石内 良季
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
vol.23, no.1, pp.96-122, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-10-27)

This paper attempts to clarify the various aspects and changes in the folklore of “mountain monsters,” Gredmo and Mirgon, in Bhutan. In Bhutan, the only Buddhist kingdom remaining in the Himalaya, Buddhist culture can be seen in every aspect of life, but local belief elements, such as local deities and the rituals practiced by local professionals, are further components of people’s religious life. Among them, Gredmo/Mirgon have appeared in human living areas and village boundaries. They have also been discussed in various aspects of individual relationships. However, the relationship between people and Gredmo/Mirgon has been transformed by social changes such as development and by the influence of Buddhism, and there are multiple interpretations of Gredmo/Mirgon. The case of Gredmo/Mirgon folklore reveals the multi-layered nature of the religious sphere of Bhutanese village society, which cannot be described monolithically, and the importance of understanding the society through the tradition and reality of “mountain monsters.”


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読みました。ブータンに伝わる「グレットム/ミルゴン」という山の怪物についての論文。 日本戦前期の資料に表れる「雪男」の話と共通する要素があって興味深い。 ブータン村落社会の「山の怪物」伝承にみる民間信仰の諸相と変容 https://t.co/f84pjC1Ont
PDFあり。 ⇒石内 良季 「ブータン村落社会の「山の怪物」伝承にみる民間信仰の諸相と変容 ―グレットム/ミルゴンをめぐる語りの事例から―」 『アジア・アフリカ地域研究』23巻1号 (2023) https://t.co/gj7fOg6IRu

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