畝田 道雄 村上 昇啓 高島 伸治 神宮 英夫 石川 憲一
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.83, no.4, pp.361-366, 2017-04-05 (Released:2017-04-05)

Japanese sword is one of the most important representative traditional crafts in Japan. The familiar characteristics of Japanese sword is the mechanical functionality and beauty of handcrafts industrial art. Newly produced Japanese swords by the modern sword smith work are rated by the prominent (expert) sword smiths and so on. However, novice sometimes cannot understand the difference of the evaluation results. This paper tries the scientific evaluation of the beauty of the Japanese sword from the viewpoints of both the sword smiths and novice. Here, a sensual information is one of the beauty items of the Japanese sword. The sensual information is felt by the sensibility combined by the several components. In this paper, the order of priority and relevance of these several components are clarified by using the DEMATEL method. Moreover, by using the Thurstone method, the viewpoint of the novice is determined.


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関連の論文である「感性評価による日本刀の美しさに関する研究」にも携わっているかた。この論文の締めの話で一般人(刀に興味ない人向け)の鑑賞眼について好みの傾向まで結論だしてるのおもしろいな。こういう話とかのまとめが盛り込まれた内容になるんだろうねー。 https://t.co/5LowynwinS https://t.co/YRpJeJfPIS
@tai_karaage 日本刀における「樋」に関する科学的考察 https://t.co/vRuftxuoaK とか、新作日本刀の評価・設計法の研究 https://t.co/NDcVvXi3US とか、感性評価による日本刀の美しさに関する研究 https://t.co/3RjcM9SrGu とかPDFでいろいろ論文があったぜ!

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