加藤 伸江
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.776, pp.2227-2232, 2020 (Released:2020-10-30)

In this study, I clarify meaning and how to read ‘Block’. ‘Block’ is described in ‘The Tale of Genji’ of the Heian era. ‘Block’ is included in the words indicating the model of Shindenzukuri. It is generally a Chinese‐style reading now. The diary which a noble of the Heian era left is written in a kanji mainly. Therefore, It is not revealed how this kanji was read. The literary work of the Heian era is a hiragana letter. ’Block’ is written by a hiragana letter in ‘The Tale of Genji’. ‘Block’ has two meanings. It is ‘Block’ and ‘Distance’. Ancient ‘Block’ is a block based on ‘Jobo’ City System. The biography book of ‘The Tale of Genji’ says ‘Yomachi’ by a hiragana letter. As for how to read ‘Block’, biography book notation of ‘The Tale of Genji’ becomes the evidence. It applies to the diary which a noble wrote. Both were written in the Heian era. The interpretation about ‘Yomachi’ comes to be referred to a supplementary explanation book of ‘The Tale of Genji’ afterwards. The confusion of the meaning of the word ‘Machi’ occurs. The biography book of ‘The Tale of Genji’ writes ‘Yomachi’ by a hiragana letter. This study clarified how to read ‘Block’ indicating the division of ‘Jobo’ City System.


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