黒田 長久
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.6, no.4, pp.321-355, 1971-12-30 (Released:2008-11-10)

The myological illustrations here presented are based on more than ten examples of Columba livia (Carrier Pigeons killed by cats), studied during 1945-46. The illustrations have been so devised as the origin and insertion of each muscle could be shown not hidden by other muscles, by restricting the number of muscles in one illustration. The originals were prepared with different colors by muscle belly, tendon and bone, but here they are reproduced by ordinal drawings.Appendicular (wing and leg) and caudal muscles only are illustrated (partly cited in author's previous works) and listed, according to Berger's (George & Berger, 1966) nomenclature, and the names used by the author in his previous works are added to the list when different from Berger's. Minute muscles, one in the wing (on radiale) and three of caudal region, are additions to Berger's list, though their further confirmation is necessary. Illustrations of muscles of Columba livia other than figured here are to be found in the literature given in this paper.


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「筆者は戦時中伝書鳩を扱っていたが,終戦当時 ネコに より一夜 に10羽 以上が犠牲になった。」

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@ikaruga191713 https://t.co/aKyyUyTNIh あるっぽいですねぇ
@4t1k2t3 えっと…こんなのでしょうか 他にも沢山ありますが良ければどうぞ 「鳥類 筋肉」でいろいろ出ました
鳥の尾羽ってどうやって開くんかなと思ってggってたらいい資料が出てきた。Fig.12の尾坐筋/尾坐下制あたりので引っ張るんだろうな。最外尾羽開けばあと付いてくるのはハンドリング時と同じか。 https://t.co/xcH0Yh3hTt
「鶏にけつはあるか?」について、 とりあえず、「鳩の筋肉分解図」という物が転がっていた。同じ鳥類だからそこまで違わないだろうという憶測で見ている。 大臀筋に該当する筋肉は見当たらないが、けつのインナーマッスルである梨状筋は存在するらしい。 https://t.co/Ws2syxnE5t https://t.co/VhwwPBcHzc

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