillois and W. Benjamin who have presented “the philosophy of play” by thoroughly examining the relationship between play and human beings to clarify the question of “what play is.”Section 4 identifies the connections between play, language, and imagination by referring to arguments presented by Matsui and Benjamin. This connection not only engenders children’s language/play but also philosophical investigations. This is shown in Whitehead’s insight into “speculation, imagination, language, and play.” This section examines language and play regarding Whitehead’s philosophy of organism and re-thinks the possibility of the domain “language” in early childhood care and education. Last, Section 5 identifies future research agendas containing themes which have not been discussed in this paper.
村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.1, pp.81-108, 2018-07-20

In this paper, we attempt to introduce the “philosophy of play,” which extensively examines the question of what play is. In previous noteworthy studies, it has been shown that people were born to play, and that to play is to live. This paper is an attempt to approach this idea from the viewpoint of A. N. Whitehead’s educational philosophy. In Chapter 2, as a starting point for discussing play, we will examine the classical “philosophy of play” through the philosophies of Schiller, Huizinga, Fink, Bateson, and others who believed that the very act of the creation of this world was play and that culture is born in the world of play. In Chapter 3, we discuss the “rhythm of education" in Whitehead’s philosophy of education from the viewpoint of the connection between life and play, and examine the rhythm of education from the perspective of Whitehead’s philosophy of organism. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no previous attempts to approach the philosophy of play from the standpoint of the philosophy of organism. This paper is an attempt to consider the philosophy of play, which originated from Schiller’s aesthetics and was developed by Huizinga, Fink, Caillois, and others from the viewpoint of Whitehead’s philosophy of organism or process philosophy.
村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.1, pp.109-120, 2018-07-20

芝田 郁子
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.2, pp.31-45, 2018-09-30

村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.1, pp.81-108, 2018-07-20

In this paper, we attempt to introduce the "philosophy of play," which extensively examines the question of what play is. In previous noteworthy studies, it has been shown that people were born to play, and that to play is to live. This paper is an attempt to approach this idea from the viewpoint of A. N. Whitehead's educational philosophy. In Chapter 2, as a starting point for discussing play, we will examine the classical "philosophy of play" through the philosophies of Schiller, Huizinga, Fink, Bateson, and others who believed that the very act of the creation of this world was play and that culture is born in the world of play. In Chapter 3, we discuss the "rhythm of education" in Whitehead's philosophy of education from the viewpoint of the connection between life and play, and examine the rhythm of education from the perspective of Whitehead's philosophy of organism. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no previous attempts to approach the philosophy of play from the standpoint of the philosophy of organism. This paper is an attempt to consider the philosophy of play, which originated from Schiller's aesthetics and was developed by Huizinga, Fink, Caillois, and others from the viewpoint of Whitehead's philosophy of organism or process philosophy.
扶瀬 絵梨奈
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.1, pp.71-79, 2018-07-20

本論文では、第5 次改訂である幼稚園教育要領(2017)の領域「表現」における内容の取扱いとして新たに加えられた「風の音や雨の音、身近にある草や花の形や色など自然の中にある音、形、色などに気付くようにすること」について、気付く(音をきく)という行為に着目し、自然音に意識を向けた指導の在り方について検討することを目的とした。様々な音を受容している現代の日常生活のなかで、自然音に気付く機会は学生にとって多くはなく、保育職を志す学生の「自然音」に対する記憶や意識についての基礎的知見を得るために音環境および音の記憶に関する調査を行った。学生は自然音に関する幼少期の記憶が確かにあり、風や雨の音に耳を澄ませた経験があることや、音楽が好きと答える学生ほど、音に音程やリズムをもつ自然音を心地よく感じる傾向があることが明らかとなった。今回は保育者養成短期大学の1 年次に在籍する学生を対象に調査を行ったが、教育のなかで「聴(聞)くこと」や「聞こえること」に対する意識が促進されるような教示を展開したのちに、音への好奇心や探究心がどう高まるのか、隣接する領域にも着目しながら研究を進めていきたい。