村田 茂 森 晃 和多田 雅哉 平田 孝道 筒井 千尋 近藤 朱音 高橋 玄宇
The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
日本AEM学会誌 (ISSN:09194452)
vol.21, no.2, pp.260-265, 2013 (Released:2014-02-25)

Traditional ways of using plasma for medical application are blood coagulation and sterilization and etc. Recently, plasma has been used for medical treatment at Drexel University in USA. In their study, sever burn has been treated by using plasma irradiation. If plasma medicine is established, it is possible to start new regenerative medicine. They study therapies by using plasma irradiation, but the examination of safety for living body is not enough. Therefore, in this study, I investigate the effect of plasma irradiation treatment for the living body. The first step of my study, I report the changing of the Cardiovascular System by plasma inhalation.


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