山田 恭子 鍋田 智広 岡 かおり 中條 和光
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.2, pp.90-97, 2009 (Released:2012-03-06)
4 1

The influence of environmental context on false recognition was investigated by using two lists with different associative structures. Sixteen auditory to-be-remembered lists were presented to the participants. Eight were associated lists, consisting of items that were associated with lure items which were not presented in the study session. The remaining eight were category lists, consisting of category examples. A lure item of each category list was one of the category examples. In the study session, participants were asked to judge how imaginable the items were. The next day, participants engaged in a word recognition test that included the studied items and the lure items. The test was administered visually on a computer display either in the same room as the study session or in a different room. In the associated list condition, reinstatement of the environmental context increased both correct and false recognition. In the category list condition, only false recognition was increased by reinstatement of the environmental context. These results indicate that the reinstatement of the environmental context facilitates false recognition.


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