増田 富士雄 藤原 治 酒井 哲弥 荒谷 忠
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.110, no.5, pp.650-664, 2001-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
14 17

Relative sea-level changes and variations in shoreline progradation rate over the past 6000 years are elucidated from the elevations of the beach deposits, their 14C ages, and the geographic position of each locality on the Kujukuri strand plain, Pacific coast of the Boso Peninsula, central Japan. These past sea-levels were +4 to +6 m above the modern sea-level (high-stand stage) at 6000 to 5300 calendar years B.P., +3 to + 4.5 m (stable stage) at 5000 to 3500 years B.P., declined from +1.2-+ 3.4 m to + 0.5-+ 2.1 m (falling stage) at 3300 to 2250 years B.P., and were-1.5--1 m to + 1 m (stable stage) from 1650 to 250 years B.P. ; sea level is 0 m at present. The detailed changes revealed by this new method strongly imply the existence of several rapid uplifts (0.4 to 1.2 m per event) at 5100 to 5500 years B.P., 3400 years B.P., 2400 years B.P., 1650 years B.P., and 0-250 years B.P. The uplifts were co-seismic, because the speed of occurrence seems to have been high, and the events are generally associated with so-called “tsunami deposits.” Co-seismic uplift in this region has not been reported previously from historical records or geological evidence.


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> 隆起海岸平野と海岸段丘では何が異なるのですか? 言葉を使い分けているのだとするならば、海岸段丘は海岸付近で観察出来る段丘地形、隆起海岸平野は海岸部で観察される海岸線におおむね沿った細長い平野地形であって&その平野部分は過去に海水中にあり海水準の変動というよりはもっと急激な海岸部の隆起によって離水したことが成因であると推察される場所 ということでしょう。 ただ、言葉をそのようには使い分 ...

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