青木 仕
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.35, no.4, pp.219-227, 1988 (Released:2011-09-21)

Eponymy is the practice of affixing a scientist's name to his or her discovery or invention.Five hundred fifty-nine eponyms were analyzed from among three hundred ninety one cases selected from lists of syndromes which appeared in the Supplment of “The Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine” in 1977 and 1982 and 1987.The following results were obtained:1) Eponyms were the most frequent (85) in the 1950's. The frequency of eponyms increased markedly from 11 in the 1870's to the 1950's but has been decreasing since then.2) Eponyms were the most frequent-179 (32%)-in the U. S. A.3) From the basis of the numbers of eponyms, the center of world medical science seems to have moved from England to France, Germany, and the U. S. A. in the 20th century.4) In Japan 2 eponyms appeared for the first time between 1901 and 1920.
石井 成克 裏田 和夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.44, no.1, pp.104-106, 1997-03-20 (Released:2011-09-21)

The Medical Museum is one of the divisions of the Medical Information Center, Jikei University. It provides audiovisual learning resources including medical specimens, slide and video programs, computer softwares, and so on. For more effective learning about human organs, the plastination technic has been recently introduced for preparing medical specimens in our museum. Specimens preparing by the plastination technic maintain their original size and color. Here in are described the characteristics of plastination specimens which may be superior to the ones made by other technics in observing organs.
増田 晃一
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.37, no.4, pp.272-277, 1990-12-20 (Released:2011-09-21)

In this paper, two distinguished textbooks of internal medicine, Cecil Textbook of Medicine and Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine were compared on the basis of citation studies. The latest editions of the textbooks were examined; “Harrison” was the 11th ed. (1987), and “Cecil” was the 18th ed. (1988).The following results were obtained:1. Harrison had 280 contributors, and 77 (27.5%) were affiliated with Harvard Medical School. Cecil had 325 contributors, but they were not as concentrated at any one institution as in the case of Harrison.2. There were 4, 527 citations in Harrison and 4, 040 in Cecil. The proportion of journal citations to total citations was 79.1% in the case of Harrison and 76.2% in the case of Cecil.3. A list was made of the 20 most frequently cited journals. The most important journal was the N Engl J Med. This journal accounted for 10% of all citations in both textbooks. This list shows that all were U. S. journals with the exception of the Lancet.4. A list was made of the 10 most frequently cited books.5. The age of the citations is shown in Fig1. Both graphs indicate that peak age was 2-3 years. Median citation age in Harrison was 4.6 years, and in Cecil it was 4.4 years.
諏訪部 直子
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.52, no.1, pp.53-58, 2005-03-20 (Released:2011-09-21)

Information literacy is defined as the individual's ability to collect information from appropriate sources, evaluate the quality of information obtained, and organize and use the information effectively for specific purposes. Today's researchers should be information-literacy not only in their areas of expertise but also in changing circumstances surrounding their research environment. This article provides information that researchers must know to conduct out clinical research and write papers.Recent changes in prevalent contribution rules for academic articles called “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, ” implementation of the personal information protection law in Japan, Evidence-based Medicine (EBM), and guidelines for writing structured abstracts and clinical research papers would directly affect the research process. Researchers must be aware of the changes and comply with the new rules or their papers will not be accepted by major medical journals. They must be more information-literate in a broader sense than ever.
奈良岡 功
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.34, no.1, pp.12-24, 1987-03-20 (Released:2011-09-21)

In an attempt to study not only the book services for hospitalized patients in Japan but also to determine means of realizing better services for patients, the Japan-Patient-Library Services was organized at Jichi Medical School, by a special study group, on October 1, 1984. To ensure that the book services and research are performed on schedule, Jichi Medical School Hospital has been practicing these procedures for about three years. Various points are referred to in the present report: realization of the book services; a record regarding the services starting in Jichi Medical School Hospital; results of the present service's activities; reactions of the hospitalized patients; and lastly, the future of the Japan-Patient Library Services.
後藤 敬治
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.26, no.4, pp.182-187, 1979-12-25 (Released:2011-09-21)

Based upon the materials of MEDLARS Indexing Orientation and online training course in the National Library of Medicine, the Medical Subject Headings-Annotated Alphabetic List and the 1980 Indexing Orientation are outlined to Japanese users of the Index Medicus and JOIS-MEDLARS medical bibliographical file.
諏訪部 直子 酒井 由紀子
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.55, no.2, pp.112-120, 2008-06-20 (Released:2011-09-21)

The qualification system for the library profession in Japan, regulated in the library law, mainly stipulates the requirements for becoming public librarians and does not endorse expertise in any other types of libraries. Under such circumstances, the Japan Medical Association, the JMLA, has provided training courses, research grants, scholarships, and awards to develop professional health sciences librarians. The JMLA launched its health sciences librarians credentialing program called the JMLA Health Sciences Information Professionals, JHIP, in 2004. The JHIP program was designed by modeling on its counterpart in the United States, the Academy of Health Science Information Professionals, AHIP, which was started in 1989 by the Medical Library Association, MLA. In this paper, authors described distinctive aspects of the JHIP by comparing it with the AHIP and reviewing three surveys on the AHIP conducted by the MLA and some researchers to debate some issues that a professional credentialing program may have, with the hope of seeking the appropriate direction JHIP program should take. The findings from the comparison and the review of the surveys are: the strength of AHIP is based on distinctive professional competence; related marketing/promotion activities; and continuous effort on evaluation and adjustment of the program as a part of MLA's integrated professional development program.
福室 憲治
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.20, no.3, pp.243-257, 1973-09-01 (Released:2011-09-21)

わが国における病院薬局の薬品情報 (DI) 活動は, その必要性が提唱されてから10年余を経過した。そのあゆみの中で, 昭和40年に行なわれた第20回日本薬学大会でのDI活動シンポジウムは, DI活動に対する認識を深めるきっかけとなり, その後の発展に大きな影響を与えている。また毎年開催されている文部省主催の国公私立大学病院薬剤部職員研修会は, DI活動発祥の母体であり, 以後の発展に先進的役割を演じている。DI活動が要望されるようになった背景には, 多数の新医薬品が開発されるようになった結果, 多忙な診療業務に従事する医師は, それら医薬品の知識の整理をすることが困難となり, また薬剤師の立場から, 情報量の増大は, 従来個人的色彩の強い情報活動から, 病院レベルの組織的な情報活動を行なうことが必要になってきた。現在, 大病院の薬局には専任あるいは兼任の薬品情報係が置かれ, 薬剤師の職能として定着してきた。このような発展の経緯を辿ってきたDI活動の現況を, 東京大学病院薬剤部の例によって紹介する。DI活動は患者指向の情報サービスであるが, 医薬品情報資料に裏づけられており, したがって医学, 薬学図書館との協力関係が必要である。
飯田 育子 山口 直比古
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.39, no.3, pp.289-296, 1992-09-20 (Released:2011-09-21)

The hospital library network has to train hospital librarians. The Council of Hospital Libraries in Shizuoka Prefecture, a regional network, has training meetings twice a year. The regional hospital library network has recently started another training program for hospital librarians. In order to discuss and study the many things which have to be dealt with in their routine work, the librarians of the Hamamatsu University School of Medicine and hospital librarians in Hamamatsu have held other bimonthly meetings, “training of hospital librarians in Hamamatsu”, since February of 1988. The latter training sessions have been very useful for both the university librarians and the hospital librarians. A report of the results of the sessions appeared in the bulletin of the Council of Hospital Libraries in Shizuoka Prefecture, “Booktruck”, Good connections have been established because of such sessions, and regional network activities have been furthered. Hospital librarians in central and eastern Shizuoka Prefecture have also established independent training sessions. In order to raise quality of library services, it is useful to develop the educational system for hospital librarians by allowing them to meet, discuss and study together the problems they confront in their routine work.
松永 忠範 藤井 章生 大山 文雄 佐藤 輝義
特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会
医学図書館 (ISSN:04452429)
vol.32, no.3, pp.261-271, 1985-09-25 (Released:2011-09-21)

The Igaku Chuo Zasshi (the Japana Centra Revuo Medicina) was started by the late Dr. Amako in 1903. It has, over a period of last 80 years, produced about 4, 000, 000 abstracts reflecting changes and progress of medical science, dental science, pharmaceutical science and other related fields in Japan.Along with the development of science and economy in Japan, educational institutions, research facilities, health care facilities spread rapidly. Along with this development, the fields of research were also diversified resulting in corresponding increase in the volume of literature published. In fiscal 1984, the number of periodicals increased to about 1800 and the number of abstracts increased to about 190, 000. This year also saw the publication of the Volume Number 3, 342.As the number of periodicals increased, strong need was felt for reducing the time lag, simplification of retrieval procedures and smooth operation of the entire operation. In response to these needs a comprehensive study was initiated and continued over the past several years. As a result, computerization and machine editing have been carried out since April 1983. This enabled to add abstracts simultaneously with the index and also made annual cumulated index a reality for the first time.The Medical Abstracts Society started to cooperate with the Japan Information Center of Science and Technology (JICST) in the creation of “the JICST File on Medical Science in Japan” from 1981 and for creation of an English language data base from 1985.The Society was authorized to receive the research grants of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture from 1981.The Society plans to continue to improve abstracting services and at the same time strive to develop new information services, draw up measures to keep up with developments in research with the view of responding to the needs of researcher and literature searchers.