宇都宮 由佳
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.5, pp.271-286, 2006 (Released:2007-10-12)

In a continuing study on the food eaten by the local people in northern Thailand, this report presents the results of a study into the characteristics and function of traditional confectionery from questionnaire, listening and literature surveys. The data were analyzed by the statistical method with SPSS software and also by some sociological methods. Khanom Thai, or Thai traditional confectionery, was originally made from rice and sugar in the court of the Thai dynasty as an offering to the Royal Family and monks. Influenced by the food culture of foreign countries, the confectionery was refined and disseminated from the central to local areas. Important characteristics of this confectionery in northern Thailand developed from making at home on special occasions of Buddhist and agricultural festivals, marriage ceremonies and housewarming parties. Glutinous rice is the main material, while sugar and coconut milk are not as frequently used as they are in Central Thailand. Compared with Khanom Thai from Central Thailand, the confectionery is simple in shape and taste. The people of northern Thailand can now obtain various types of Khanom Thai through development of the distribution channels. Home-made Khanom Thai strengthens the family bond and gives a deeper feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment, while offering Khanom Thai to the Buddha would greatly accentuate their virtue. Although those are the main features of the function of Khanom Thai, making and eating the confectionery will become a more significant trigger to recognition of the identity of Thai people in future.


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