石川 幸一郎 谷口 治人 鈴木 宏和 太田 豊 水野 陽二郎
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) (ISSN:03854213)
vol.134, no.1, pp.2-8, 2014-01-01 (Released:2014-01-01)
2 9

Because of global warming, the attention to the photovoltaic generation has increased, and a lot of photovoltaic generations will be installed to the power system in future. In Japan, most photovoltaic generations will be connected to the distribution system. This will make the power flow in the power system changed. That is to say that the forward power flow (flow from higher voltage system to lower voltage system) reduces, or, moreover, that the reverse power flow occurs. Because of the change in power flow, the voltage characteristics will be also changed. Consequently, it is expected that the penetration of photovoltaic generation has some impacts on voltage stability. In this paper, simple power system model which consists of one infinite bus, one load, and one photovoltaic generation is considered, and the fundamental voltage characteristics are discussed by PV curves and phasor diagram. The voltage characteristics considering the current limit by PCS (Power Conditioning System) in the photovoltaic generation are also discussed.


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