津田 侑 上原 哲太郎 森村 吉貴 森 幹彦 喜多 一
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.28, no.10, pp.407-418, 2015-10-15 (Released:2016-01-19)

Consumer-generated medias (CGMs) such as weblogs, online social networks and photo-sharing services getting to be mainstream internet services. On CGMs, users generate and publish various content, and other users review them. Internet live-broadcasting (ILB) services attract attention as a novel type of CGM services for broadcasting movie and voice in real time. And wide variety of content are circulated on ILB. Evolutional CGMs have emergent nature among users. From viewpoint, the paper analyzes users' psychological factors and their behaviors on the ILBs.The authors conducted a web-based survey, and ethnographical study of two users.As the result,the authors found that the users prefer to use real-time communication tools on internet live broadcasting services which have real-time content.In addition,though broadcasters desire to be viewed by the general public,they choose several styles for advertisements of their broadcasting.


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