宮本 霧子
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.43, no.1, pp.50-59, 2008 (Released:2010-08-05)

The international program, known as the EMRAS (Environmental Modeling for Radiation Safety) project was carried out in 2003-2007. “The working group for modelling of tritium and carbon-14 transfer to biota and man” took an active part in the EMRAS by presenting the eight scenarios for the purpose of the validation of the environmental tritium model. Three scenarios were concerned about uptake and depuration of tritium by bivalves and various biological species in a steady state lake. Two scenarios dealt with tritium uptake of soybean and pine tree, other two did pig metabolism and various products from a farm land. One scenario was designed to estimate human dose exposed by a hypothetical shot of tritium release in the atmosphere. OBT definition and revision of parameter values in the Handbook, IAEA-TRS No. 364 were also carried out.


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IAEA EMRAS 環境モデル検証プロジェクト−−トリチウム&炭素14作業部会の活動(トリチウム)https://t.co/04oMglnVt2 IAEA|Modelling of tritium and carbon-14 transfer https://t.co/hJQmC3cqIt
IAEAEMRAS環 境 モデル 検証プロジエクト トリチウム&炭素14作業部会の活動(トリチウム)宮本霧子* (2008年) https://t.co/tzdWfzlmRe

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