手代木 渉 志田 孝夫
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.77, no.11, pp.350-358, 1968-11

It is well known that in the amphibian tail the main axis of regeneration blastema is at the right angle with the cut-surface (Barfurth, 1923). The same view has been held by many investigators who worked with various animals. For supporting this view, the cellular materials concerned in regeneration must be produced uniformly from the cut-surface, as stated by E. Korschelt (1927) and Yo. K. Okada (1950). However, this did not hold in planarians, since the rate of production of new tissue at the cut-surfaces differs along the longitudinal or the lateral axes of the body. The rate of regeneration in the amphibian tail was exactly the same to that of planarians. When the planarian or amphibian tail was sectioned obliquely, the axis of blastema was not always at the right angle with the cut-surface. It has been conclusively shown in the planarian and amphibian tail that as the acute angle between cut-surface and the main axis of the body (section angle) approaches the right angle, the acute angle of blastema-axis to the main axis of the body (regeneration angle) falls to zero, while, the regeneration angle becomes at the right angle as the section angle approaches zero. This can be mainly explained by differences in the rate of regeneration of new tissue along the cut-surface of the oblique section.
大島 廣
vol.13, no.5, pp.461-465, 1932
vol.13, no.5, 1932-12-10
南部 実
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.59, no.4, pp.15-16, 1950-04

Different doses (50-200 i.n.) of the commercial estrogen (ovahormone Takeda) were added to lg of pulp of liver of the newt, Triturus pyrrhogaster. After allowing to stand for 24 hours at room temperature, the mixture was extracted for 60 hours with acetone and then for 50 hours with alcohol in a Soxhlet. The extracts, combined after evaporation of the solvents, were taken in 0.8-1 cc of olive oil or whale oil and injected into spayed female rats. It was found that when 80 i.u. or more of the estrogen had been added to the liver pulp the doses sufficient to induce estrus in the rats sometimes escaped inactivation but when 60 i.u. or less had been added effective doses never remained. In the control experiments with lg of stomach tissue plus 50 i.u. of the estrogen the extracts were always estrogenic.
野崎 真澄 堤 俊夫 小林 英司 竹井 祥郎 市川 友行 常木 和日子 宮川 和子 上村 晴子 辰己 佳次
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.85, no.2, pp.p156-168, 1976-06

The spawning habit of the puffer, Fugu niphobles (Jordan et Snyder), was observal at Arai Beach and Aburatsubo Inlet from late May to early August in 1975. One spawning ground was found at Arai Beac (A in Fig.1), and four at Aburatsubo Inlet (B-E in Fig.1). The puffer laid eggs on any spawning bed with sandy (A), pebbly (B, C and D) or rocky shores (E). They spawned at beaches facing any direction (Fig.1). The spawning season extended from May 25 to July 28. Spawning ran 5-7 days at Arai Beach, and 2-6 days at Aburatsubo Inlet following each full or new moon. A large school of puffers, consisting of about 1000, approached each spawning bed with the rising tide. Spawning took place repeatedly in small groups of 10-60 puffers only in the evening high tide. Each spawning observed at Arai Beach started 110±6 minutes and finished 39±8 minutes before the full tide, except for the first day. Thus, most of the eggs were washed away from the beach by waves. The number of spawnings by small groups ws very small on the first day and became highest on the 3rd or 4th day. There was no difference in total length between males and females found at the spawning beds. The number of females was notably less than males. A large school of puffers approached the spawning beds with the rising tide in the morning, but spawning was not observed.
大島 正満
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.68, no.7, pp.259-262, 1959-07

It was affirmed previously by means of continuous breeding experiments carried on by the former Director of the Fisheries Experiment Station of Gifu Prefecture(1924-1927) that the hybrid between the sea-run type of Oncorhynchus masou and river-type of Oncorhynchus rhodurus is fertile, while the back-cross between F_1 and the latter is entirely sterile instead. The most clear specific difference between the two river-types of the above mentioned Oncorhynchus are (1) the colouration of the round spots scattered above and below of the lateral line and (2) arrangement of the circuli in the somatic scales. In the artiffcially crossed hybrid black spots of Oncorhynchus masou reveals as an apparently dominant character while crimson spots of Oncorhynchus rhodurus subsides as recessive character while the concentric circular circuli of Oncorhynchus rhodurus becomes dominant to the broken external circuli of Oncorhynchus masou. Whether such cross exists in nature or not was a question among ichthyologists long time since. Quite recently, however, dubiuous specimens supposed to be the river from of Oncorhynchus masou have been obtaind in the upper stream of Tenriu River, mingling with 'Amago' the river-type of Oncorhynchus rhodurus. Specimens obtained by Mr. Takeo Iwasaki of Ina City has been forwarded very kindly for examination. The writer came to conclusion that the specimens exposed is really the hybrid between two species of Oncorhyuchus although intrudence of Oncorhynchus masou into Tenriu tributaries is not solved yet. In the present paper is given the description of naturally produced hybrid between Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodunus, given the new name Oncorhynchus hybridus sp. nov. (Japanese name 'Hiraki-masu'). Appreciations are due to Mr. Takeo Iwasaki by whose efforts such interesting specimens came to the writer's hand.
黒田 長礼
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.69, no.9, pp.277-279, 1960-09

In Japan there have been collected only four wild specimens of what we call the Female Mallard assuming the male plumage. Among these intersex specimens, no. 2 example which came from Teganuma, Chiba Prefecture, was studied by Dr.Yamashina ('48) and was found to have had its right and left ovaries turned into testes. Concerning the remaining examples the same phenomena have been seen in the old females, such as the Mandarin Duck, the Teal and the Pintail, which must have been brought about by the shrinkage or some other disorder of their ovaries. Bluba ossea, an organ belonging to trachea, peculiar to the male duck, does not exist in these intersex specimens and proved not te be affected by means of sex hormone.
篠原 圭三郎
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.72, no.10, pp.300-302, 1963-10

Nedyopus venustus sp. nov. Body Iength about 18mm, width about 1.3mm in the male. General colour is brown with a wide light longitudinal stripe extending on the middorsal surface the collum to the tail excluding the head. The keels, sternites and legs are yellow but tibia and tarsus of legs have a brown tinge. The dorsal surface is glabrous, and many conspicuous furrows are present on lateral and upper surfaces of the keel. The lateral carinae extend from the first to the sixth dorsal segment, the seventh and posterior segments having none. The fifth sternite of the male possesses a hairly flat lamina, the anterior margin of which curved in slightly. Gonopod of male : Hairly prefemur has a small process on the inner surface of its distal end. the base of femur is not retrograde as is that of N. tambanus, but expands markedly in a proximal direction as shown in the figure. The seminal groove branch runs forward or downward. Ratio of length to width of the male gonopod excluding the prefemur is about 2 : 1. Holotype : One male, Mt. Kirishima of Pref. Kagoshima, April 22, 1956 collected by Mr. S. Koshiyama, and preserved in the auther's collection. Kopidoiulus longus sp. nov. Body length is about 38mm in the male. The general colour is darkish brown, but metazonite possessas brown spots, and the dorsum seems to have many lateral stripes on account of the light stripes on the posterior of each segment. The sternites and the legs are yellow. The anal segment is deep brown. The number of segments is 49. The crypeus is hairly, but setigerous foveolae possess 2 + 2. Ocelli number about thirty. Few transverse furrows are present on the prezonites, and the striate portions of metazonites exist below the level of the repugnatorial pores, the dorsal surface being smooth. The first legs are transformed into long, stiff and stick-like five articles curved deeply as a whole. At the distal end of the fifth article is situated a very small process which is probably a degenerate claw. Gonopod : The anterior gonopod consists of a telopodite and a coxal process. Telopodite is spindle shaped having a seta on the inner surface of the distal end. The coxal process is long, with a small blade situated on one side of the distal half, and a few short seta-like processes on the basal half. Posterior gonopod is a long, slightly bent slender blade, with a ciliated end. The gonopods of the male are represented in the figure. Holotype : One male, Mt. Daisetsu, Hokkaido, July 24, 1957, collected by Dr. H. Kobayashi, and preserved in the auther's collection.
高桑 良興
vol.19, no.4, pp.283-288, 1940
三好 保徳
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.61, no.11, pp.339-340, 1952-11

1.Epanerchodus triramus n. sp. (Polydesmidae) Korperlange 18-20mm, Breite ca 1.8mm. Farbe schmutzigrot, doch Kopf, Bauche und Beine hell gelblich. 2.-19. Tergiten zeigen deutliche Skulpturen. Gonopoden: Prafemurofemurabschnitt gross, etwa Handtrommelformig und die Aussenseite des Femurabschnitts tragt mehrere langere Borsten. Nebenfortsatz (n) an der Basis des Tibiotarsus ist klein und Femoralfortsatz (f) grosser sls Nebenfortsatz. Beide Kralleformig und aussererst danieder liegend. Haarpolster deutlich. Tibiotarsus gross entwickelt und teilt sich in der Mitte in 3 Aste. 1.Ast derselben ist sich stark gekrummt. Diese Diagnosen unterscheidet E. triramus n. sp. klar von den ubrigen bekannten Arten derselben Gattung. Fundort: Yosifuzi-Mura (Ehime-Ken). 2.Leucodesminus melancholicus n. sp. (Cryptodesmidae) Farbe dunkelbraun oder aschenfarbig (gereiftes Individuum), Larve weisslich im Leben. Lange 13-14mm, Breite 3.5-4mm. Kopf ganz vom Halsschild bedeckt. Seitenflugel sehr breit, dessen Seiten-und Hinterrand durch runde Buchten in viele Lappen geteilt. Metazoniten dorsal, mit 3-4 unregelmassigen Reihen von den die Borste tragenden Tuberkeln. Gonopoden: Huffe gross und kugelig. Femur massig lang, etwas gebogen und distal in 3 grosse lamellose Aste geteilt, der crste, sichelformig, basalwarts gebogen, der zweite sehr breit, mit 3 spitzigem Lappen (Fig2. A, 2), der dritte am Ende zweigeteilt, d. i. spannerformig. Der Basalrand des 1. Astes hat viele merkliche Zahnchen (z). Ausserdem befindet sich ein Rinnenast (sar) zwischen 2. und 3. Aste. Fundort: Saraga-Mine (Ehime-Ken).
梁瀬 健 阪本 佐登美
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.74, no.7, pp.238-242, 1965-07

The retina of the dorsal eye consists essentially of a single visual cell layer with nervous process. In each visual cell the proximal and distal segments seem to be distinguishable. A distal segment corresponding to the outer segment of the rod contains several laminar cores (ellipsoidal or spherical in shape). Each laminar core has a granule-rich body at the center and joins to the cytoplasm of the proximal segment through a connecting piece. A cilium-like structure consisting of nine peripheral double tubules runs through a connecting piece. The proximal segment contains numerous mitochondria, a paranucleus and a nucleus. The important fact is that these structures are fundamental for the photoreceptors not only in vertebrates but also in molluscs.
篠原 圭三郎
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.79, no.6, pp.175-180, 1970-06

The Japanese pill milliped, Hyleoglomeris stuxbergi, showed photo-orthokinetic, thermoorthokinetic and photo-klinokinetic responses under various light and temperature conditions. Although this species is nocturnal (Fig. 5-9), over-all activity was stimulated by light (10-2000lux) (Fig. 1-3) and higher temperature (5-41℃) (Fig. 4). But this contradiction is easily explained when the 15 patterns of responses of this species were classified in two categories of positive (favorable) and negative (fugitive) ones (Table 1). The enhancement of activity under a brighter condition was largely due to a decrease of positive response as virtual inactivity. Negative responses as vigilance and defensive responses also increased under the light (Table 2 and Fig. 8). This milliped is nocturnal because it shows negative response in the daytime and positive response in the night.
三谷 文夫 Fumio Mitani 京都大学農学部水産学教室 Department of Fishery Faculty of Agriculture Kyoto University
動物学雑誌 = Doubutsugaku zasshi (ISSN:00445118)
vol.65, no.2, 1956-02-15

Having examined in detail 103 specimens of Hippocampus coronatus T. & S. obtained from the coast of Maizuru Bay for about two months from the end of June till that of August, 1955, I have found that the species shows not a few individual variations both in form and coloration. In Table 1 is shown the fluctuation in the number of caudal segments and in Table 2 that of dorsal and pectoral fin rays respectively. In Plate 1 and Figuer 3 are shown degrees of development of tubercles and fleshy appendages spreading like twigs on the surface of the body. The minimum size of the specimens with an elliptical area on the base of the tail having blackish brown pigments, which is a secondary sexual character of males, in 48.0mm. and of incubating males 63.0mm. in total legth, respectively. The species, as aforementioned, varies so greatly both in color and pattern of the body that it is roughly divided into 3 types, as shown in Figure 4; A) Specimens with brown blotches on the ground color of light, dark or orange yellow, B) those which are blackish brown or rather violet all over the body, and C) those with silvery blotches on the ground of uniformly greyish or dark green. The first type has a tendency to appear mainly in the specimens with few fleshy appendages; the secondtype, in the smaller ones with well-developed appendages; and the thirdtype, those including both larger and smaller ones with well-developed appendages. Hippocampus mohnikei Bleeker has been distinguished from H. coronatus T. et S., mainly in having a shorter snout, a lower coronet and more numerous fleshy appendages on the surface of the body. But these differnces between the two may not serve, I presume, for dividing the species into two different ones, as indicated in Figs. 1 and 2 and Table 3. Accordingly, H. mohnikei Bleeker may presumably be regarded as a synonym of H. coronatus T. et S.
石橋 貴昭
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.69, no.11, pp.336-343, 1960-11

The present reports are concerned with the analysis of the action of potassium ion on fish scale melanophores. 1. Using three species of teleosts, Carp (Carassius carassius), Funa (Cyprinus auratus) and Medaka (Oryzias latipes), the experiments were performed to ascertain whether potassium ion acts directly upon the melanophores or stimulates the nervous elements which are left alive in the isolated fish scale. 2. In prolonged application of potassium ion, it was observed that there were differences of reaction according to the locality of the melanophores in a scale. Moreover, the aggregation of the pigment granules within the melanophore which was induced by potassium ion had a transient phenomena. 3.The effectiveness of adrenalin in various concentrations upon the duration of the pigment aggregation to be induced by this agent has been examined. As the concentrations of adrenalin were increased, more and more the duration of pigment aggregation was prolonged. 4. The effect of denervation of the melanophore on the response to potassium ion was studied. The scales were pulled out from their pokets with fine forcepts and immediately slipped back into their pockets, thus severing all connections with the nervous system and allowing time for degeneration. In tests of the effects of denervation on the response to potassium ion during the period of degeneration, the scales which had been withdrawn were compared with normal scales and with scales which had recovered from the denervated state. In three hours after the operation the magnitude of centripetal migration of pigment granules within the melanophore reached only about one-half that of normal scale melanophore. From 18 to 20 hours after the operation, the response of melanophores to potassium ion had disappeared. Corresponding to the passage of time after the operation, however, the response of melanophores was actually re-established and it was the same as that of a normal scale. It may be suggested that these facts have relations with disintegration of the nerve fibers, including terminal structure connected with the melanophore, and a regrowth of them. 5. Both normal and denervated melanophore respond cleary to adrenalin. Furthermore, the melanophores which were originally insensitive to potassium ion, and the redispersed melanophores in prolonged application of this ion, were certainly responsive to adrenalin, thus suggesting a difference between potassium ion and adrenalin in mechanism of action to the melanophore. 6. It was assumed that potassium ion acts indirectly upon the melanophores through the never fibers which are left alive in an isolated acale. The failure or incompleteness of the response to potassium ion of the normal scale melanophores may be also explained by the lack or disintegration of the melanophore nerve.