白木沢 旭児
農業史研究 (ISSN:13475614)
vol.36, pp.10-20, 2002 (Released:2017-03-24)

The purpose of this article is to explain the reason of the fixation of the food import in postwar Japan. Japanese government examined to import rice from Korea under the food shortage after the war. But it was not realized. Instead, wheat, barley and foreign rice were imported from America, Canada, Australia, South East Asia and many other countries. It was difficult to import the rice from the same country every year. The world price of rice was higher than domestic price, so that government bore the cost for selling cheap price. Japan had to trade under the shortage of foreign money, especially dollar. The pattern of the food consumption in postwar Japan was in succession to trend of the increase of animal protein and side dish in prewar Japan. But wheat and barley made up rice shortage and animal protein and fat made up the staple food in postwar. Japanese government dicided the change from foreign rice import to wheat import, because it meant to save on foreign money, to go into the black of the food control account, to improve Japanese people's nutrition. When many wheats turned out to be surplus, America attempted to deal with them by Article 550 of Mutual Saving Act and PL480. The negotiation for the surplus agricultural products between Japan and America determined to increase wheat import instead of foreign rice import. But Japanese government and people thought that food, even the stock-breeding products and feeds, had to support themselves at that time. Japan substituted wheat, barley and foreign rice for Korean rice after the war. After that, Japan substituted wheat for foreign rice in the 1950's. That is why Japanese extent of dependence of food supply didn't change from preawar era to postwar era.


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戦後食糧輸入の 定着と食生活改善
戦後食糧輸入 GHQ 米

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@Vf3fA9 @Undyne_U @miyakoaoiumi @zvsoaanticult12 @fujimaki_takesi 終戦後の1945年、日本は食糧の輸入に際して、円ではなく、生糸や羽二重などの現物で支払っていました(不足分は為替精算勘定と貸し越し)。このことからも、物資不足のインフレではなく、通貨の信認を失ったハイパーインフレだったことがわかりますね https://t.co/U7mtaE6ojL https://t.co/sy2VnoLWpf
GHQは,日本の食糧輸入に対しては,あくまでも日本政府の責任とするか,救済するかのジレンマを抱えていたが。 彼らは日本への食糧供給を合衆国の「算盤上,商売上ノ問題」ととらえているとみられていた(終戦連絡事務局) https://t.co/Exd0KQ3VD0 https://t.co/oHlvPiXrS4
戦後食糧輸入の 定着と食生活改善 / “https://t.co/N1wXb95HVe” https://t.co/SFRs1IS1E7
@ijigensennin そういう話ではなくて… 食糧事情が関係していたということ。 https://t.co/qJCnkkNczg

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