庄山 茂子 川口 順子 栃原 裕
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.12, no.2, pp.111-117, 2007-05-25 (Released:2017-07-28)

To clarify the differences in the perception of color between two groups with different iris colors, we measured color discrimination ability by the 100 hue test under an illuminance of 500 or 30 lx in Caucassian females with blue-green irises and Mongoloid females with brown irises, and obtained the following results. The total deviation score at 30 lx did not significantly differ between the Caucasian and Mongoloid groups, but that at 500 lx was lower in the Mongoloid group, suggesting that color discrimination was easier at 500 lx in the Mongoloid group. In the Caucasian group, hue discrimination was more difficult in the region from green (G) to purplish blue (PB) compared with the Mongoloid group under an illuminance of 500 lx, and the spectral luminous efficiency decreased in the blue (B) region in the light condition. In both groups, color discrimination in the red (R) region was law at 30 lx, showing significant differences between 30 lx and 500 lx. In the Mongolian group, the discrimination ability in the blue (B) region was significantly lower at 30 lx than at 500 lx. Since color perception differed between the two groups with different iris colors, universal designs giving attention to differences in iris color are necessary.


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@PKAnzug https://t.co/LuStoWmHxb 参考までに。映像業界ではずっと言われてますね。 北野ブルーとか日本人が見てもわからないのが虹彩が薄いと青く見えるらしいですし?
虹彩色の異なる2群間における色の見えの差異 https://t.co/4YiayxVJyv
https://t.co/BNTzphtLfu これとかだいぶ参考になる

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