阿部 達夫
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会誌 (ISSN:00214663)
vol.33, no.374, pp.173-181, 1985-03-05 (Released:2009-05-25)

The experimental study was conducted to determine the effects of the pressure distortion on the operation of a turbofan engine. The turbofan engine was tested with three kinds of inlet distortions, i.e., tip radial, circumferential and combined pressure distortions. The each distortion was generated with screens placed in the inlet ducting upstream of the fan face. Their intensity was varied by the screens with different porosity. This paper presents an investigating result of the evaluation method of the stability for the distortions and the experimental results of the effect on the two characteristics, pressure ratio and efficiency, of two stage axial flow fan and five stage axial flow compressor. The new method is to indicate two distortion indices on the orthogonal coordinate, the circumferential distortion index is related to the radial distortion index. This method led to the estimation that the examination of three kinds of the distortion seems to be enough to cover the total patterns of the distortion encountering inflight. The pressure ratio and the efficiency of a fan with distorted inflow decreased as compared with those of the clean inlet flow, however the operation line and the efficiency of a compressor hardly suffered from influence of the distortion.


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