Taro Temma Toshiyuki Nagai Masaya Watanabe Rui Kamada Yumi Takahashi Hikaru Hagiwara Taro Koya Motoki Nakao Kazunori Omote Kiwamu Kamiya Hiroyuki Iwano Kazuhiro Yamamoto Tsutomu Yoshikawa Yoshihiko Saito Toshihisa Anzai
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-19-0963, (Released:2020-02-01)

Background:Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an important prognostic determinant in heart failure (HF) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). However, it is unclear which HFpEF phenotypes are affected by AF in terms of long-term clinical outcomes because HFpEF is a heterogeneous syndrome with comorbidities such as coronary artery disease (CAD). In this study we determined the differential prognostic significance of AF in HFpEF patients according to CAD status.Methods and Results:Data for 408 hospitalized HFpEF patients enrolled in the Japanese Heart Failure Syndrome with Preserved Ejection Fraction Nationwide Multicenter Registry were analyzed. Patients were divided into 4 groups according to the presence of AF and CAD. The primary outcome was the composite of all-cause death and HF rehospitalization. The incidence of adverse events was higher in the AF–non-CAD than non-AF–non-CAD group (P=0.004). On multivariable Cox regression analysis with prespecified confounders, AF–non-CAD was significantly associated with an increased risk of adverse events than non-AF–non-CAD (adjusted HR, 1.91; 95% CI: 1.02–3.92) regardless of the type of AF. In contrast, risk was comparable between the AF–CAD and non-AF–CAD groups (adjusted HR, 1.24; 95% CI: 0.64–2.47).Conclusions:In HFpEF patients without CAD, AF was independently related to adverse events, indicating that intensive management of AF would have more beneficial effects particularly in HFpEF patients without CAD.


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【AFがHFpEF転帰に与える影響は?:日本データ/ Circ J】 日本多施設レジストリ、HFpEF入院408例、714日 [中央値] 観察:CAD非合併例では、AF合併で、非合併に比べ、死亡・HF入院リスク高。発作性と持続性の間には有意なリスク差なし。 https://t.co/eIkeEDsLTq https://t.co/dhyNakwKY6

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