村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.4, pp.53-81, 2021-03-20

村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.2, pp.1-29, 2018-09-30

This paper aims to re-examine the link between language and play in early childhood care and education. Section 1 examines the ideals which serve as the basis of the domain “language” in the early childhood care and education by way of a “Course of Study for Kindergarten” and the “Nursery Provisions Guidance.” Section 2 investigates picture books considering the link between language and play so as to argue that “the sense of play to enjoy language” (T. Matsui) which brings joys and surprises enhances children’s imagination and serves as the core of a fruitful language experience. In particular, this paper focuses on discussions of picture books by T. Matsui, who has long been exploring these themes, and interprets his arguments from the viewpoint of A. N. Whitehead’s educational philosophy and to the classical study of picture books by W. Benjamin. Section 3 reviews work by F. v. Schiller, J. Huizinga, E. Fink, R. Caillois and W. Benjamin who have presented “the philosophy of play” by thoroughly examining the relationship between play and human beings to clarify the question of “what play is.”Section 4 identifies the connections between play, language, and imagination by referring to arguments presented by Matsui and Benjamin. This connection not only engenders children’s language/play but also philosophical investigations. This is shown in Whitehead’s insight into “speculation, imagination, language, and play.” This section examines language and play regarding Whitehead’s philosophy of organism and re-thinks the possibility of the domain “language” in early childhood care and education. Last, Section 5 identifies future research agendas containing themes which have not been discussed in this paper.
村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.1, pp.81-108, 2018-07-20

In this paper, we attempt to introduce the “philosophy of play,” which extensively examines the question of what play is. In previous noteworthy studies, it has been shown that people were born to play, and that to play is to live. This paper is an attempt to approach this idea from the viewpoint of A. N. Whitehead’s educational philosophy. In Chapter 2, as a starting point for discussing play, we will examine the classical “philosophy of play” through the philosophies of Schiller, Huizinga, Fink, Bateson, and others who believed that the very act of the creation of this world was play and that culture is born in the world of play. In Chapter 3, we discuss the “rhythm of education" in Whitehead’s philosophy of education from the viewpoint of the connection between life and play, and examine the rhythm of education from the perspective of Whitehead’s philosophy of organism. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no previous attempts to approach the philosophy of play from the standpoint of the philosophy of organism. This paper is an attempt to consider the philosophy of play, which originated from Schiller’s aesthetics and was developed by Huizinga, Fink, Caillois, and others from the viewpoint of Whitehead’s philosophy of organism or process philosophy.
村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.1, pp.109-120, 2018-07-20

村田 康常
研究紀要 (ISSN:13427997)
vol.40, pp.43-64, 2018-12-20

村田 康常
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.20, pp.80-97, 2020 (Released:2021-11-20)

This paper aims to construe that which Whitehead’s cosmology describes as a playful universe, while he scarcely uses the word “play” (rare exceptions appear in the first chapter of Process and Reality (Whitehead, 1929a/1978, p. 5)). I discuss the idea of “play” in his cosmology as a function of the “imagination” of speculative reason that emerges from immediate experience. By virtue of imagination, which leaps beyond the determinations of our immediate experience to envisage unlimited possibilities, the world we experience instantly turns into a creative and meaningful world, where novel and unexperienced values are constantly realized and are perpetually perishing. The function of reason is to activate this creative leap of imagination in a coherent fash ion. Whitehead notes that the transboundary leap of imagination is an essential aspect of speculative philosophy. He also emphasizes that the “play” of free imagination is a method in speculative philosophy (Whitehead, 1929a/1978, p. 5). Imagination lies at t he heart of this “play.” The transboundary leap of imagination activates “play” and prompts it to transcend logical consistency to unrestricted freedom. He explores the concrete aspects of reality by means of the method of the playful imagination, which introduces us to a playful freedom from causal determinations and logical necessity. We can say that this actual world, including 81 ourselves, becomes meaningful by virtue of imagination, which ourselves, becomes meaningful by virtue of imagination, which retains the vividness of immediate experience, while retains the vividness of immediate experience, while transcenditranscending the eterminations of the stubborn facts of ng the determinations of the stubborn facts of concrete experience. Through such an imaginative leap, our concrete experience. Through such an imaginative leap, our actual world is revealed as being meaningful.actual world is revealed as being meaningful.
村田 康常
プロセス思想 (ISSN:21853207)
vol.19, pp.108-127, 2019 (Released:2020-12-28)

This essay’s argument centers on two points. The first concerns the suitability of the term “play” to succinctly describe our actual world, which A. N. Whitehead called the world where conflict takes place between “the spirit of change,” which creatively advances toward novelty, and “the spirit of conservation” (Whitehead, 1967/1925, p. 201) —a world where the becoming and perishing of actual entities take place. The second point is that Whitehead’s method of speculative philosophy that includes an exhaustive discussion about this world of play is itself adequately described by the term “play.” Whitehead called the method of his philosophical exploration “speculative philosophy,” describing it as an attempt beginning with “immediate experience” to construct an “adequate and coherent logical system of general ideas” via “imaginative generalization” (Whitehead, 1978/1929, pp. 3-7). What becomes crucial in this search for generality is a “leap of imagination” that entails a departure from the restrictions and particularities of our immediate experience. Whitehead’s comparison of this leap of imagination—a methodology of speculative philosophy—to the flight of an airplane (Whitehead, 1978/1929, p. 5) is well known. We will use another of his metaphorical expressions, “play of free imagination” (ibid.), to refer to this free flight of imagination in this essay. Whitehead suggests that the element of play, as an unrestricted flight of imagination, plays a crucial role in speculative philosophy, as much as does rigorous logic. As such, the concept of play has double meanings in Whitehead’s speculative philosophy, namely because the world that speculative philosophy explores can be understood as a world of play, and the method of speculative philosophy’s exploration involves a play of imagination. This essay will attempt to construct a dialogue between Whitehead’s philosophy of the organism and the philosophies of play, particularly those by F. von Schiller, F. Nietzsche, J. Huizinga, R. Caillois, W. Benjamin, and E. Fink, in order to thoroughly discuss the double meanings of play within speculative philosophy.
村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.1, pp.81-108, 2018-07-20

In this paper, we attempt to introduce the "philosophy of play," which extensively examines the question of what play is. In previous noteworthy studies, it has been shown that people were born to play, and that to play is to live. This paper is an attempt to approach this idea from the viewpoint of A. N. Whitehead's educational philosophy. In Chapter 2, as a starting point for discussing play, we will examine the classical "philosophy of play" through the philosophies of Schiller, Huizinga, Fink, Bateson, and others who believed that the very act of the creation of this world was play and that culture is born in the world of play. In Chapter 3, we discuss the "rhythm of education" in Whitehead's philosophy of education from the viewpoint of the connection between life and play, and examine the rhythm of education from the perspective of Whitehead's philosophy of organism. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no previous attempts to approach the philosophy of play from the standpoint of the philosophy of organism. This paper is an attempt to consider the philosophy of play, which originated from Schiller's aesthetics and was developed by Huizinga, Fink, Caillois, and others from the viewpoint of Whitehead's philosophy of organism or process philosophy.
村田 康常
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.2, pp.173-191, 2005 (Released:2021-01-16)

The Summary presented paper deals with three subjects. The first point to be made is that Nishida Kitaro and A. N. Whitehead share the same origin, called the fact of pure experience or immediate experience, in spite of no direct academic exchange between them. They regard the pure experience as the sole starting-point of any thought in which the reality discloses itself as a non-dualistic unity. The problem they face there is whether they can describe the insight gained in that experience. They solve it by reaching at the same idea that the reality expresses itself and its self-expression takes form of a sort of logic. The second point is to show that their conclusions are different from each other. At the beginning, both philosophers regard the fact of pure experience as a flux. And then, they formulate it into the idea of process. Nevertheless, because the pure experience refuses any seat to the substantial self, which is still held in the idea of process, Nishida abandons this idea and searches for a deeper logic. It is a sort of topology that implies a paradoxical content. He finds our own selves in their vanishing point, in which our relative selves encounter with the absolute. In contrast, Whitehead searches for the emerging point of our own selves in his immediate experience. His conclusion puts no emphasis on the idea of nothingness but evidently on that of process. The third point suggests the possibility to construe Whitehead's philosophy not only as a process philosophy but also as a topological philosophy comparable to Nishida's. As Nishida watches the vanishing point of our own selves in order to reveal the depth of reality, Whitehead describes the perishing of actual entities in order to discover the principle of universal relativity of the universe. To perish is to be objectified, and to be objectified is to be present in another, and the presence in another is the main subject of topology. In conclusion, we can say that Nishida's approach to the reality and that of Whitehead are complement to each other.
村田 康常
研究紀要 (ISSN:13427997)
vol.33, pp.79-94, 2011-12-20

In several writings including The Aims of Education, Alfred North Whitehead develops his original philosophy of education, which we can call "a theory of the rhythm of education." This paper tries to show an important influence of Bergson's idea of "élan vital" on Whitehead's theory of the rhythm. According to Whitehead, the essence of the life consists in the creative impulse to realize a definite shape of novel value in the world. The realization of some actual value is a creation of a new harmony, and the process of the creation has its own rhythm. Whitehead gives a philosophical explanation to the rhythm of the life by referring to ideas borrowed from Bergson, "élan vital" and "its relapse to the matter." The process of education should be coincident with the rhythm of the life, which swings from the romance of "élan vital" to the generalized "wisdom" through the precision of knowledge and information. His theory of the rhythm, appearing as a rhythmic theory of the life in his early works of scientific philosophy, develops toward the ideas of the becoming process of organisms and of the creative advance of the world into novelty in his later works of "philosophy of organism." His theory of the rhythm of education takes a significant position in the developing process of his philosophy from its earlier scientific philosophy to its later metaphysical cosmology. It is the reason why his philosophy of education shows a widespread vision of the life, nature and human being.