瀬戸 寿一 村中 亮夫 谷端 郷 中谷 友樹
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.121, no.6, pp.946-961, 2012-12-25 (Released:2013-01-07)

This study explores how to use geospatial information for residential safety and security activities, such as patrolling a community, from the perspective of PPGIS. The study takes Shino-town, Kameoka City as a case study, where a neighborhood community association held a workshop in 2009 for residents to collect geospatial information for use in disaster prevention and daily security. Because they made a hard-copy “Safety-security Map,” we first converted it into a web-based map with functions that help a user prepare a walking route using Google Maps API. Using the web-based map, some Kameoka residents developed routes for patrolling the community. Then, we walked through the routes with them, conducting interviews on how they felt about risks and attractive features along the routes. Analyzing the results of the field research and interviews, we identified substantial differences in risk perception and interest in the possibility of using web-based safety-security maps by local community residents. Compared to the male representative group of the residents' association, female members of the welfare commission and the PTA representative group were more interested in community safety and disaster prevention information, and the web-based map containing information. They hope to use the web-based map to exchange information among residents. Besides, they showed a keen interest in using the web-based map for walking exercise to raise their awareness of community-safety and disaster-prevention information on a daily basis. It is vital to integrate different interests and needs for safety-security geospatial information of local resident groups to carry out effective residential safety and security activities.


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研究事例リストに追加しました: 瀬戸寿一・村中亮夫・谷端郷・中谷友樹 2012 「Webマップを用いた防災・安全情報の活用可能性 ――亀岡市篠町における住民参加型ワークショップを通した検討」 https://t.co/Q4QwiM74VR

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