José MATAMALA Pizarro Francisco AGUAYO Fuenzalida
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2020-0178, (Released:2021-09-28)

The Mining environment is hazardous for worker’s health. It can affect the mental health, triggering symptoms and diseases, such as anxiety, job stress, depression, sleep disorders, mental fatigue and other. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the scientific literature about the mental health in mine workers and to summarize the findings. The method used was Scoping review. The principal outcomes were the following: evidence in the last 12 years in the topic was focused in four themes 1) Psychological problems & personal factors (38.2%); 2) Psychosocial problems & health related factor (23.6%); 3) Well-being (21.1%) and 4) Physical problems & organization factors (17.1%). Several affections, symptoms, characteristics or disorders were inquired about mine worker’s mental health, such as job strain, unsafety experiences, poor quality of sleep, non-subjective well-being, job unsatisfaction, social-relations conflict, risk of accidents and injuries, MSDs, substance abuse, dangerous working conditions and demanding job organization, and so on. For those factors, Mining could expose to serious mental health problems to a part of their workers. It’s necessary to deepen the elaboration of international policies and carry out more scientific research and suggestions to make programs on the topic.
Kyaw Naing WIN Ashish TRIVEDI Alice LAI Hazimah HASYLIN Khadizah ABDUL-MUMIN
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
vol.59, no.3, pp.193-200, 2021-01-23 (Released:2021-08-17)

Globally, ILO estimates 374 million non-fatal and 380,500 fatal by occupational accidents annually. Slips, trips, falls and contact with objects are the leading mode of injury, with extremities being the most common body part involved. Occupational accidents are of major concern for high risk occupational groups such as migrant workers, or work areas e.g. construction, manufacturing, wholesale, and retail industries. This study was aimed to determine the prevalence of non-fatal occupational injuries and its trends among industry workers in Brunei Darussalam. A retrospective cross-sectional review of occupational accidents notified to the Occupational Health Division, Ministry of Health, over a five-year period from January 2014 until December 2018 was conducted. A total of 424 non-fatal occupational accidents were notified, with increasing trend from 44 in 2014 to 132 in 2018. Accidents were more common in males (98%), migrant workers (86%), in the 30–39 age group (42.5%), and in the construction industry (56.4%). Struck by object (37.7%) was the commonest cause and upper limb (43.9%) was the commonest body part involved. There is a need for workplaces to develop capabilities and support mechanisms for risk assessments, as well as auditing and reviewing performances to minimize occurrence of preventable occupational injuries.
Annette MENG Vilhelm BORG Thomas CLAUSEN
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
vol.58, no.5, pp.433-442, 2020 (Released:2020-10-08)

We investigated the effects of an intervention aiming at enhancing four types of team-level social capital (bonding, bridging and two types of linking social capital) in six dairy plants with a total of 60 teams. Social capital and work engagement was assessed in baseline and follow-up surveys. The follow-up period was approximately 20 months, comprising an intervention period of 12 months. Intervention effects were assessed by comparing changes in team-level mean-scores for teams that had developed action plans with teams that had not. Results show that teams that had developed action plans generally showed a larger increase in social capital and work engagement than other teams. Differences were statistically significant for linking social capital towards the workplace as a whole and work engagement. However, effect sizes indicate an effect of the action plans despite the lack of statistical significance. Moreover, the self-reported level of implementation of the action plans was associated with the size and direction of the observed change.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2020-0064, (Released:2021-01-28)

The study investigated relationships between exposure to bullying behaviours, return to work self-efficacy (RTW-SE) and resilience, and if resilience moderates the bullying-RTW-SE relationship among patients on sick leave or at risk of sick leave due to common mental disorders (CMD). A sample of 675 patients treated in an outpatient clinic was analysed using regressions and moderation analyses by employing SPSS and the Process macro SPSS supplement. The results showed a negative relationship between exposure to bullying behaviours and RTW-SE. There was also a positive main effect for resilience, as patients with high resilience score significantly higher on RTW-SE than patients with low resilience irrespective of levels of bullying. Further, the resilience sub-dimension personal resilience moderated the bullying-RTW-SE relationship, while the sub-dimension interpersonal resilience did not. Patients high on personal resilience showed relatively lower RTW-SE scores when exposed to bullying behaviours, compared to those that were not bullied with high personal resilience levels. Hence, one should take note of the fact that even if resilience may strengthen RTW-SE, bullying is an adverse event which particularly affects individuals who present with relatively high levels of resilience resources, at least when it comes to RTW-SE.
Soomi LEE Brian D. GONZALEZ Brent J. SMALL
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2020-0291, (Released:2020-12-05)

Potential insomnia in healthcare workers is a public health concern as it may degrade the quality of patient care. We examined the prevalence of insomnia symptoms in healthcare workers and their perceived need for a sleep intervention. Participants were 62 nurses working full-time at a U.S. hospital. These nurses were asked about background characteristics, perceived stress, sleep concerns, and need for a sleep intervention. They also participated in 14-day ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and actigraphy sleep study. A qualitative analysis showed that the majority (92%) of participants reported at least one sleep concern with insomnia-related concerns being most prevalent (68%). Quantitative analyses indicated that those with insomnia-related concerns had higher perceived stress overall and lower EMA sleep sufficiency and sleep quality. Moreover, participants with insomnia concerns had shorter actigraphy-measured nap duration prior to non-workdays than those without. Nearly all (95%) expressed interest in participating in a sleep intervention; an online format and mindfulness contents were most preferred. Our results suggest a high prevalence of insomnia symptoms and a high interest in a sleep intervention in nurses. Information obtained from this study could be used to deliver a tailored sleep intervention for nurses whose role in public health is essential.
Motoki ENDO Yasuo HARUYAMA Takashi MUTO Mikio YUHARA Kenichi ASADA Rika KATO
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
vol.51, no.2, pp.165-171, 2013 (Released:2013-08-31)
14 19

There have been few epidemiological studies on recurrent sickness absence due to depression after returning to work (RTW). The objective of this study was to investigate the prognosis of workers who are RTW with depression in a Japanese company. This study employed a descriptive epidemiology study design. Subjects of this study were 540 employees who worked full-time and were registered in the Health Data System and returned to work from April 2002 to March 2008 after their first leave of absence due to depression. We investigated the recurrence of sickness absence due to depression after returning to work using the Kaplan-Meier survival curve method. During the 8.5 yr follow-up period, almost half of the RTW employees experienced recurrent sickness absence. There was a steep increase in recurrent rates the first two years after RTW, and 85.2% of total recurrence of sickness absence had occurred within three years after the index episode.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2020-0130, (Released:2020-09-24)

The aim of this study was to identify effective work place intervention strategies for the prevention of low back pain (LBP). The study focused on interventions to two major groups: personal interventions and technical interventions. Data basis were searched for with inclusion criteria: study design based on randomised controlled trial; outcome measures including non-specific LBP occurrence expressed by prevalence or intensity; intervention met the definition of the technical and/or personal (physical exercises, behavioural training, educational) intervention programme. Eighteen papers were selected for full analysis. The diversification of quantitative indicators of differences between control and intervention groups were carried out using Cohen’s d index. The results of analysis showed strong differences in effects among intervention strategies, as well as among different cases within similar intervention strategies. LBP severity before intervention and the length of intervention were discussed as potentially influencing factors. The results of the analysis suggest that the most effective strategies for LBP prevention include technical modifications of the workstand and education based on practical training. Behavioural and physical training seems to be of lesser importance. LBP severity before intervention and the time when the measurements of outcome measures take place play an important role in the effectiveness of intervention.
Subhashis SAHU Moumita SETT Tord KJELLSTROM
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2013-0006, (Released:2013-05-20)
57 130

Excessive workplace heat exposures create well-known risks of heat stroke, and it limits the workers’ capacity to sustain physical activity. There is very limited evidence available on how these effects reduce work productivity, while the quantitative relationship between heat and work productivity is an essential basis for climate change impact assessments. We measured hourly heat exposure in rice fields in West Bengal and recorded perceived health problems via interviews of 124 rice harvesters. In a sub-group (n=48) heart rate was recorded every minute in a standard work situation. Work productivity was recorded as hourly rice bundle collection output. The hourly heat levels (WBGT=Wet Bulb Globe Temperature) were 26–32°C (at air temperatures of 30–38°C), exceeding international standards. Most workers reported exhaustion and pain during work on hot days. Heart rate recovered quickly at low heat, but more slowly at high heat, indicating cardiovascular strain. The hourly number of rice bundles collected was significantly reduced at WBGT>26°C (approximately 5% per °C of increased WBGT). We conclude that high heat exposure in agriculture caused heat strain and reduced work productivity. This reduction will be exacerbated by climate change and may undermine the local economy.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2020-0133, (Released:2020-08-28)

Maintenance-of-way workers in North America who construct railroad tracks utilize specialized powered-hand tools, which lead to hand-transmitted vibration exposure. In this study, the maintenance-of-way workers were surveyed about neuro-musculoskeletal disorders, powered-hand tools and work practices. Information about vibration emission data of trade specific powered-hand tools for the North American and European Union markets was searched online to obtain respective user information of manufacturer and compared to non-commercial international data banks. The survey showed that maintenance-of-way workers frequently reported typical hand-transmitted vibration-related symptoms, and appear to be at a risk for neuro-musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremity. Of all of the powered-hand tools used by this trade, 88% of the selected tools exceeded a=5 m/s2 and were above vibration magnitudes of common tools of other comparable industries. This may create a risk if these tools are used throughout an 8-h work day and management of vibration exposure may be needed. In the North-American market, limited or no vibration emission data is available from manufacturers or distributors. Vibration emission information for powered-hand tools, including vibration emission levels (in m/s2), uncertainty factor K, and the applied testing standard/norm may assist employers, users and occupational health providers to better assess, compare and manage risk.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
vol.56, no.6, pp.500-511, 2018 (Released:2018-11-21)
11 130

The aim of this systematic review was to explore studies regarding association between occupational stress and heart rate variability (HRV) during work. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cinahl and PsycINFO for peer-reviewed articles published in English between January 2005 and September 2017. A total of 10 articles met the inclusion criteria. The included articles were analyzed in terms of study design, study population, assessment of occupational stress and HRV, and the study limitations. Among the studies there were cross-sectional (n=9) studies and one longitudinal study design. Sample size varied from 19 to 653 participants and both females and males were included. The most common assessment methods of occupational stress were the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) and the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) questionnaire. HRV was assessed using 24 h or longer Holter ECG or HR monitoring and analyzed mostly using standard time-domain and frequency-domain parameters. The main finding was that heightened occupational stress was found associated with lowered HRV, specifically with reduced parasympathetic activation. Reduced parasympathetic activation was seen as decreases in RMSSD and HF power, and increase in LF/HF ratio. The assessment and analysis methods of occupational stress and HRV were diverse.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2020-0058, (Released:2020-07-01)

While a number of work-related events have been proposed as risk factors for depression, a majority of studies have focused only on a few events in a single study. Therefore, we conducted a web-based longitudinal study to comprehensively investigate the impact of various work-related events on depressive symptoms. Ten thousand Japanese workers representing the Japanese working population were recruited online and questioned on their experiences of 36 work-related events in the past year. Their depressive symptoms were also assessed based on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Two years later, 3,098 participants responded to a follow-up study. By excluding 1,030 participants who were classified as being depressed in the baseline survey, data of 2,068 participants were analyzed. Odds ratios (OR) were calculated using multivariate logistic regression to assess the effect of work-related events on depressive symptoms. Eighteen events were found to be risk factors and were sorted into four types as follows: experience of an accident or disaster (OR: 4.78–7.67), excessive responsibility (OR: 3.01–3.62), drastic change in workstyle or workload (OR: 2.38–3.08), and interpersonal conflict (OR: 2.41–11.16). The current results, including magnitude relationship of ORs, should be utilized for promoting psychosocially healthy work environment.
Chung-Yi LI Chao-Kang FENG
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
vol.37, no.4, pp.465-468, 1999 (Released:2007-03-29)
10 9

To assess the physiotherapist's exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF) leaking from short wave diathermy equipment, we conducted on-site measurements of stray electric and magnetic fields (27.12MHz) close to continuous wave (CW) short wave equipment. The results show that the operator's knees may have the highest exposure level for both electric field (E-field) and magnetic field (H-field) in the normal operating position, i.e., behind the device console. The whole-body E-field exposure normally does not exceed the 1992 IEEE recommended limit during a normal treatment session. On the other hand, the operator's whole-body exposure to H-field was barely below the recommended limit. Our data suggest little chance of immediate harmful effects of RF leakage from the diathermy. Nonetheless, physiotherapists should still be advised to remain at a distance of at least 20cm from the electrodes and cables to avoid possible overexposure.
Stefano M. CANDURA Emanuela PETTENUZZO Claudia NEGRI Alessia GALLOZZI Fabrizio SCAFA
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2020-0079, (Released:2020-07-11)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may arise after events involving a risk to physical integrity or to life, one’s own or that of others. It is characterized by intrusive symptoms, avoidance behaviors, and hyper-excitability. Outside certain categories (e.g., military and police), the syndrome is rarely described in the occupational setting. We report here five unusual cases of work-related PTSD, diagnosed with an interdisciplinary protocol (occupational health visit, psychiatric interview, psychological counselling and testing): (1) a 51 yr-old woman who had undergone three armed robbery attempts while working in a peripheral post office; (2) a 53 yr-old maintenance workman who had suffered serious burns on the job; (3) a 33 yr-old beauty center receptionist after sexual harassment and stalking by her male employer; (4) a 57 yr-old male psychiatrist assaulted by a psychotic outpatient; (5) a 40 yr-old woman, sales manager in a shoe store, after physical aggression by a thief. All patients required psychiatric help and pharmacological treatment, with difficulty of varying degrees in resuming work. We conclude that PTSD can develop even in professional categories generally considered to be at low risk. In such cases, a correct interdisciplinary diagnostic approach is fundamental for addressing therapy and for medico-legal actions.
Uta KOURA Michikazu SEKINE Masaaki YAMADA Takashi TATSUSE
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2019-0189, (Released:2020-05-21)

High level of work-family conflict (WFC) is an important risk factor for stress-related health outcomes. However, many studies are cross-sectional studies. In this study, we aimed to clarify how changes in WFC levels over a period 5 years can affect workers' mental and physical health, and to clarify whether there are gender differences of them. This study examined 1,808 civil servants (1,258 men and 550 women) aged 20–65 years working in a local government in the west coast of Japan from 2003 to 2008. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine whether the change in WFC contributes to workers’ health problems and whether there are gender differences. This study revealed association sustained high WFC and deterioration of WFC conflict with poor mental health and poor job satisfaction for both men and women. In men high WFC conflict and deterioration was associated with poor mental health (OR=2.74). On the other hand, women had strong relationship between WFC changes and poor physical health (OR=2.64). WFC was an important factor as a social determinant of health of Japanese civil servants, and the change in WFC affects subsequent health problems with different trends in men and women.
Jiro MORIGUCHI Sonoko SAKURAGI Yasushi KITAGAWA Michinori MATSUI Youichi MORI Fumiko OHASHI Masayuki IKEDA
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
vol.58, no.3, pp.287-301, 2020 (Released:2020-06-09)

The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of Japan recommends that an occupational physician (OP) play an important role in implementing the stress-check program since 2015. This study aimed to compare the activities and encountered difficulties of Japanese part-time OPs in 2008 and 2016, and to investigate the effects of the stress-check program. Questionnaires were sent via mail to 946 part-time OPs in Kyoto prefecture in 2016. Completed questionnaires were returned by 181 OPs who were private practitioners or physicians in hospitals, and served as OPs on a part-time basis. In 2016, OPs utilized long hours for activities related to general health examination and to stress-check. Hours for specific health examination, health and hygiene education, health promotion activity, development of a comfortable workplace, and guidance of workers on sick leave reduced from 2008 to 2016. A total of 62% OPs frequently encountered difficulties in the stress-check-related activities in 2016. Many OPs also reported difficulties in the mental health care and the prevention of health hazard due to overwork both in 2008 and 2016. Enforcement of the stress-check program in 2015 changed the activities of part-time OPs in Japan. OPs should be given opportunities to gain more information in this area.
Kosuke KAIDA Takashi ABE Sunao IWAKI
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2020-0005, (Released:2020-05-13)

The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the effect of verbal ratings on arousal in the electroencephalogram (EEG) and psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) performance. Thirty participants underwent the PVT for 40 min in three experimental conditions: (1) Rating condition, in which they verbally rated subjective sleepiness with Karolinska sleepiness scale, following pure tone sound played every 20 s during PVT, (2) No-rating condition, in which they underwent PVT with the similar sound as the Rating experiment but without the verbal rating task, and (3) Control condition, in which they underwent PVT with a no-sound stimulus and without the verbal rating task. The results show that during the first half of the task epoch, alpha power density was lower in the Rating than in the No-rating condition, while performance was not different between the conditions. During the second half of the task epoch, performance was better in the Non-rating than in the Rating condition, but no difference in the alpha power density. These results suggest that performance deterioration could be masked by the arousal effect of the dual task itself. It could also explain why the PVT performance and arousal in EEG sometimes dissociate, particularly in dual task situations.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
vol.58, no.2, pp.142-152, 2020 (Released:2020-04-02)

Recovery from work today seems to be crucial for health care employees’ health, so it is important to uncover ways how to facilitate and improve adequate recovery from work. Focusing on the recovery concept of detachment from work, this study investigated associations between detachment after work and during work breaks and individual health among health care employees from a general hospital in the Netherlands. An online cross-sectional survey study was conducted comprising a sample of 368 health care employees of different departments. Controlling for demographics in hierarchical regression analyses, results showed that when health care employees experienced more cognitive detachment after work, they reported less concentration problems. Second, when employees experienced more emotional detachment after work, they reported less feelings of emotional exhaustion, less depressive feelings, and less sleep problems. Finally, in case employees experienced more physical detachment after work, they reported less concentration problems, less feelings of emotional exhaustion, less sleep problems and less physical health problems. No significant associations were found for detachment during work breaks. In conclusion, findings add to current recovery research showing that detachment after work is an important predictor for health care employees’ health.
Jiro MORIGUCHI Sonoko SAKURAGI Yasushi KITAGAWA Michinori MATSUI Youichi MORI Fumiko OHASHI Masayuki IKEDA
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
pp.2019-0116, (Released:2019-10-31)

The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of Japan recommends that an occupational physician (OP) play an important role in implementing the stress-check program since 2015. This study aimed to compare the activities and encountered difficulties of Japanese part-time OPs in 2008 and 2016, and to investigate the effects of the stress-check program. Questionnaires were sent via mail to 946 part-time OPs in Kyoto prefecture in 2016. Completed questionnaires were returned by 181 OPs who were private practitioners or physicians in hospitals, and served as OPs on a part-time basis. In 2016, OPs utilized long hours for activities related to general health examination and to stress-check. Hours for specific health examination, health and hygiene education, health promotion activity, development of a comfortable workplace, and guidance of workers on sick leave reduced from 2008 to 2016. A total of 62% OPs frequently encountered difficulties in the stress-check-related activities in 2016. Many OPs also reported difficulties in the mental health care and the prevention of health hazard due to overwork both in 2008 and 2016. Enforcement of the stress-check program in 2015 changed the activities of part-time OPs in Japan. OPs should be given opportunities to gain more information in this area.
Kosuke KAIDA Keiko OGAWA Mitsuo HAYASHI Tadao HORI
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
vol.43, no.1, pp.179-185, 2005 (Released:2006-03-17)
4 7

Self-awakening, waking up at a designated time decided before sleeping, could prevent failure in the blood circulation vessel system such as heart attack, acute increases in heart rate or blood pressure upon waking. Previous research showed that anticipatory changes occurred in heart rate prior to awakening from a short nap by means of self-awakening for young participants. However, the effects of self-awakening remained unclear for elderly people. The present study examined the effects of self-awakening on heart rate and blood pressure in a short afternoon nap (20 min) among the elderly. Nine participants [74.1 (SD = 5.01) years old] underwent both self-awakening and forced-awakening conditions. In the self-awakening condition, it was revealed that blood pressure gradually increased before the scheduled time of awakening, and that heart rate did not show a rapid increase at arousal. In contrast, forced-awakening induced acute increases in both heart rate and blood pressure. These results suggest that self-awakening facilitates a more smooth transition from sleep to wakefulness via autonomic activation before the time of self-awakening.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Industrial Health (ISSN:00198366)
vol.57, no.4, pp.530-536, 2019 (Released:2019-08-03)

Sudden illness while driving has been identified as a major cause of vehicle collisions, particularly among taxi drivers. However, no previous studies have examined the factors contributing to the occurrence of health-related vehicle collisions. The current study aimed to identify the risk factors causing health-related vehicle collisions among taxi drivers, and to inform preventative interventions. A cross-sectional survey involving a written anonymous questionnaire was conducted for company-employed taxi drivers in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. A total of 1,739 drivers returned questionnaires. Drivers were classified into those who had experienced collisions or near-miss incidents caused by health problems (Event group), and those who had not (Non-event group). According to a multivariable logistic regression analysis, being unable to take vacation time (odds ratio [OR] 4.59, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.2–9.58), having chronic diseases (OR 1.52, 95% CI 1.02–2.27), taking insufficient vacation time (OR 1.81, 95% CI 1.19–2.79), and difficulty reporting poor health conditions (OR 2.29, 95% CI 1.36–3.87) were significant factors for the likelihood of an event. Support for drivers to maintain well-balanced control of illnesses and improvement of working environments could prevent health-related events while driving.