稲田 祐奈 山口 真美 金沢 創
基礎心理学研究 (ISSN:02877651)
vol.34, no.2, pp.239-245, 2016-03-31 (Released:2016-05-13)

In this study, we investigated the influence of visual information on the food preference of toddlers. Forty 2- to 3-year-old toddlers participated in two tasks: a naming task and a preference task. We prepared photographs of vegetables and fruits and then made line drawings of the photographs. We selected high and low familiarity foods based on wholesale quantity orders for the last six years. At first, we presented the high and low familiarity food images side by side. Participants were asked to choose a favorite one and say the name of the food. Results showed that the effect of the naming task on preference was different between vegetables and fruits. The visual information of color and texture might be important factors for a food's visual preference.


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稲田祐奈・山口真美・金沢創(2015). 幼児の食物選好に与える視覚情報の検討 基礎心理学研究 34, 239-245. https://t.co/nvlqXIbfO9
1 1 https://t.co/jOeYi09cEY
稲田祐奈・山口真美・金沢創(2015). 幼児の食物選好に与える視覚情報の検討 基礎心理学研究 34, 239-245. https://t.co/nvlqXIbfO9

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