森本 真太郎
日本福祉大学健康科学部, 日本福祉大学健康科学研究所
日本福祉大学健康科学論集 = The Journal of Health Sciences
vol.25, pp.1-11, 2022-03-31

For users of a certain Day service facility, we grasped the characteristics of occupational performance that can be done with Day service, and examined the viewpoint of Day service support that can foster a sense of whereabouts for users. As the method, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the meaning of using Day service for 47 subjects and individual interviews for 9 of them. As a result, it became clear that the occupational performance that is possible with Day service has the characteristics of enjoying natural interaction with others on an equal position and occupational performance that you like at your own will. To foster a sense of whereabouts, create a facility culture where users can carry out their occupational performance and it was considered necessary to build an equal and natural human relation-ship and create an environment that can be used according to the user’s will and mental and physical functions. Howev-er, since the number of subjects in this study is small, it will be necessary to investigate at other facilities and test the hypothesis in the future.
森本 真太郎
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:2434706X)
no.9, pp.1-9, 2021-03-31

In this study, we investigated the institutional environment for harassment countermeasures at a certain university.The purpose of this study was to consider the ideal university environment that can rescue harassment victims, especially the understanding of victims' feelings and the actions that members should take, and to present the perspective of the university environment that denies harassment. As a result, in various systems related to university harassment, it was considered important that the university became a place for victims by effectively functioning the institutional environment. By knowing the institutional intervention method, the surrounding members can also build a university environment that can rescue the victims. In addition, in order to understand the uncertain feelings of the victim, it was thought that building a human relationship in which both the victim and the surrounding members talk independently would lead to the construction of an environment in which the feelings of the victim could be understood. Furthermore, it was considered important for the surrounding members to acquire a clear attitude to eliminate the underlying conditions for the harassment problem and to act as “active participants”.
森本 真太郎
リハビリテーション科学ジャーナル = Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences
vol.15, pp.51-67, 2020-03-31

本稿では,あるデイサービス施設において失語症により言語表出が困難となった1 事例に対し,「意味のある作業に焦点をあてた「クライエント中心」の支援を実践し,日常生活の作業遂行,利用中の活動状況,QOL の変化を多角的に分析することで「利用者本位」に資するデイサービス支援の一端を探索的に明らかにすることを目的とした.方法は,作業療法士が,言語表出が極力少ない方法で評価を行い,事例の「意味のある作業」を同定し「意味のある作業」の遂行に焦点を当てた介入を「クライエント中心実践における共通概念」に沿って約6 ヶ月間実施した.また,介入前後で,日常生活の作業遂行(作業バランス自己診断),利用中の活動状況(参加観察),QOL(WHO QOL26)を実施し,変化を多角的に分析した.その結果,日常生活における「意味のある作業」の数が増加及び肯定的な意味付けに変化し,能動的に施設を利用できるようになった.また,WHO QOL26 の「肯定的感情」や「健康と社会的ケア等の複数の下位項目にて得点の上昇を認めた.以上のことから,失語症を患う表出困難な利用者に対し,「利用者本位」のデイサービスを提供するためには,作業療法士が利用者の状況と表出能力を見極め「心身機能,活動,参加,背景因子」をバランスよく評価し,利用者の「意味のある作業」に焦点を当てた相互主体的な関わりの中で,肯定的なQOL を構築し続けることが重要であると示唆された.