柿本 敏克 堀 正 黒須 俊夫
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.10, pp.103-113, 2003

人間科学的研究の方法論的側面を再検討するプロジェクトの一環として、名古屋大学の広瀬幸雄教授によって作成された仮想世界ゲームが論じられた。2002年度に群馬大学でおこなわれた実施例の概略が報告され、最後に人間科学的研究における実験的手法の意義が、社会的リアリティという観点から議論された。As a part of our recent project on reconsidering methodological aspects of researches in human sciences, Simulated International Society (SIMINSOC), constructed by Prof. Yukio Hirose of Nagoya University, was discussed, while a case conducted at Gunma University in 2002 was reported briefly. Finally, the problems of laboratory experimentation of social phenomena were argued in the light of social reality.
荒木 詳二
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.12, pp.229-246, 2005

Zwar hat das Konzept ""der Bildung"" in Deutschland und auch in Japan eine groβe Rolle gespielt, aber es scheint, dass sie heute nicht mehr fur einfluβreich gehalten wird. In dieser Abhandlung wird versucht, darauf zu antworten, wie sich die Geschichte der Bildung in beiden Landern entwickelt hat, warum die beiden Bildungsburgertume vergangen sind und was fur die japanische Bildung im Vergleich zu der deutschen charakteristisch ist. Obwohl die Blutezeit oder die Groβe der beiden Bildungsburgertume verschieden ist, kann man folgende Charakter der Bildung als gemeinsame nennen: aristokratisch, idealistisch, geistig, innerlich, personlich, humanistisch, pseudoreligios, individuell. Ein weiterer gemeinsamer Punkt ist, dass der Aufstieg der Massengesellschaft die Bildung und das Bildungsburgertum veraltet und kraftlos gemacht hat. Weiterhin ist zu erwahnen, dass die Bildung nicht unanhangig von den politischen Ereignissen ist: Die Franzosiche Revolution hat im weiteren Sinne die deutsche Bildung gepragt und die Russische Revolution die japanische. Und das Ideal ist auch ganz anders. Die deutsch Bildung richtet sich nach der griechischen Welt, die japanische nach der damaligen europaischen.
小林 徹
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.11, pp.129-143, 2004

It would be true that talking critically of Coleridge's Biographia Literaria is almost equivalent to saying something about the relationships between the author and Wordsworth. It is also correct in thinking that the work is a kind of counterstatement to Wordsworth's writings. But these interpretations, which have been provided by many critics, are not enough to develop a comprehensive understanding. The Biographia exists based on Coleridge's multiple relations to the contemporary literary situation, himself, Wordsworth, and "oral cultures." Of those, the relationship between Coleridge and Wordsworthis central, but interrelationship of those four is more important because they cooperate to determine both the content and mode of the work. Through the analysis of these relations, especially those with Coleridge himself and "oral cultures," the Biographia appears to be different from a simple autobiography which concerns the public figure of the author or an earnest defense against censures from the literary circle. Considering its abundant characteristics stemming from "oral cultures" and the importance of Wordsworth as a counterpart of the author in the work, it presents itself as an autobiographical open letter to the poet. There Coleridge "talked." about himself to compete with Wordsworth, in the public field, as a philosophical literary critic. More importantly, then, this feature is where the work's significant originality derives from. The Biographia is not only an anti-Romantic autobiography, but also realizes an entirely new mode of the genre which represents a "private" figure of the author depending on the real personal relationship between himself and Wordsworth.
松宮 広和
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.15, pp.109-132, 2008

On October 11, 2006, DOJ closed its investigation into the AT&T/BellSouth merger withoutfurther action. On December 29, 2006, FCC approved it. The competitive framework formedduring the preceding SBC/AT&T and Verizon/MCI merger proceedings was strengthened withthese approvals. However, the scope of the merger remedies including those ensured in themerger commitments is not so broad. They mainly focus on existing communications networksbased on PSTN, including no small parts of the Internet. Problems raised by the NextGeneration Network (NGN) and Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) are yet to be solved.Government authorities should make the comprehensive framework based on the layers modelfor the future.
松宮 広和
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.15, pp.71-108, 2008

On October 27, 2005, DOJ approved the SBC/AT&T and Verizon/MCI mergers. On October31, 2005, FCC authorized them. In these consent degrees, DOJ conditioned the divestiture ofsome special access connections to some buildings in these RBOCs'in-religion territories. Inaddition, FCC accepted voluntary, enforceable commitments made by the applicants as mergerconditions. These decisions altered the competitive framework of the U.S. telecommunicationsindustry since 1984, when former AT&T Corporation was divested. The TelecommunicationsAct of 1996 succeeded to the framework, and hypothesized that the PSTN continues to be theunrivaled infrastructure for the industry. Nevertheless, the rise of the IP-based networks hasoutdated it. FCC tried to modify the framework to accommodate to the Internet age.However, these adjustments also caused asymmetric regulations, which have caused a greatnumber of lawsuits since the AT&T Corp. v. City of Portland, 43 F. Supp. 2d 1146.Comprehensive legislation by the Congress based on the layers model is indispensable for thefuture.
柿本 敏克
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.8, pp.79-92, 2001

This article examines how the intergroup relations research, within a traditional group research area in social psychology, are located in the framework of the communication studies. First, the intergroup relations studies are briefly described, then a model to classify the communication phenomena is presented. Finally, the article discusses the classification of the intergroup relations studies according to the model.