石戸谷 哲夫 Ishitoya Tetsuo 東京教育大学 Tokyo University of Education
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.63-77, 1973-10-15

The data for teacher role expectations were obtained from answers to the questionnaire of 34 role items. The respondents were 685 samples of parents and 103 samples of elementary school teachers in a suburban community. The same questionnaire forms were used for the parents and the teachers so as to compaire their expectations to each role item. The parent's subset and the teacher's subset of teacher roles were statistically compaired, and the inter-subset conflicts and the inter-subset conflicts were investigated. The teachers show higher degree of consensus than the parents in terms of teacher roles. The teacher role expectations of parents are more politically conservative and more identical to the teacher-stereotypes than those of teachers. The inter-subset conflicts of teacher roles are greater than intra-subset conflicts. The main sources of intra-subset conflicts are concerned with freedom of teacher and teacher-stereotypes. Intra-subset conflicts are relatively often showed by the older respondents. Thus the greatest contlicts are found between older parents and younger teachers in the role items concerned with freedom of teacher and teacher-stereotypes.
山村 賢明 Yamamura Yoshiaki 埼玉大学 Saitama University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.46-62, 1973-10-15

Concerning the concept of "INFLUENCE", we distinguished the action of influence from the capacity or the potentiality of influence. In this article, taking into account the latter, we intended to provide the theoretical framework for the research of teacher's influence on the pupil. Especially we examined Parsonian theory of social control and extricated it out of AGIL scheme to articulate it to Lasswell's scheme which defines influence in terms of value relations. On the basis of this discussion, we pointed out the following problems of teacher's influence: (1) Though the teacher's influence is ultimately oriented to "enlightenment", it concerns various values in the process. Thus the forms of influence in Lasswell's terms should be analyzed in the teacher-pupil rilationship. (2) The structure and dynamics of the influence requires the teacher to keep high "value position" beyond the subject teaching. That is, teacher's authority and pupil's dependence upon it are necessary for the effective educational influence. But this is an educational paradox since teachers have to make pupils independent through that process. (3) Teacher-pupil relationship in public school system is elementally based on teacher's headship. Therefore, the teacher must convert it to leadership in order to make his educational influence effective. By using his class-group as a reference group, it become possible for him to diffuse and strengthen his influence as group influence. (4) There is, today, a tendency that teacher's influences are becoming weak as a whole and limited into the specific scope. It is mainly due to industrialization in the present society, but it should be recovered from the viewpoint of child development and education.
熊谷 一乗 Kumagai Kazunori 創価大学 Soka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.30-45, 1973-10-15

This article tries to define the relationship between teacher policy and the conception of teacher with the purpose of scrutinizing the nature of the modern Japanese educational policy. The conception of teacher is one component of educational ideology which functions as the frame of reference for the valuation in the teacher policy making process and prescribes the contents of teacher policy by orientating goals and means in the policy making process. The teacher policy includes the following four problems: treatment (status and reward), teaching activities (instruction and guidance), administration and qualification of teachers. In terms of these four problems, we can determine the four fundamental factors which constitute the structural frame of the conception of teacher; knowledge and skill, professional morality, treatmeat and social releation. The conception of teacher thus depends on the nature of these four factors. If we distinguish the prewar policy from the postwar policy for teachers, we can point out that the prewar teacher policy corresponds to the normal school type conception of teacher and the postwar policy does at first to the enlightenment type conception, and then to the special official type conception of teacher. Compared with the normal school type conception, the special official type conception shows the tendencies closer to professionalization, bureacratization, rationalization, autonomization (valuation and promotion of autonomy). These tendencies have developed under the strong impacts of the two kinds of teacher conception, the wage-worker type and the professional type. Furthermore, it must be pointed out that we can not afford to overlook that the teacher policy and the conception of teacher reflect some political intention and are under the influence of a given power situation.
浜田 陽太郎 Hamada Yotaro 立教大学 Rikkyo University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.18-29, 1973-10-15

As to the problem of "modernization and teachers in Japan," the three questions arise: the concept of modernization, the uniqueness of modernization in Japan. and the interrelationship between modernization and teachers. This article is an attempt to answer these questions, focusing attention on how "teacher class" is affiliated in the transition of Japanese society. Teachers were affiliated to the upper class in the hierarchical structure of village community which was an elementary component of Japanese society, and thus they had the dual attribute of farmer and teacher. It is pointed out in this article that this dual attribute of "teacher class" is a key to solve our problem of "modernization and teachers in Japan."
新堀 通也 Shimbori Michiya 広島大学 Hiroshima University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.4-17, 1973-10-15

There are four approaches to the scientific study of teachers, viz., historical, administrative, comparative and sociological. Sociology of teachers is so fragmental that not all sorts of teachers are covered by it and that it does disclose the most remarkable and urgent trait of contemporary teachers neither. By and large it studies elementary and secondary school teachers, neglecting teachers of university, kindergarten and other institutions. Although there are a great many differences between various categories of teachers, sociology considers only the general characteristics of teachers. It is proposed here that the most important trait of teachers is their conflict, inner as well as outer. Profession in bureaucracy is, theoretically, responsible for their conflict, because while teachers as professionals demand freedom and autonomy on one hand, bureaucracy by which they are employed asks them to follow its orders and objectives on the other. Thus there should be a sociology of teachers constructed around the concept of coflict. Distinct from other professions, teaching is characterized by such tendencies as great and socially indispensable number, diffused bureaucracy, coexistence of freedom and restriction and continuity of career in school both before and after employment. Furthermore, teachers in contemporary Japan are experiencing new types of conflict, namely conflicts with students and with out-of-school teachers, for which is responsible the rapid transition to post-industrialism, where school teachers are losing authority and prestige they used to enjoy. Thus the present article proposes to study teachers in contemporary Japan in terms of conflict and discusses its supposed conditions.