Etsuro MORI Masatsune ISHIKAWA Takeo KATO Hiroaki KAZUI Hiroji MIYAKE Masakazu MIYAJIMA Madoka NAKAJIMA Masaaki HASHIMOTO Nagato KURIYAMA Takahiko TOKUDA Kazunari ISHII Mitsunobu KAIJIMA Yoshihumi HIRATA Makoto SAITO Hajime ARAI
The Japan Neurosurgical Society
Neurologia medico-chirurgica (ISSN:04708105)
vol.52, no.11, pp.775-809, 2012 (Released:2012-11-25)
149 478

Among the various disorders manifesting dementia, gait disturbance, and urinary incontinence in the elderly population, idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) is becoming of great importance. After the publication of the first edition of the Guidelines for Management of Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus in 2004 (the English version was published in 2008), clinical awareness of iNPH has risen dramatically, and the number of shunt surgeries has increased rapidly across Japan. Clinical and basic research on iNPH has increased significantly, and more high-level evidence has since been generated. The second edition of the Japanese Guidelines was thus published in July 2011, to provide a series of timely evidence-based recommendations related to iNPH. The revision of the Guidelines has been undertaken by a multidisciplinary expert working group of the Japanese Society of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus in conjunction with the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare research project on “Studies on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of normal pressure hydrocephalus.” This English version of the second edition of the Guidelines was made to share these ideas with the international community and to promote international research on iNPH.


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Directrices para el manejo de la hidrocefalia de presión normal idiopática: Segunda edición https://t.co/BP6bpd9tr9
J-STAGE Articles - Guidelines for Management of Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: Second Edition https://t.co/63FJn6kZYm
3年後の2015年にガイドライン*に従いiNPH発症を判定しました。 possible iNPH:Evans index>0.3、CSF所見正常、60歳以上で3徴のいずれか1つ以上該当 probable iNPH:タップテスト陽性もしくはMRI上のDESHと歩行障害の両方の存在 difinite iNPH:シャント術による症状改善 https://t.co/a97xChZpAq
特発性正常圧水頭症(iNPH)の歩行障害や認知障害はシャント術で治療可能で、早期のCSFシャントがより良好な結果をもたらすことが報告されています。 https://t.co/a97xChZpAq
@kfy98 @alexelindsay @SurfingEm Japanese guidelines are most recent and pretty good. Some elements superseded particularly LP “tap tests” should not be used to exclude patients (more than 50% of those rejected would respond to a shunt). https://t.co/iJix5ekYvx

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