太田 健一 綿 祐二
日本福祉大学健康科学部, 日本福祉大学健康科学研究所
日本福祉大学健康科学論集 = The Journal of Health Sciences, Nihon Fukushi University
no.24, pp.1-10, 2021-03-30

Participation of International Classification of Functioing, Disability and Health(ICF)is considered an important achievement in the field of rehabilitation. But there are few reports about the effect of participation. As a factor, in this study, we focused "involvement in social roles" in participation and investigated the recognition of participation by therapists. The method was to conduct an interview survey and content analyze of 25 therapists who are engaged in rehabilitation services in the long-term care insurance law in prefecture A. As a result, the therapists recognized in the participation of the ICF that execution of some action, such as Hobby activity, Involvement with others, Go to a place of participation, etc. rather than "involvement in social roles" and many of them were supposed to go out. Therefore, the participation was regarded as difficult, and the importance was lowered compared to the activities of the ICF. Since the therapists have little awareness of "involvement in social roles" in ICF participation, we would like to raise their awareness by creating evaluation indicators for future participation, and would like to lead to intervention in participation. 国際生活機能分類(International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health:以下,ICF)における参加は,リハビリテーション領域の重要な成果とされているが,現状,参加に踏み込むことが出来ていない.その要因として本研究では,参加において「社会的役割への関与」に重きを置き,理学療法士・作業療法士・言語聴覚士(以下,セラピスト)の参加の認識を調査した.方法は,A 県内で介護保険法の訪問・通所リハビリテーションサービスに従事するセラピスト 25 名に対し,インタビュー調査を行い,内容分析を行った.結果,セラピストは ICF の参加において,「社会的役割への関与」ではなく,【趣味活動を行う】,【個人以外と関わりを持つ】,【参加の場に出向く】等,何らかの行為の遂行と認識し,これらには外出を想定されるものが多かった.これにより参加を難度の高いものと捉え,ICF の活動に比して重要度を下げていた.よって,セラピストは ICF の参加において,「社会的役割への関与」の認識が薄く,今後参加の評価指標作成を通して認識を促し,参加への介入に繋げていきたい.
森本 真太郎
日本福祉大学健康科学部, 日本福祉大学健康科学研究所
日本福祉大学健康科学論集 = The Journal of Health Sciences
vol.25, pp.1-11, 2022-03-31

For users of a certain Day service facility, we grasped the characteristics of occupational performance that can be done with Day service, and examined the viewpoint of Day service support that can foster a sense of whereabouts for users. As the method, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the meaning of using Day service for 47 subjects and individual interviews for 9 of them. As a result, it became clear that the occupational performance that is possible with Day service has the characteristics of enjoying natural interaction with others on an equal position and occupational performance that you like at your own will. To foster a sense of whereabouts, create a facility culture where users can carry out their occupational performance and it was considered necessary to build an equal and natural human relation-ship and create an environment that can be used according to the user’s will and mental and physical functions. Howev-er, since the number of subjects in this study is small, it will be necessary to investigate at other facilities and test the hypothesis in the future.
中村 泰久 / 穴水 幸子 / 山中 武彦 / 石井 文康 / 三村 將
日本福祉大学健康科学部, 日本福祉大学健康科学研究所
日本福祉大学健康科学論集 = The Journal of Health Sciences
vol.21, pp.25-35, 2018-03-30

Based on the test outcomes of divergent and convergent thinking tasks, we examined the characteristics of patients with schizophrenia through an intergroup comparison with a control group, as well as through an intragroup comparison. The study involved the schizophrenia group and healthy control group. Both groups were administered the divergent thinking tasks, and convergent thinking tasks. Psychological symptoms were assessed of the schizophrenia patient. The outcome of the intergroup comparison showed that patients with schizophrenia show a decline in multiple The Tinkertoy Test (TTT) revised version subitems and Idea Fluency Task (IFT) Task-modified response number in the divergent thinking tasks. Furthermore, the result of a logistic regression analysis concerning the items that showed a decline indicated intergroup discrimination for TTT revised version name and IFT Task-modified response number. Subsequently, in the intragroup comparison of patients with schizophrenia, there was a positive correlation between positive symptoms and Design Fluency Test (DFT) Score. From these outcomes, we suggest that patients with schizophrenia tend to score lower on divergent thinking tasks, and that among the divergent thinking tasks, the TTT revised version and IFT are capable of measuring independent cognitive functions that are less susceptible to the influence of psychological symptoms.
藤田 ひとみ / 鈴木 貞夫
日本福祉大学健康科学部, 日本福祉大学健康科学研究所
日本福祉大学健康科学論集 = The Journal of Health Sciences
vol.21, pp.37-43, 2018-03-30

We summarized the relationship between physical activity and the amount of exercise according to the responses to a self-evaluation questionnaire by local residents (both men and women) in a cross-sectional study. The 65-79-year age group exercised more compared with the 35-64-year age group. The 35-64-year age group also felt the lack of exercise in their daily lives. Self-evaluation was positively corrected to the actual amount of physical activity. These correlations were found both in men and women.