広瀬 裕子 荒井 英治郎
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.25, pp.11-28, 2018 (Released:2019-05-31)

This paper aims 1) to summarise what kind of research has been developed under what analytical viewpoints in the last 25 years of the Japan Academic Society for Educational Policy, 2) to try to present the basic framework of education policy analysis to contribute to our future researches. The subjects of consideration are the special issue manuscripts and the submitted manuscripts from the Bulletins No.1 through No.24. Eijiro Arai was engaged in task 1), and Hiroko Hirose in task 2). Generally, the research trend was to respond to the changing natures of policies and society. However, it has also been pointed out that the theoretical framework does not catch up with the changes. It is urgent to build a fundamental framework to grasp education policies comprehensively, replacing the outdating Theory of People’s Right to Education. One of the dominant directions may be the expansion of the vision that Isao Kurosaki raised; that is the assemblage of the Sociology of Educational Administration by Munakata Seiya and the Educational Administration Theory by Eiichi Mochida. Keywords: analysis of education policies, fundamental framework, Seiya Munakata, Eiichi Mochida, Isao Kurosaki


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去年書いたものアップされました。「教育政策研究の展開と方向性」(荒井英治郎と共著)『日本教育政策学会年報25』2018。第3章で、国民の教育権論に代わる教育行政学のグランドセオリーの方向性アイディア。 https://t.co/rKWlDrvogX

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