中村 航 古谷 誠章
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.649, pp.595-602, 2010-03-30 (Released:2010-06-09)
1 1

There is an “Illegality” on people's activity like hawkers on street. In that case, the law lose effect and people's unspoken agreement regulate their activity instead of the law. It can be considered coexistence of the spontaneous order as “Local code” and free behavior without restriction from the law. With that background, Hawker's “Illegality” and their behavior In Bangkok's Chinatown were analyzed on following 3 aims.1. To show the effective utilization through a classification of eating activities on the street as an urban public space.2. To consider the “Illegality” for urban design as a new aspect of architectural planning.3. To discover the “Local code” developed from hawker's relations between themselves as a making spontaneous rules with their unspoken agreement.


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