朝倉 真一 野嶋 政和
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.66, no.5, pp.789-794, 2003 (Released:2003-09-24)
5 6

The purpose of this paper is to figure out the characteristics and subjects in the Flea-Markets for the community revitalization on the precincts in Kyoto City, through the research for the recognition of the constituents (the administrators, the managers, the stall keepers, the visitors) about the three Flea-Markets. As the results of this analysis, it could conclude as follows. (1) In the Flea-Market, the stall keepers and the visitors share the meanings of the Flea-Market as the place for the communications and the recreations, and (2) the stalls of the amateurs play the important roles to make this characteristic. (3) It is needed for keeping these characteristics to accept the many kinds of the stalls, not like as the conventional stalls organization. And (4) it is needed for the management of the Flea-Market and making the varieties of the goods in the Flea-Market to make use of the network of the stall keepers across the communities, to make use of the resources of the community.


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