太田 裕信
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.9, pp.78-95, 2012 (Released:2020-03-22)

Many scholars such as Shizuteru Ueda and Ryousuke Ōhashi have insisted that Nishida’s philosophy has a close affinity with the work of Heidegger. However, there have been few comparisons drawn between them. The reason for this is that Nishida’s criticism of Heidegger is rather obscure and difficult to understand. In this paper, therefore, I want to explain his criticism of Heidegger and examine its validity, which will in turn make clear the essence of Nishida’s philosophy. The most important issue is the affinity and difference between their philosophical principles, as it is, a comprehension of being(Seinsverständnis) and self-awaking(Jikaku). In Self-awaking-determination of Nothingness, Nishida criticized Heidegger’s idea of “comprehension” as an incomplete idea of “self-awareness”. This issue relates to the concept of time and otherness. Nishida’s idea of time which he terms “self-determination of the Eternal Now” bears resemblance to Heidegger’s temporality(Zeitlichkeit), however, Nishida criticized Heidegger from his perspective of time which is grounded in his idea of otherness. Although there are many similarities between Heidegger and Nishida, we should acknowledge the important differences between “Seinsverständnis” and “Jikaku”. If we come to compare them more profoundly, we can see a picture of a concrete ontology of self which transcends the limitations of specific cultural frameworks.


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空間の連続性を重視している点に目がつく。主観客観論に関して、「意識と対象とを共に包む場所がなければならぬ」という言葉は西田をずっと表していると思う。田辺のハイデガーは自己の外部に超越性を残し、西田は非合理的なものも取り込んでいるというのがよく分からない。 https://t.co/sP2FcvSXos
西田、田辺、ハイデガーの関係を整理している論文をよんだ。素人目線ではハイデガーと西田はとても似てるが、前期ハイデガーは確かに西田にしてみれば説明的で、絶対無の自覚が不徹底にみえるんだろう。ただ徹底の度合いは別として、同じ方向に歩んでいったようには思える。 https://t.co/E7ZbTXMuS7

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