苧阪 直行
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.77, no.6, pp.553-566, 2007-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
5 4

Biological studies of human consciousness based on recent neuroimaging experiments, i.e., functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), were reviewed from the viewpoint of different functions of consciousness. A biological hierarchy of consciousness structured in three levels, i.e., arousal, awareness and self-consciousness, was reviewed in connection with working memory. We found that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), anterior cingulate cortex, medial PFC, and parieto-temporal junction area play a crucial role in social cognition involving estimation of the mental states of other people. The ventrolateral PFC plays a role in language-based rehearsal/imitation in connection with a mirror system. Frontal pole and orbitofrontal areas are also likely to contribute to generation of self function, reward expectancy and internal planning of goal-directed behavior. Interestingly, we found that these various PFC and related areas strongly contribute to active consciousness based on the working memory system. Furthermore, we have shown that a theory-of-mind approach could be closely related to higher cognitive functions involved in working memory, which has a meta-recognition processes during mentalization.


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>前頭葉には個性(個人差)が色濃く反映されており,思考,学習や記憶のメカニズムの個人差が大きく反映される。 没個性化とは畜群化であり、背景には理性・知性を司る前頭葉の劣化と情動中枢である扁桃体の過活動、すなわち動物化がある。 意識と前頭葉https://t.co/K0QEOo8CxH
苧阪「意識と前頭葉」https://t.co/zy1bUgSAkR 「前 頭 前 野 のDLPFC,VLPFC,MPFC,APFCさ ら にOFC な どほ とん どの領 域 が ワー キ ングメ モ リ と密 接 にか か わることを示唆 している。
意識と前頭葉 - J-Stage https://t.co/FL8IJCKFnv ごめん…ごめんね…変態だからアセクシャル(性的指向)とADHDの関連を調べちゃうんだ… ちなみに誰にでも性的に好きになる変態とADHDの関連はめっちゃある 脳の記憶形成の違いかな 意識として引き出した記憶を保持する部位と条件付けをする扁桃体

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