水田 丞
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.639, pp.1155-1163, 2009-05-30 (Released:2009-11-30)

This paper discuss about the tea firing places in foreign settlements. The main points are as follows : -• The structural style of tea firing place in the three foreign settlements, Nagasaki, Yokohama and Kobe, were commonly one-storied building, surrounded by stone block, plastered or wooden wall, and covered with pan-tiles in its roof having a raised section of louver in order to take heat and moisture, although there were some small differences in the shape of roof, and the layout of each properties.• The way of preparing and firing in these places was transferred from that in China, but different in the point that the former establishments were arranged to be enlarged and intensive manufacture employing hundreds of labours and pans in closed building.• These tea firing places, the one-storied structure and the louver in the roof of which was influenced and restricted by pans and hand manipulation, were regarded as “behind the age” by the Indian tea planter, who, although also originally transferred from China, operated modern tea factories which, in contrast, was arranged to be rational plan by availing tea preparing machines and trams.• It is considered that, comparing with other examples, Glover & Co.'s establishment, which was superior in facilities but could not make use of fully, seemed to be adventurous and experimental project.


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茶の再製は輸出(ほぼアメリカ向け)と切っても切れない話なのでとても面白い…。輸出に耐えうるようこの釜で再乾燥させて、着色してたんですね。横浜だとハマスタで人を募集していたらしい。 ちなみにグラバー商会の初期の再製茶は着色過剰で突っ返されたりしていた模様

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