中浜 信子 茂木 美智子 山本 誠子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.22, no.5, pp.302-307, 1971-08-20 (Released:2010-03-09)

Experiments were performed to investigate the rheological properties of starch gel. The effects of kinds of starch, the temperature of gel preparation and additives on starch gel were examined by determining several rheological properties.The results obtained are as follows : (1) The apparent modulus and jelly strength of the starch gel depend on the temperature of gel preparation and on the kinds of starch.(2) The mechanical model of the starch gel corresponds to six-element model. However the strain of Newtonian viscous part is very small.(3) The apparent modulus and jelly strength increase as the amounts of sugar and also sorbitol added to the starch gel increase. No remarkable differences are noticed in rheological properties of the starch gel even if glycerol is added to it.(4) The apparent modulus increases when inorganic salts were added to starch gel, the order of increasing the modulus being NaSCN<NaCl<Na2SO4. However the jelly strength is not affected by the addition of these inorganic salts.


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