高橋 啓一
琵琶湖博物館研究調査報告 (ISSN:2436665X)
vol.35, pp.1-253, 2022 (Released:2022-12-22)

I. History of studies 1. Dawn of research 2. Development (2.1 Progress of phylogenetic studies,2.2 Development of stratigraphic studies, 2.3 Studies of morphological reconstructions) 3. Period of new studies (3.1 Phylogenetic problems, 3.2 Mutations, 3.3 Chronology and distribution) II. Localities 1. On the previous and updated locality list 2. Updated locality list (2.1 Hokkaido and Tohoku regions, 2.2 Kanto region, 2.3 Chubu region, 2.4 Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyusyu regions) III. Stratigraphic distribution 1. Study history 2. Age of first appearance 3. Formation of the Kanto Plain and sediments including P. naumanni (3.1 Transition of the plain and sedimentary environment, 3.2 Sedimentary facies and mode of occurrence of P. naumanni on the Boso Peninsula, 3.3 Occurrence in Tokyo) 4. Age of extinction and causes (4.1 Age of extinction, 4.2 Causes of extinction) IV. Morphology 1. Morphology of each part (1.1 Cranium, 1.1.1 Terminology, 1.1.2 Characteristics, 1.1.3 Sex dimorphism 1.2 Mandible, 1.3 Tusks, 1.4 Molars, 1.4.1 Characteristics of the genus, 1.4.2 species characteristics of the species, 1.4.3 Characteristics of upper and lower molars,1.4.4 Differences of tooth type, 1.4.5 Variation of molars n regional populations,1.4.6 Morphological changes due to occlusal wear and age assessment, 1.4.7 Sex dimorphism in molars,1.4.8 Pathological morphology, 1.4.9 Histological and biochemical studies, 1.5Hyoid bones, 1.5.1 Morphology of the stylohyoid, 1.5.2 Features and variation of the stylohyoid, 1.6 Axial skeleton, 1.6.1 Spinal column and vertebrae, 1.6.2 Ribs, 1.7 Limbs, 1.7.1Scapula, 1.7.2 Humerus, 1.7.3 Ulna, 1.7.4 Radius, 1.7.5 Forefoot bones (carpus metacarpus, phalanges), 1.7.6 Innominate bone, 1.7.7 Femur,1.7.8 Patella, 1.7.9 Tibia, 1.7.10 Fibula, 1.7.11 Hind foot bones (tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges) 2. Reconstructions (2.1 Skeletal reconstructions, 2.2 Biological reconstructions) 3. Fossil Footprints V. Phylogeny and classification 1. Taxonomic position of the genus Palaeoloxodon 2. Dispersal of the genus Palaeoloxodon 3. Taxonomic position of P. naumanni VI. Habitat and fauna 1. Habitat 2. Vertical distribution 3. Fauna (3.1 Pleistocene terrestrial mammalian stratigraphy, 3.2 Mammals coexisting with P. naumanni, 3.3 Two faunas of the Late Pleistocene)


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先日 #チバニアン期の古生物展 に行ってきたのですが、ナウマンゾウ Palaeoloxodon naumanniのホロタイプ標本【下顎の臼歯】等の実物(!)を観察する事が出来ました♪ ナウマンゾウの原記載論文 Makiyama (1924)https://t.co/bjGx5SDkdT ナウマンゾウ研究百年 高橋 (2022) https://t.co/SJDinlrk19 https://t.co/IRuz0yxQz6
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