山口 敏
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.71, no.2, pp.55-71, 1963-10-31 (Released:2008-02-26)
3 3

Six human skeletal remains, excavated by the late Prof. H. KONO from Eneolithic pit-graves at Bozuyama in Ebetsu (about 20km northeast of Sapporo), were measur-ed (Tables 1-3) and described. All the skeletons were found in extremely flexed position, with their heads turned to the south or southeast, and lying on their backs. The graves contained potsherds of the Kohoku and Hokudai types, which represent the epi-Jomon culture of northeast half of Hokkaido in early and middle parts of the first millennium A. D.Measurements of the best preserved adult male skull from burial No. VI-2 (Fig. 1-3, Table 1) were compared with those of adjacent racial groups of Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and Japan proper. The Bozuyama VI-2 skull showed the closest resem-blance to the contemporary Onkoromanai remains (YAMAGUCHI, 1963) from northern Hokkaido (Table 4 and Fig. 5 and 6). The author gave a common provisional des-ignation "the Onkoromanai type" to these two Eneolithic groups from central and northern parts of Hokkaido.The Onkoromanai type, which was tentatively represented by the average of three male skulls of Bozuyama and Onkoromanai (Table 4), was compared with the various recent and prehistoric races of Oceania, Far East, Northern Asia and Europe, by means of the shape distance of L. S. PENROSE (1954). The closest distances from the Onkoromanai type were found in the northern and eastern groups of Hokkaido Ainu, Kuril Ainu, Neolithic populations of Japanese mainland, and cromagnonoid types of Bronze Age southwestern Siberia and Neolithic Ukraina. On the other hand, the remotest distances were shown by the Mongoloid races of northeastern Asia, including the Sakhalin Gilyak. The Ainu of Sakhalin and southern Hokkaido, the recent Japanese, and many Oceanian groups showed intermediate distances (Table 5).In addition, reciprocal distances among eight representative groups were calcula-ted and illustrated (Table 6, Fig. 7). Remarkable mutual resemblances were found among four of them, i. e. the Onkoromanai type, the Kitami Ainu (northeast Hok-kaido), the Yoshiko (Neolithic shellmound of Japan), and the Andronovo (Bronze Age Minusinsk basin).


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