河野 和明
エモーション・スタディーズ (ISSN:21897425)
vol.4, no.Si, pp.54-64, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-03-11)

This study aimed to clarify target groups of dislike feeling of Japanese people and analyze elements of the feeling. Web survey was conducted among 1,000 Japanese adults, whose ages ranged from 20 to 69 years old. The results showed that approximately two thirds of the survey participants could report target group(s) of dislike feeling, and Japanese new religions, three neighboring countries and the Islamic State were mainly reported as target groups. Sex and age differences were small in categories of reported target groups, and male’s hostile commitments for the groups were relatively higher than female’s. Sensitivities for threat in environment related to negative attitude for the target groups and the relationships were higher in males than in females. These results were consistent with general results of previous studies.


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