眞子 裕友 小針 統 久米 元 兵藤 不二夫 野口 真希 一宮 睦雄 小森田 智大 河邊 玲 中村 乙水 米山 和良 土田 洋之
日本プランクトン学会報 (ISSN:03878961)
vol.69, no.1, pp.18-24, 2022-02-25 (Released:2022-03-06)

The prey of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) visiting the northern Satsunan area (western North Pacific Ocean) was investigated using microscopic and metabarcoding analysis of their faecal pellets. The stable isotope ratios of the dorsal fin and faecal pellets from the whale sharks were compared with those of their potential prey (plankton and fish larvae). Microscopic analysis identified protozoans (foraminifera) and metazoans (copepods, ostracods, and amphipods) but unclassified material was predominant in their faecal pellets. Metabarcoding analysis detected metazoans in the faecal pellets, represented by copepods, ostracods, amphipods, hydrozoans, and tunicates. Comparison of stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) from their dorsal fin and faecal pellets with those of zooplankton in the northern Satsunan area showed different feeding histories for the whale sharks appearing in the northern Satsunan area.


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#Prey of #whale_sharks (#Rhincodon typus) in the northern #Satsunan area was evaluated by #microscopic, #metabarcoding, and stable #isotope ratio analyses: published in the #Bulletin_of_the_Plankton_Society_of_Japan: https://t.co/J8GZBEQvN7 https://t.co/h8BldXCIh4
北部 #薩南海域 に来遊した #ジンベエザメ の餌生物を #顕微鏡、#メタバーコーディング #遺伝子 および #安定同位体比 から解析した論文が、#日本プランクトン学会 報に発表されました。 https://t.co/8Nh0lwccig https://t.co/CLejBUYtvu

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