平岡 淳 畔元 信明 白石 明子 今井 祐輔 達川 はるか 山子 泰加 二宮 朋之 河崎 秀樹 広岡 昌史 日浅 陽一 道堯 浩二郎
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.54, no.8, pp.563-566, 2013 (Released:2013-09-02)

Aim/background: Prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma with extrahepatic metastasis (IVb) was reported less than 6 months. Sorafenib (NEX) is an only established therapy for IVb. We evaluated the clinical factors of IVb treated with NEX for prolonging prognosis. Method/Patients: Clinical backgrounds of 23 IVb were investigated (Average age; 66.4 years old), retrospectively. Results: All were Child-Pugh A. In 8 cases, NEX was continued after progressive disease (PD). One year survival rate of them were 58% and average period of treating with NEX beyond PD was 327 days. There was a tendency that NEX was abandoned in IVb with portal vein tumor thrombosis (PVTT) at early timing. Conclusion: Continuing NEX after becoming beyond PD can be a therapeutic option to improve the prognosis in IVb without PVTT.


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肝細胞癌(HCC)の肝外転移を有する症 例(IVb)の予後は約 6 カ月とされ極めて不良であり, その有効な治療はソラフェニブ(NEX)のみとされるhttps://t.co/4fNWfhews8

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