遠藤 智夫
英学史研究 (ISSN:03869490)
vol.2006, no.38, pp.83-95, 2005 (Released:2010-01-25)

This report is based on a reading, by the writer, which took place at our Society's 41st national meeting on 31st October, 2004. The year 2004 was a special year for both our Society and Japan as it jointly marked the 40th anniversary of the foundation of our Society and the 150th anniversary of the conclusion of the U.S.-Japan Peace Treaty in the Edo era. This memorable meeting was held at the International Conference Hall at Waseda University, which has had close links to English Language studies in Japan. As one of the main themes of the meeting was English Language studies at Waseda University, the writer read a paper on the late Prof. Katsumata during histime at Waseda University and his close study of『英和対訳袖珍辞書』.In 1914, Professor Katsumata, a famous scholar and teacher of English, contributed an article 'On the first Dictionary of the English and Japanese Languages' to『英語青年』=THE RISING GENERATION, the well-knownmagazine for English literature and education. By making a comparison between the treatises of Dr. Fumihiko Otsuki and Prof. Katsumata, the writer explicitly points out that in the article contributed by Prof. Katsumata to 'THE RISING GENERATION', the fact was revealed for the first time thatonly two hundred copies of the first edition of『英和対訳袖珍辞書』were printed in 1862.The writer also indicates the probability of the second printing of the firstedition of『英和対訳袖珍辞書』.


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